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I cant win

Chmmy's picture

I can't win.  If you remember I posted bagel +hot dog= bagel dog and if you like bagels and hot dogs, often you will also like bagel dogs, unless a step parent brings them home, then they are poison.

I had to pick up SS11 today from an after school activity...I should say I offered to because DH had a dr appt and it would be too much driving around for him to get SS and get back to the doctor.  The SDs were "busy" so I offered to do it even though I had to rush through my errands to get there.  Although when I got here both SDs are here doing nothing. just sayin

I didn't have time to get groceries so I went to Jewel and got chicken fingers and potato wedges, 2 of the few things SS13 will eat. He eats maybe less than 10 things.  He wasn't hungry?  Does this poor child think I will poison him?  He's always hungry so we have to have an unlimited supply of the processed food he will eat.  DH is usually in charge of dinner because Im usually at work til almost 7pm, some of the kids will not eat my step poisoned foods.  Even when I try to cook ahead of time to help out DH, it's poison

PS SS11 was very polite and thanked me for picking him up and thanked me twice for the food, when he took some and after.  He's the nicest kid we have here, he's sensitive and sweet but still an obnoxious big mouth and people don't like him.  Kids do but many adults don't like him very much.  SS11 also ate my bagel dogs.


Chmmy's picture

I was just trying to help my DH who doesn't deserve it.  He brings this misery on himself and everyone around him who has to deal with his spawn.  He is home from the dr, he is in pain and he is going down to cook for his grown ass daughters 20 & 17 and probably SS.  I'll be in my room for the night.

tog redux's picture

Yep. He can order food to be delivered if they won't eat what you bring. If he had a spine, he'd tell them to eat what you brought or forage for themselves, but since he won't, you can't do anything more.

Chmmy's picture

I didnt get enough food for everyone because I figured his grown ass girls could feed themselves or Uber Eats which is usually what they do when theyre home. DH is eating the food that was meant for ss13. He did say thank you for the chicken but then made himself an egg. I didn't even know he liked eggs. Let me make a Sunday breakfast and see if he eats eggs.

ITB2012's picture

PIZZA. PIZZA. And they wouldn't eat it. PIZZA. Restaurant-made, no SM poison, PIZZA.

DH was mad at me that I didn't get pizza they would eat. I think I may have cried that time I was so frustrated. I had gone out of my way, made very conscious choices of what to get that I thought they would like, and even went to a nicer pizzeria.

Chmmy's picture

I normally dont get emotional or too upset, mostly angry because DH raised such entitled spwecial babies but today i did want to cry.

tog redux's picture

Some of this stuff makes me want to go hug my SS - he'd devour any food I gave him, bought or made. He never had any issues with this kind of nonsense.  Of course, his father would have given him hell if he did.  But what's the point of all of this resistance?

ITB2012's picture

while we were dating. The three of us went to a fancier restaurant and we ordered oysters on the half shell. DS had never had one. I asked if he wanted one, he said sure, and ate it just fine. Said it wasn't his favorite but that it was okay. No dramatics, no gagging, no turning red, nothing. DS also ordered a full adult meal. I could tell DH was very skeptical and thinking I was coddling DS, letting him order expensive adult-sized dishes. DS ate the entire thing.

Also my family and extended family are good and adventurous eaters so this was normal for me and DS. It was light years away from how the skids ate.

Jcksjj's picture

Yep similar story here. I ordered pizza once when the kids were home from school on a break. SD sat and pouted and picked at her one piece. 

DH gave them some of the leftovers for supper and all of a sudden she LOVED it. "Oh daddy this pizza is soooo good, can I have more?" 

Ispofacto's picture

Sharing food is the most ancient of animal bonding rituals.  Skids don't want to bond with us.

Think about what a big deal food is to our society.  All gatherings and celebrations are about food, who is going to make it, who is going to bring it, what it's going to be, how it's going to look and taste, how much we're going to enjoy it, whose recipe it is, how long we've loved it, how much we enjoyed it last time.  Bonding ritual.

See also: having fun together.


Chmmy's picture

Lol. We rarely have fun moments together. Im away from the house enough they can have fun when I'm not around.