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Today's petty annoyances

Jcksjj's picture

Family xmas #1 today. My side of the family. 

- watching SD run around begging everyone for attention. Interrupting anyone she sees talking with her "I did this! Look at me! Me! Me! Me!"

- as soon as we walk in the door, over the top reactions from both of my grandparents. Theres six of us, 4 kids - 2 of which are little little kids, but both grandparents look at us and right away overcompensate and single out SD with "oh SD is here!!! Were so glad you could be here SD!!!"

- same reaction when my POS racist, xenophobic cousin who stole from my grandparents, refuses to get a job to provide for his kid, and is generally a crap person showed up. Never mind that he only bothers when its Christmas, nevermind the awful things hes said that are insulting to my 2 year old nephew and his mom (that would be the racist, xenophobic comments) - he finally bothered to show up so he needs tons of attention for it. 

- SD interrupting to bring the attention back to her constantly while the other kids open their presents one at a time, then stretching out opening hers as long as possible to keep the attention on herself, and then going through ODS's presents comparing to hers and quizzing my grandparents on if he got the same amount and same things as her. Disappointment when it turned out that she did - so she tells my grandma that "well ODS already had a watch." Nvm that she did also.

- SD laughing and smiling and yelling to everyone gleefully that MDS (20 months) ran into the counter and got hurt. Needs to keep the attention on her when hes crying, of course. Idk how I'm the only one who notices or thinks it's odd that shes laughing and smiling about it, but whatever. 

- needing to take every variation and grouping of family picture possible very very very slowly, while my toddler is trying to go run and play and the baby is crying because hes tired and overstimulated with all the commotion.

- my aunt referring to me as SDs mom.

- this one is more amusing than annoying - but SD rushing over to flirt with and make her "I'm so cute" faces and bat her eyelashes at my cousins skid once she found out he isnt related to me. Shes only in 3rd grade, but shes been getting in trouble in school for being "inappropriate" with boys since kindergarten and her goal in life is to become an adult so she can have a boyfriend (after her teacher told her that stuff is for adults).

I'm in a mood today. Partially because the original plan for today was to go out to dinner with DH for my birthday (we havent had a date night in probably a year now) and it ended up being family xmas when SD was here instead. And then partially because I have to go to the inlaws tomorrow, which I'm dreading.



Mandy45's picture

Xmas is so much fun. I'm still anticipating what the annual xmas fight will be about this year. It become such a lovely yearly step life tradition. 

Jcksjj's picture

Christmas was definitely better before steplife. It wasnt perfect, but the extra crap added on because of step situations tipped the scale.

Bex_S's picture

That's exactly how our family gatherings end up; SD doing anything and everything to gain and maintain everyone's attention, no matter what it takes. The older my son gets, the more SD ups her game. I'm dreading Christmas. Feeling your pain x

Jcksjj's picture

Ugh why do they need to do that? There was another stepkid there this year and he didnt run around begging for attention. He was about the same age as SD even too.

She seriously just looks around the room for anyone talking and then runs up and interrupts their conversation with stupid things like "look theres bubbles in my pop!" And lots of stories about herself.

tog redux's picture

Why is your family so happy SD is there? Mine was fine with SS being there, but certainly didn't care if he wasn't.

Jcksjj's picture

I'm not positive, but I don't think they're actually that excited to see her. They just in general kind of do this over the top trying too hard to be nice thing and I think even moreso with her since shes a step to seem inclusive. They dont ever ask about her or even bring her up when shes not there. But it's really annoying because then we go to the inlaws and they do the same thing for the opposite reason. And she definitely notices and it just adds to the attitude she already has.

Cover1W's picture

One reason I'm glad my family is far are holidays. I visit them at easier and less contentious times of the year....egads!
But you made it through!

atmywitsend27's picture

This is literally my SD10 (exceept the flirting). My son could be crying and she will talk over his crying and demand attention. Drives me mad! 

Jcksjj's picture

Yep. Its absolutely, completely effing relentless. Like you just cannot get her to stop. Attention and accumulating possessions are the only things she truly cares about.