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Blended family problem

Islandgirl0x's picture

I'm going to start with a bit of my husband and his ex's history! When I met my husband he was moved out of the family home with his 3 children as his ex was using opioids and prostituting. The ministry became involved we had the children up until she blamed him for all her problems and they were taken away from us as well and placed with his parents! And let me add that they started their family at 15 years old, had a terrible relationship and did not raise those children properly. 

They spent a year with his parents and in that year we moved away (which was not the best choice for his relationship with his children) we moved back the children were placed back with their mom as she had cleaned up her drug problem, once they were placed with her she completly manipulated them told the kids she was sick and their dad left her because she was sick which it's been 3 years since then. Turned them in to rude, disrespectful children. We have them every second weekend and I can honestly say I dread them coming over.

I have a daughter from a previous relationship who is now 8 and my husband has been in her life since she was 4 and calls him dad, we also now have an 8 month old daughter together. They are 11, 9 and 7 I feel bad for his children they come over and he basically neglects them and leaves me to deal with them I'm basically a cook and a maid and they dont listen, they swear and call us names and say they want to go home the 9 yr old screams at bed time wake up screaming and wake up everyone, the 11 year old is a zombie on video games and wont do anything the 7 year old whines and cant do anything herself and none if them appreciate anything!!

He does what he has to for them as in putting them to bed and getting them things, he barely spends real time with them which is also hard because you try taking them anywhere and they are rude and whiney. 

There is no possible chance of co parenting with that woman she says and makes up so much nasty things about us and tells those kids things that children should not even know! They need some serious counseling I feel like something is not right at home, and I tell him to do something and he just does nothing about them, he knows nothing of their health or how they are doing in school, he basically pays his child support and has them over because he feels he has to.

It's not fair to me or my children to have to go through this every time their over because he chooses to not be a part of their lives. I've given many options and he says hes going to do things and does not I don't see any connection between him and those kids. I am honestly ready to leave him because I dont know what else to do I cant handle it anymore. I feel guilty because I just do not like them at all, and I dont even want to do anything for them the way they treat me and act.


WarMachine13's picture

He's a lousy father. CRAPPY. Whar the heck made you wanna have a kid with him?? You realize he's gonna be a bad dad to this one too? smh

classyNJ's picture

How does he parent your daughter and your baby? 

His kids can tell he really doesnt want them over and he doesnt want to spend time with them.

Siemprematahari's picture

It's not fair to me or my children to have to go through this every time their over because he chooses to not be a part of their lives.

^^^^^^^^^^why doesn't he choose to not be a part of their lives and spend quality time with them? It's part his poor parenting that these kids are out of control.