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Despite Crater Grades

thinkthrice's picture

YSS stb 16 is on the football team.  Seriously?  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Same thing with SD20 and to a lesser extent OSS.   All three skids were allowed to get involved with oodles of extra curriculars despite epic failing grades.  Reminds me of the definition of insanity.

Another "way to go, Girhippo"

BTW Chef has heard NOTHING back from the "special education committee" on my letter that handed the Girhippo's ass to her.

Not surprised.  They'll just deem Chef a "meanie" and continue the track record of failure to launch.


ESMOD's picture

How is that even possible?  Back in the day, we were required to maintain a certain level of academic gpa/class grade to be allowed to play sports and this was evaluated by the school each week.  I guess the "pay for play" "travel" teams that parents pour their money into might not have those academic standards... but the schools don't?

thinkthrice's picture

Chef's $800 a month is paying the way.  Of course as with SD20, the Gir got YSSstb16 labeled "learning disabled--other" and got an IEP for him which, until recently was unbeknownst to me--that with an IEP you can pass with grades 15 points below normal failing.

It's GOOD to be a lazy underachiever!

thinkthrice's picture

the school that the Girhippo herself graduated from. . .


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Maybe skid is the team's token special needs towel boy? I know, I know, that's mean, but seriously? Academics are supposed to come first.


thinkthrice's picture

of himself in full regalia on Instagram.   It would be interesting to know the scores.  Every year any of Chef's "athletic" kids were on any team, they had epic losses.   Chef actually IS athletic, but the Girhippo is just a huge klutz.  None of the skids are athletically inclined in any manner.  Just another excuse for YSS not to attend classes.  

I think I related the time when Chef had the fantasy of YSS becoming a major league baseball player?  At almost seven he could not catch a ball that was underhand lobbed to him from 3 feet away.  He'd close his eyes and cringe every.single.time.  I've seen toddlers with more hand/eye coordination and less fear of the ball than YSS.   I had to run off from watching them for fear of bursting out laughing everytime (about 15 times or more) the ball was softly lobbed in his direction it would go through his legs or tap his shoulder as he turned away from the ball in horror.