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Seeking advise with homework problem

Tinalynn45's picture

What age did your kids or step kids could/would work independently doing homework?

SS is a nightmare to get his homework done. Its a fight every night. He procrastinates,argues, crys, swears ect. He NEVER does it in study hall or on his own. We have to remind and micromanage the homework situation or it does not get done. We have to sit down with him and do it with him step by step or he wont do it. Even when we are sitting with him doing it hes playing with the dog, looking out the window basically not paying attention half the time. We have to constantly keep him on track. A homework paper that should take 15 mins takes us an hour to get SS to do it. SS has been diagnosed with ADHD which he is on meds for BUT still I know kids with ADHD and they are able to do homework without such a fight.   The older SS gets the more homework he gets so the worse it gets. SS is very smart BUT unless its something he likes he fights doing it.  It mentally tiring for SO and me! There must be a age kids don't need their hand held through the whole homework process right??



Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

I never helped my skids with homework as they were older teenagers when we met. I sat with my son until he was 10. Afterwards I would oversee what he had done when he was finished or he would ask me to sit with him and see he was doing when he needed help.

He is 13 now. I check which homework and assignment are  due  in advance, I make sure it is done correctly everynight, but I rarely need to sit with him or explain things to him now because he knows what he is doing and is responsible enough to take care of assignments or homework on his own. He knows to ask for help when he needs it and he knows I will check his schedule every night (although I expect BS to be on top of things himself). On  the rare occassion he needs a reminder or help from me.

Aunt Agatha's picture

where you can lock the dog out of/close blinds?  He might truly need an almost sensory free room.  

Also, can you speak with a learning specialist?  They might have specific advice on how to keep him focused/determine if there’s anything else (dyslexia?  Needing glasses? As two random examples) that might help.

These situations can be so tough when you see other kids get it.  It’s so hard not to compare, even though he’s got his own challenges those kids might not.

Hang in there!

ESMOD's picture

I don't know.. my YSD always did well in school and seemed to pretty much stay on track without much reminding.  But.. she was pretty bright and in her school system.. I think a pulse was all you needed to stay above a C.. so for her it was all pretty easy and she would do homework on the bus etc.. at the last minute.  She stayed on the Honor Roll.. so that was not a problem.  Her last year of HS she wanted to graduate early and that involved some online "learn at your own pace" classes.. and I will have to say it was torture for me keeping her on track.  She spent a lot of time goofing off... but in the end, got it done. 

It's natural for kids to do the work they are good at.  No one likes to struggle.. so he probably avoids the subjects he is having problems with.  It would probably be a good idea to work with his teachers to find out if there are any other issues in play.. perhaps he does need more testing to see if he has a learning disability.  Also.. adhd is not a one size fit all thing... and meds are not a magic fix either.. he may just need more help keeping on track than other kids.  his parents should be doing that.  Also.. developing good study habits and hygiene.. make him a distraction free place to study.. no radio.. no screens.. no dog... set a timer for him to spend on his work and then review what he has done.. what he has left to do.  Perhaps a short break..and then back to the no distraction area for another set of time to finish.

stepadvice's picture

I do know some children with ADHD have trouble concentrating and doing homework. My cousin has ADHD all throughout school his mom would have to sit with him for hours to get him to do his homework. It was a drag out fight. He would procrastinate and take forever. I think part of the issue might be his concentration.