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DH -the D stands for D##k Head!!!

Britmum's picture

So my DH finally strolls in at 7am this morning ... I have been trying to get hold of him on his phone since the early hours which conveniently ran out of battery because he was out drinking with SS. 

I have been really trying to take the high road and ignoring the following texts from the devil ex

- who wants to "catch up about the kids" (they're grown adults and she hasn't been interested for the past 15 years)

- needs help cause her boyfriend is being mean to her

- tonight called because her boyfriend supposedly beat her up

Blah blah blah - they are all full if bull#### drama which my DH entertains.

In the meantime our small children have been on Easter school holidays and he hasn't managed more than 45mins with us all.....prick!!! Well he can spend Easter on his own now because I'm taking the kids and his credit card on holiday for the rest of the weekend 

Britmum's picture

Oh and I forgot to mention that he has been spending a fair bit of time with his ss which is his perogative but he thinks that if he deletes the calls and messages from him then I don't know about I give a shit! I don't care if he spends time with them but he also has to make time for the family that are nice to him and not the ones that are manipulative, vicious and nasty to his wife and young kids.