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Kitty is home!

Sweet T's picture

So after a long hot day at the ball park we picked up kitty and brought her home. She had a kennel, the same size as wiener dogs. We brought it up to our room and let them look at each other. Wiener was awesome, sniffed and was super excited. Kitty has our big bathroom and bedroom for now. DH is getting a baby gate tomorrow.

Tomorrow when we are at work wiener will be in her kennel and kitty will have the run of the house so she can explore and get a feel for the place.

I think they will do ok eventually.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

I have had success introducing new animals to the household doing exactly what you are doing - locking one up and letting the other have the run of the house, and then doing the reverse. It is especially good to let the newcomer have lots of time to "learn the lay of the land" without interference from current household members.

Sounds like you are off to a great start!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yay!! Biggrin

Sweet T's picture

Well kitty has decided I am her person. She got in bed with me last night and snuggled and wanted living at midnight too..not a great idea.

She has used both litter boxes and are some. This morning she thought my closet was a cool place to hang.

Today she has the run of the house while we are at work.

Tonight we will put the baby gate up.and let her have upstairs to roam and will hang out downstairs with the wiener.

It really felt like she knew we were rescuing her from mean kitty and a shelter.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Is that baby gate full-length from floor to ceiling? Kitties can get over a regular baby gate. I had to put one on top of another to keep my Momma's Boy out of an area with no door.

ksmom14's picture

I think the intention of the baby gate is to allow kitty to come and go as she pleases. While keeping a secure area away from the dog that kitty can escape to if needed.

Sweet T's picture

It is. Wiener ninja will not be able to leap it.

I see that it will be the cat who needs to accept the dog not the other way around. DH told miss kitty it is wieners house and she needs to accept the dog...i swear if we divorced he would fight me for the dog that I had for almost 6 years before