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Mother's Day

jojo68's picture

Hope everyone had a super terrific Mother's Day! Mine was very uneventful. My Bf's 10 year old daughter went to her BM for a couple hours so that was a nice break from her. She is getting worse about constant nagging and whining so a 15 minute break from her is nice. I'll take what I can get. In the last couple of weeks, I have completely detached from her. I am nice to her but I am very unemotional. I don't even try anymore because it is draining me and upsetting me. She will always hold the place in this home as "woman of the house" and I will be the person there that cooks, cleans, works, the one who tries to make "her" home a nice place to be. I am not saying that my BF treats me that way because he doesn't but he doesn't see that she does. She treats me like the hired hand because she holds the place of the other adult in the home. I realize she was there before me and I am an intruder in her home but this is a different deal. I have tried to be a "stepmother" to her but she doesn't want any of it even though she spends very little time with her mother. She is so ver self-absorbed that nothing else matters. I can see it getting worse. My BF actually is starting to get annoyed with her...which I tought I would never see. She thinks that no matter what it is always about her. My birthday is Tuesday and I dread it because I know if we go out to eat or plan an activity, I won't even get to sit by my BF (like normal couples with children older than 3 do) and it will be something that she wants to do not me. I told my BF I want my birthday to come and go and my present is is to not do anything. I'm kinda bummed ladies sorry to be a downer....glad to be back and have you all to talk to.