Is this a fair deal breaker?
I asked BF last night if me not having a good, close relationship with SD is a deal breaker and he said it is a deal breaker...thoughts?
I think it is wrong, but understand his perspective. He asked me why I'd want to be with someone whose child you didn't have a good relationship with, and that "children are eternal." I said that well, kids do move out and then you're main relationship is with your spouse. He said yes, but he didn't want awkward holidays, etc.
My dad is remarried; my stepmom and I aren't close, but we respect each other and love each other. We don't have chemistry and wouldn't be friends if we met out in the world. I'm always nice to her, and she is as well. He said it's different because I am an adult and SD is still young, he has years of parenting ahead of him.
I don't have chemistry with SD and don't think I ever will...
So now my BF puts it back on me, that I need to reach out to SD -- that is up to me to have a good relationship with her...that it is possible because SD used to be close to me (before I lived with her), the thing is my feelings toward SD are directly related to how my BF has been. One last thing, even if I tried with SD I am only 1/2 the situation. I asked what happens if I try and it still isn't a good relationship between me and that a deal breaker? He didn't answer right away and I said don't answer, I know the answer. He started back pedaling but I feel his answer to the second question is "no."
- AlexandraL's blog
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I agree with steperg . Time
I agree with steperg . Time to find a new BF. Your relationship is between you and him. To many conditions break a relationship. Good luck !
Well, BF sees the error of
Well, BF sees the error of his ways but how long will it take for SD to act differently? He knows where he can't to get with her, knows how it bothers me.
I guess it is one of those "time will tell" situations, but I am not sure I can stick around to wait and see...
Steperg and SVS, maybe so. I
Steperg and SVS, maybe so. I know he is trying now to work with her, but I haven't seen SD in almost five months, so how do I know anything is different? All I know is how things were the last time I saw her and how she's been, how he's reacted to's not HER fault she is the way she is, it's HIS fault and BM's fault.
I think he is trying, but I don't feel like reaching out right now...I am stuck back in the past.
We've been trying to have a
We've been trying to have a relationship focused on just us...he knows how stressed out SD and his dynamic with her and BM stress me out so we've been trying to keep our relationship separate from our kids...of course, he sees my kids, but that's because I have them 90% of the time.
We've been trying to get a break so we can see if we can fix our relationship but I don't think there's any chance of making it work unless I can be around SD.
Thanks Katrinkie. Why do
Thanks Katrinkie.
Why do you think that the reasons you don't like SD have nothing to do with her and everything to do with you?
My BF wants me to like SD, be close with her. He didn't mention love. I can see his point. Who wants to live in a household where we're all on eggshells...I already did that with him. I just think it is unfair of him to turn things around on me. The reason I feel the way I feel about SD is because of how she's been parented. I'm not sure how I am going to get past my resentment so I even have the desire to try with her.
Katrinkie, I've read your
Katrinkie, I've read your blogs in the past...but I will re-read them...thank you.
My DH told me that if his
My DH told me that if his daughter did not like me (he has 2 sons but never mentioned that they had to like me)....he would not be able to marry me. I thought that was THE BIGGEST crock of shit because his daughter does not even live with him and never visits why do I care if she likes me or not??? I told him then and there...I was NOT in a competition for his daughter's affection!!! (Of course SD USED to like me....when we first met. Now she and I keep each other at a distance....I don't like her......she doesn't like me! She's 17 and lives 2 hours away so it's really no big deal to me what she thinks of me.) But when I told DH...that was crap...he changed his tune REAL quick and in a hurry. If he wanted to let a then 14 year old make that decision for him....I would make it easy for him and leave so that she could run his life. Ridiculous.....
****I can do bad all by myself****
Right, my SD liked me at
Right, my SD liked me at first, but things changed when we lived together...I don't know if she dislikes me, but I don't like her after seeing how she is.
I see my BF's point...he doesn't want conflict; neither do I...
I see your bf's point too
I see your bf's point too (and I live with the conflict you're both hoping to avoid), BUT he is asking you to avoid the conflict without taking on any responsibility for him or his kid. He is saying, ACCEPT us as we are, but we're not going to afford you that same respect - YOU MUST CHANGE.
"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore
SVS, I don't think he is
SVS, I don't think he is saying he's not going to make changes, he says he is putting all my suggestions into play but I never see them, so I have no idea of whether it is helping things. Also, SD has been parented one way for eight don't undo that in six months. All I know is what I've seen and what I've been through. Maybe I do need to try, but I still feel so resentful which makes it difficult to reach out to SD. I am not sure this situation is even right for me, which also makes it difficult for me to move ahead.
Your situation is a lot like mine when I was living with them. I have never been anything but nice; maybe I haven't been warm, but when a kid is a brat and your home is full of dysfunction and drama from someone else (BF/SD/BM) it is hard to feel warm and fuzzy.
So spend some time with them
So spend some time with them and see how they interact. I suspect it will pretty obvious if he has made any progress. I fear that the situation probably got worse because you've stepped away and she got daddy back all to herself. Sometimes, I remove myself and hide in my room to stay away from Creature. I find that it makes her more emboldened and snotty.
"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore
Yes, I fear the same. The
Yes, I fear the same. The reason she's probably better is because I am out of the picture. Funny, BM stopped most of her antics as well, as soon as we separated households...go figure.
That's tough...I don't have
That's tough...I don't have to live with her...THANKFULLY!!! But I would not have married him more than likely had his children lived with him full time. I will probably get my butt chewed for that comment...but I am just speaking the truth.
****I can do bad all by myself****
NachoMama...he has a 50/50,
NachoMama...he has a 50/50, EOD arrangement that shows no sign of being modified anytime soon...
UGH..... ****I can do bad
****I can do bad all by myself****
He says it works for he and
He says it works for he and BM...and that SD is used to it. I personally think it is ridiculous and selfish and told him so. But hey, who the hell am I? Works for them -- that's all that matters...
Well, I haven't "tried" with
Well, I haven't "tried" with SD in many many months, but I've tried to let go of my resentment, unsuccessfully.
BF doesn't know what else to do at his house to change things...he says he's doing everything I asked...I am just not around to see it.
I guess part of it is that I am exhausted, not sure I even want to try because I am not sure I can ever be happy in this relationship. I don't think my BF fully sees how he lives his life and makes decisions based on SD...I don't do this with my kids so it is impossible for me to do it with someone elses' kids.
Maybe I just need to man up and try one last time...
This subject is close to my
This subject is close to my heart.
I get much the same feelings from my DH that I should love SD immediately as my own. I can't make him understand how unrealistic that is, even in a perfect situation where we are both open to it.
He has never made it a deal breaker for us but I know there is a certain amount of resentment between us because of it.
I can understand wanting to avoid conflict and wanting to have a peaceful home life for everyone, especially his child but it sounds like he wants all or none. Can he compromise on a quiet respectfulness, both toward each other and your respective relationships with DH?
I have asked that my DH initiate a sit down with SD and request that the past be put aside and give us all a clean slate to work from. I think she needs help breaking the cycle of hatefulness she has towards me. I think it's misdirected and coloring her perceptions toward any change. He won't do that. Which speaks mountains to me.
I do think you can overcome the resentment with the right amount of patence for the situation. Just how much your DH is willing to compromise and work with you will drive the success.
I wish you the best.
Yes, Steperg, he gets along
Yes, Steperg, he gets along with my kids very well and they love him, but my kids are older and don't have the same history as SD. I have resentment d/t the situation with BM/SD/BF -- which was not ready for me. My ex and I have been divorced five years and he doesn't have a 50/50 situation with me, we're not in constant communication re parenting one prized child, he doesn't text me, isn't like a ghost in my house pulling strings's easy for him to like my side of things. There is no drama/dysfunction related to how my kids were parented or d/t my divorce/relationship with my xH.
Do you think SD could be
Do you think SD could be jealous of your relationship with her Dad which could be putting a wall between the two of you from having a relationship together?
Before you moved in with BF, SD viewed herself as being the main character in her Dad's life, but when you two moved in together, and started spending more time with one another, SD takes this as a threat to her own relationship with her Father. She probably thinks that now you are more important than her in her Dad's eyes. She isn't seperating her relationship with her Father, from your relationship with BF.
IMO, BF should be encouraging SD to have a relationship with YOU, instead of making you do all the work. Putting these conditions on your relationship is giving SD too much authority and power in the home.
"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."
Middlemom, I do think she
Middlemom, I do think she was jealous. How could she not be? She went from being the center of the family, to PART of the family. I could not recreate the scenario where she was the center; I don't think it would be healthy anyway. BF didn't spend a lot of one on one time with her when she was here either; despite me encouraging and voicing that I needed and wanted to spend time with my kids, alone. It was all about making a "family" but that never happened, at least it never felt that way for me.
BF hasn't encouraged SD to have a relationship with me because he's been trying to give me a break from her. It's funny though, I told him I felt we needed to spend time together, the three of us, to even try and move forward, but that was two months ago and we haven't done it. He's been afraid that I'd have a negative experience...that I would feel like nothing changed...he admitted it.
It wouldn't be the same at
It wouldn't be the same at all, one is a dog and one is his daughter.
Alex, you have a problem here. It sounds like you've decided to try again, but just are not 100% sure about it........did I read that right?
I don't think it's fair for him to push you to love his child, you can't love someone if you just don' one can force love. is fair for him to want you guys to have a nice relationship, even if it's not possible of course he wants it. What I don't like is the underlying responses he's giving you.
Do you think if you two can't make friends with each other he'll split up with you?
I know that I would have a really hard time being in a relationship with my DH if he didn't care about my son. My son is nuts, crazy kid!! He's a handful, but my DH does love him and it makes things easier with us.
However, I do not love his oldest daughter, she's 21. I care about her, but I can't say I love her or that I ever will. I know her feelings tward me are exactaly the same.............and we're not divorcing over it. So the "love or get out" option he's stating is a little out there I think.
BM Jen, I am completely
BM Jen, I am completely stuck and turning into a pain in the ass on this site because of it. I am not sure if I want to try because right now I am not sure that this relationship is something that is good for me. So, it is hard for me to think about "trying". I feel a certain level of resentment because I have made major life changes to be with this man, including moving, leaving a good paying job (got another job here, which was eliminated in Jan, so now I am unemployed), moved my kids, left my family...I put up with a bunch of BS from BM/SD and financial stress...he's still at the same job, same home, same town, still has his family...who knows if things have changed. I know he didn't know things were bad when we were together because he only knew one way of parenting...the way he had been before me, and when he finally "got it" he did start making changes, but I was already done, and wanted them out. Now, we're not together and SVS is most likely right...SD and BF are back in their element, BM is relieved her princess is not around me, etc.
I personally don't think it is fair to expect me to have the warm fuzzies for actually puts undo pressure on me. I feel BF should be working to show me things are different. Maybe that is impossible since we're not under the same roof. I might not have always been warm towards SD, but given the circumstances, it was nearly impossible. That being said, I have always been nice and never mean, not once raised my voice or said anything bad to this child.
"I have always been nice and
"I have always been nice and never mean, not once raised my voice or said anything bad to this child."
And under the circumstances, I don't know what else this man can expect from you.
I'm really sorry you are going through all of this. I know it's hard to believe, but it will be okay......and I am willing to bet that soon your life is going to take a different path and you'll be happy.
I think you may be right
I think you may be right BMJen. Part of why I can't move forward is because I'm not sure this is the right thing for me. It's sort of one of those "be careful what you wish for" situations, you know? I am sure I could make it work, but at what price? Maybe I am making a huge mistake, as I really do love my BF.
I am just tired of being in limbo and having this horrible internal conflict. I can't go on much longer like this.
As far as he expects, BF wants me to have a close relationship where neither end feels animosity. He had a strained relationship with his stepdad and it largely destroyed his relationship with his mother; I think this is a huge factor in how he thinks about our clouds his view of the situation.
"yes this is true, often
"yes this is true, often times the dog, even if rabid
will be much nicer than a spoiled, demanding step daughter"
It must really be terrible to filled with this much hate and anger.
To compare ones child to a dog.............
"so stop judging..." You're
"so stop judging..."
You're judging ME because I don't think it's fair to compare a child to a dog. You're so judgmental it's ridiculous, but you know that don't you?
"go back to vampire movies... haha
something you know about.
( rolls eyes)"
I sure do know about them!!! Did you see that blog? It had like 97 responses on it!! I guess alot of people know about vampire movies huh?'re not going to run anyone of with your nastyness, so stop being so judgmental.
You're not the moderator on here, stop telling people what they can and cannot think! Sheesh.
Team Edward!! woohoo:)
Team Edward!! woohoo:) *teeeheeeee...*
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
Booo.... TEAM JACOB!
Booo.... TEAM JACOB! LMAO!!!!
Love you Jen!!!!!!!
lol I love them both...i
lol I love them both...i just had to show my vampy love for a sec
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
NOPE! Team Edward all the
NOPE! Team Edward all the way!
****"She had his past. I have his future." The Lovely Belleboudeuse****
Yuck! I'll take a smoking
Yuck! I'll take a smoking hot hairy werewolf anyday over a sissy glittery vampire! HEEHEE!!!
Um, um......
Um, um...... Hmmmm...
I just had to be different. 
Edward dude. That's all I'm
Edward dude. That's all I'm saying.
Alexandra - I resent my SD
Alexandra - I resent my SD and it started long before I moved in with her and DH. Before we got married we told her of our plans and she broke down and had a hissy fit . . at 24 because she felt we were not including her in our plans because we offered to get her an apartment. So we decided she'd stay here with us instead so she could finish school and then get on her feet and get a place. I even put her in the wedding trying to make her happy.
Since the marriage, it's been been nothing but conflict. The first problem was after we agreed on chores, she changed her mind because she felt adults didn't need chores. After that she'd leave the house and not set the alarm. And the list goes on and on. I also resent her because I'll never be able to replace the all important first years of my marriage and the lack of privacy we're dealing with to this day. DH also coddles her to the point of not reprimanding her wrong doing or holding her accountable for her negative behavior.
At this point, I'm civil and I speak but that's about it. I don't care how her day went, blah blah blah. DH knows she's been a witch and is embarrassed by her behavior. He's also admitted that her actions are the result of his bad parenting so why should he hold me accountable for that?
IMO, your situation is a deal breaker because he's making you accountable for the relationship and putting all the pressure on you when it should be on him because she's his daughter.
Adults don't need chores?
Adults don't need chores? Who the hell does she thinks takes care of the house?? Maybe they aren't "chores" but adults DO have responsibilities. I dread Creature getting older and all the things that come with that.
"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore
He sees her shortcomings
He sees her shortcomings situation is very much like SVS's...he is aware of the problems SD has but yes, the kid is on a pedestal, all the adults praise her constantly, it's like she's the first kid to do x,y,z. That she's so insightful etc., that she has lots of funny things to say, many least that is how it comes across.
You're right, he can't make me like her, and as I told him last night, the things that HE does and DOESN'T do are what cause me to feel the way I feel about her. Parenting doesn't change overnight, right? He says his fear of upsetting SD and that she'll want to live with BM doesn't factor into his decisions anymore. Maybe it is true, idk, I am never around them.
It is pressure. If he'd gotten his ex wife and child under control BEFORE we got together (and for that matter, had he gotten DIVORCED before dating me...I didn't know he was separated when we got together) I wouldn't be bitching right now...I might not have reason to.
Katrinkie, I am starting to
Katrinkie, I am starting to think this may be a deal breaker for me as well. As painful as it is, it's more painful being in limbo. Maybe I'm getting closer to my "final answer."
My DH has a very distant
My DH has a very distant relationship with his older sons and it's starting to look like it might be best if that's how it is with his Daughter - at least from my perspective. I find it incredibly sad that she was the only one that was willing to spend time with Dad, but now I see that it was only for her benefit, not because she needed/wanted him in her life.
She and I used to be close and shared a lot of laughs together, but she has turned vicious for no good reason. We have not punished her, we have not reprimanded her, we have gone out of our way to make things easier for her so she can concentrate on learning to be adult, have responsibility, take responsibility for her own actions and that's where we got stuck. She doesn't want that. She takes no accountability for her behavior.
Your BF is expecting too much from a potentially volatile situation. To ask that you bend and conform to the wishes of a child for the sake of peace only gives her more power and as the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Responsibility and Accountability for ones actions are the key to a productive adulthood and unfortunately, these days, parents are lacking that and the kids don't even know what it means in most cases.
I think that there is a better match for you then someone who could even put such a unknown responsibility fully on your shoulders. SD could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened or she could turn into your worst nightmare and at the detriment of your own children and your relationship with them. You must weigh the risk and the reward to find your decision.