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Wish he understood

MayCorine85's picture

Does anyone else feel like DH considers BM and SD or SS feelings and needs more than yours? I tried to explain this to DH, but I don't believe he understood. In my previous post I talked about how SD was with us for almost a week and a half and came right back for trying to fight BM. So today he told me he "asked" BM could she come home Monday... now he never asked me was Monday ok. I just don't understand! Then I asked what he plans to do if she does the same thing again? Will you just go get her.... his response was I don't know... I'm so frustrated with the situation. I hate to constantly be talking about it, but I just don't like it. Nobody wants to address SD behavior. She had one day of no tv and now she is watching again. There is no consequences and no conversation about the behavior. It's so hard to be 100% happy when I'm in a situation I don't care for. Not sure what the answer is... glad I can vent here. It really does help