BM showing up unannounced?
So if BM were to just show up at your house without coordinating it with DH would you call the cops to escort her off the property. She has been told several times not to just show up without letting DH know that she is coming? How would that impact the skids though seeing the cops come escort their mother of their dad's property?
- tankh21's blog
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LOL I just wouldn't want my
LOL I just wouldn't want my skids to hate me because I called the cops on their mother that would be the only thing stopping me.
DH has explained that if BM
DH has explained that if BM were to show up unannounced, I am to take the kids, hide in the closet where his pistol is stored, call the police, and if she breaches the thresh-hold, to shoot. My BM is a special kind of crazy so if she were to show up, we know she has snapped.
Really.. you would call the
Really.. you would call the police. Most homes have this little thing called a front door. Don't answer it.
She shows up unannounced? Don't answer the door. Don't grant her the access she is trying to get. Inform Babysitter that she is not to answer the door either.
I see no reason on earth to escalate the drama with this woman by involving law enforcement. They would probably not show up anyway.
I mean, here's the 911 call.
911: 911, what's your emergency?
Tankh: My husband's exwife is HERE.
911: Is she armed? Has she made any threats?
Tankh: Noooo.. but she is here.. on my front steps.. what do I dooooooo?
911: So, your husband's ex-wife is on your front steps. Is she violating a protective order?
Tankh: No, but I just don't like her. She thinks she can do whatever she wants... I don't want her here.
911: I'm sorry ma'am, but this doesn't sound like an emergency. Has she threatened you? Are you afraid for your life?
Tankh: No, but she shouldn't be here. It's my husband's custody time. She is just out there with a bag of Jack in the Box.. what do I do????? She is trying to control us!
911: Ma'am, I'm going to have to get off the line, from your description, no crime is in progress.
So, she shows up. She doesn't get access, she probably will stop the random visits right? She leaves the bag of food on the porch (because you didn't open the door).. toss it in the trash.
It's trespassing so
It's trespassing so technically the call would go something like this on the nonemergency line:
My husband's ex is trespassing on our property after she has been told repeatedly not to do so. Could you send someone to escort her off? Thank you.
Considering I called a cop about someone parked on our driveway, and they actually came out and gave the guy a ticket, I would think they would come out for this.
Actually, that's not how it
Actually, that's not how it goes. I've had to call 911 in somewhat similar situations. They treat it very seriously. They do ask about the weapon but even when the answer is no they offer to come out if the person is refusing to leave or if you just feel frightened. They take it very seriously. In my experience.
And the category of "ex-wife" does not sound benign to police. Family violence is some of the worst there is. They know that better than anybody.
The key is if you feel
The key is if you feel threatened or have fear at the person being there.
That doesn't appear to be the case here. Of course if the person is making you AFRAID.. you should call the police but showing up with a happy meal for their own kid.. even if it isn't their "custody" time... well, that really would be a pretty low priority.
I mean, I get it, I wouldn't want my husband's ex coming over all the time, but I don't think I would pitch a fit if it happened a few times in the span of a year. Certainly wouldn't be calling the police unless they were threatening me or refused to leave.
No, I can't agree. All you
No, I can't agree. All you have to do is say someone is here and they shouldn't be. "Do they have a weapon?" "I don't think so but they shouldn't be here." "Do you want us to come out?"
That's it.
I'm sorry, but I have been through this more than once in real life.
I believe it is a waste of
I believe it is a waste of public resources to divert police away from actual perilous situations that warrant it.
If you don't feel threatened, and have no reason to feel threatened and can handle the situation without police interference then do that instead.
In the case we are being presented, the BM has come to the home 3 times. Once to confront her DH over some spat. Once because the kids said they were starving and once because the EX was worried about a safety issue in the home.
This summer, BM has been asked to contact DH if she wants access to the kids. Now, because she was used to in the past being able to come and go as she pleases.. pre Tankh21, she may need to be reminded of that. But that still doesn't warrant a call to the police on the first or maybe even 2nd or third time.
OP can not answer the door. She can open door and tell BM to contact DH. She has options to deal with BM that don't involve wasting police time.
Now, I do understand some SM's have BM's that warrant police presence. THIS case doesn't seem to rise to that.. at least not yet.
Now, if BM shows up with some "legitimate" reason in her GUBM mind but then won't leave and won't go through DH.. well, it's up to OP whether she feels getting the police involved will really serve her purpose or not.
OK, I'm a bad citizen. Shoot
OK, I'm a bad citizen. Shoot me.
P.S. I don't know what the op should do. I just know that police do not condescend to you that an unwanted person on your property is benign because they are somehow connected to the family. Hmmmm, seems to me police recently removed a man from a plane that had not posed a threat to anybody and had paid his full ticket price. They did not ask if he was scary.
airport police? lol. I
airport police? lol.
I definitely think there may be a time and a place that it is warranted.. but I don't think the OP's situation is anywhere near that. And, yeah.. I think wasting our law enforcement's time when there are legitimate and reasonable steps a citizen can take is not right.
Per OP's own statements.. she has no problem with BM being there AT ALL.. just wants it passed through DH. So, I figure a few unanswered doors and a redirect by DH to call first are the most reasonable responses. Now the 4th or 5th time the woman shows up unannounced? Maybe at that point I would consider escalating it to calling the non-emergency number. Remember, the BM previously was allowed by DH to come as she pleased.. this advance notice is a relatively new thing for her. Why make it so antagonistic by calling the police right away?
And, perhaps the police will come when she is there and ask her to leave. But that is a whole other can of worms OP will have to deal with. Much less pleasant dealings will probably be the result for her.
BM actually is high conflict
BM actually is high conflict and likes to argue with DH which is why I do not want to deal with it and want her to coordinate everything with DH. DH just doesn't answer respond to her texts and phone calls when she is acting erratic. Someone that has done the things that she has done to people is unpredictable and some of her behavior has been unusual so to be on the safe side I would rather her not come over my house at all unless my DH is present of course.
I guess I see the dynamic
I guess I see the dynamic that sets up the possibility that she could show up.
"dh told her to coordinate visits through him"
"dh doesn't respond to her texts or phone calls".
So, seriously, what is she supposed to do. She contacts him to ask to come bring the kids something for whatever reason. He won't answer the phone.. so she comes anyway... that is what his avoidance pushes her to do.
So, now it has turned around to she is doing unusual things. Like bringing over fast food... ONCE?
I get that she talks down to your husband. I wouldn't like that either, but he seems to almost create the situation that is tailor made to drive her nuts.. and you both are surprised by the outcome?
but she was also told that
but she was also told that she would be allowed to visit.. if she contacted DH.. that assumes DH will actually answer her calls so she can make the request.
It all depends on what the
It all depends on what the request is of course. We are trying to establish boundaries and DH is trying to teach his kids to be independent and he has different ideas about the way he wants his kids raised versus the way BM raises them so if she wants to bring them fast food when DH told them that they need to eat what we cook of course he is going to ignore her request. DH does have the right when the kids are in his custody to tell BM no to something or not to reply when it is not an emergency.
to be honest, it's a little
to be honest, it's a little different when the "thing" is access to your children.
Yes she should call DH. But, DH should also answer and give her a yes or no answer...ignoring her feeds the "just show up" monster.
DING DING DING!!! there is
there is NEVER a reason for the parent without the kids to show up unannounced. IF the other parent was taking a kid to the doctor or to a sporting event, those things would have been agreed upon in advance.
Chicago Police. Cops actually
Chicago Police.
Cops actually are highly vested in conflict resolution and crime prevention. They see more tragedy than anybody else does. They do not wish to see more. They consider a conflict de-escalation an excellent use of their time.
Every cop I have ever known, and I do know a few, has said they would much rather be called beforehand when it turns out to be nothing than to be heading into gunfire, collecting a body, or separating people already in a fight later.
They don't always get it right (see above Chicago situation) but that is their basic mantra and what they aim for.
I would and I have. When
I would and I have. When Medusa had custody, DH and I bought a condo in SkidTown so we weren't hauling them back and forth across the state every other weekend. She would routinely show up - we ended up having to get a restraining order.
I would not answer the door.
I would not answer the door. If she refused to leave or caused damage or threatened anyone I would call the cops. I called the cops on BM once but it was when she refused to leave our home and pushed me to the ground. Physical attacks are where I draw the line. Sd does not hate me but does still refer to it as the time her mom was almost arrested from time to time.
I would phone my security
I would phone my security company and have them remove her. She'd have to have jumped my front wall which is 6ft to get on to my property. Assuming she showed and was ringing the intercom and didn't climb the wall, I would ignore her or call my security company.
This scenario would never happen though as it would require the woman to get in a car to come to me.
LOL I just had the image of
LOL I just had the image of your BM scaling the wall like a zombie in World War Z.
Imagine Jabba the Hutt
Imagine Jabba the Hutt trying to scale a 6ft wall with a smoke dangling from its mouth and holding on to a box of cheap wine. That would be much more accurate.
What are you even talking
What are you even talking about ESMOD how did this turn into someone calling 911 I just asked if BM's shows up on someone's property and have been told several times not to what you call the cops. It was a hypothetical question and I was trying to get some feedback from posters. I sure as hell wouldn't call 911 but, if I asked BM to leave and she didn't I probably would call the cops but that would be a last resort.
Someone walking up your front
Someone walking up your front walk and ringing the doorbell is not necessarily trespassing.
Now, if you post a no trespassing sign and call the cops when anyone walks up to your front door.. maybe you could call on her too.
If you ask her to leave your property and she refuses.. THAT is trespassing.
However, it seems pretty simple to not answer the door and not give her access to the kids. If she won't leave.. of course you can call the police. but I am guessing that if she comes over a few times and isn't given access to her kids, she will stop.
Ok I wasn't trying to attack
Ok I wasn't trying to attack you but, I really was just asking a question I was telling anyone that I was going to do that just out of spite. I do think about how the kids would feel seeing their mother getting escorted off my property and like I said it would be a last resort because if BM did show up unannounced she would be asked to leave.
When we had to call the
When we had to call the police on Medusa, we simply told them that we had asked her numerous times not to come over, she refused and this is what we had to do. That it was her fault for not agreeing to our request. We also asked them what they thought she would do if DH randomly showed up at her house...they said she would call the police.
Yep - just like we did.
I didn't feel attacked . I
I didn't feel attacked
I am just one to take the path of least drama/resistance. In this case, I would probably ensure that she didn't get access to her kids. In my case, my DH's ex lived a few hours from us so it was unlikely that she would just "drop by".
TBH, if we had lived closer and been in a situation where the kids were with us for an extended time and with a baby sitter during the day, I wouldn't have had an issue if she wanted to pick them up to go to the park or something. We would have still paid the baby sitter of course, but the babysitter could have just hung out and waited for the kids to be returned. I mean, if my husband was working, I wouldn't have seen the harm in the kids spending time with their mom.. even if it was during a period of time that was "his" long as it didn't interfere with our lives. In fact, I imagine the kids would probably like a visit from mom if they were on a long time visit with dad.
My DH's EX was crazy and high conflict, but I wouldnt have had an issue with her seeing her own kids as long as it wasn't skin off our noses.
We have an "ok" relationship
We have an "ok" relationship with BM so I would probably just tell her that because it's unannounced and unexpected, she will need to leave. I have no problem with her, but I would ask if she's picking up SD for any reason, and if so, she can take her and return her at a specific time, but she wouldn't be invited in to hang out or anything. We're halfway through pregnancy and once the baby is here, DH and I decided that BM is no longer allowed in the house. Simply because I won't feel comfortable with it.
What is her purpose for
What is her purpose for coming? What does she say when your DH tells her to stop coming by unannounced?
Which time? It has happened
Which time? It has happened more than once.
In general... is she coming
In general... is she coming to pick up the kids, get stuff for the kids??? or is she harassing you when she shows up. What is her purpose when she comes to your house unannounced? Does she come to the door? Honk? Text that she's there?
She showed up one time to
She showed up one time to yell at my DH and argue with him and she was asked to leave then and then threatened to take him back to court. Then she showed up with fast food for the kids when my DH wasn't home and I was there DH texted her and told her to not show up at our house unless she coordinated it through him first. Then the 3rd time she showed up because she wanted to make sure our house was "kid safe".
she's trying to control your
she's trying to control your life... simply ignore her and do not unlock the front door...
it's that easy
To be honest... 3 times for 3
To be honest... 3 times for 3 different unrelated issues is probably not excessive unless that is all happening in the space of a week.
The argument with your DH... not sure what caused it, but it seems like some of the time he has been a bit passive aggressive with her.. so I guess if he shut down communicating, she may have felt that was the only way to reach him.
The fast food incident. Wasn't that a result of the kids telling her they were hungry and not being fed?
Child safe house? That's a bit bizarre unless there is a specific backstory there too.
Still, 3 times in a span of how long?
I mean, I get it, you don't want to see her AT ALL, but it doesn't seem like she has been all that bad.. not like every week or day.
My DH is not passive
My DH is not passive aggressive with that b**** she is the one that wants to do what she wants to do and not follow the CO which keep in mind is a result of her filing with the courts because she was pissed that DH had moved on from her and could no longer have his balls in her purse. There is no reason for anyone to just show up at our house like that. The decent thing to do would be to send a text and say hey I need to bring stuff for the kids by is that ok with you or we need to talk about something in person let me know when you will be available? I really could care less if BM thought her precious little babies were starving because DH had problems way before I came into the picture with the whole I am not being fed bulls***.
Based on some of the
Based on some of the interactions you have described on this site, it does appear that he has behaved in a passive aggressive way with her.
I am fairly certain that much of it is due to prodding as evidenced by the blistering emotion your post above emits. It screams that this is a battle you are personally waging against her for control.
Yeah, it would be a good idea for her to text or call before she drops by right? But she only did this on what 3 occasions.. and only ONE of them was to see the kids??? So, excuse me, but I don't see some rampant pattern of abuse of her showing up on your doorstep unannounced. What I do see is you see every interaction with her as some battle for control.
You know, sometimes things just are what they are. Sometimes it's just a mom bringing by some fast food because their kid says they are hungry. YOU may not care if they starve.. or whether she thought they were... in fact that very attitude by you might be exactly what makes her uncomfortable with her kids being with her EX?
I guess sometimes it's a good idea to think beyond the moment. What is the fallout? What are your options? It may be momentarily satisfying to blow your gasket at your boss.. but you will end up fired. So, sometimes we behave differently than we might want because it gets us a better end result.
If you want to know how I might deal with it.. I would probably let the mom take the kid for an ice cream.. but you are welcome to not answer the door. You can ask her to leave. You can have your husband remind her that she needs to contact him before she comes over.. (but of course that leaves it open that he will allow it).
What I wouldn't be doing is fantasizing about the nuclear option of calling the cops on the woman for trying to bring her own kids a snack. (again, I might not open the door at all.. but cops? unless it escalated.. no)
It is about control and I am
It is about control and I am not letting that woman control our lives like she did my DH. I am speaking from first hand experiences before I married my DH he had no backbone and BM got away with all sort of crap which is the reason why he got himself in this mess with her in the first of her thinking that she can do whatever she wants. And point being about I don't care what BM thinks and says is because DH is an adult and so am I and we can care for those kids just as well as she can. If she was such a concerned mother then the kids wouldn't be failing school all the time and she wouldn't be leaving them alone so that OSS can get bite like a rapid dog by YSS when there was no babysitter to watch these kids. DH never leaves the kids at home alone by themselves due to all of the behavior problems with his kids so yes I get that BM is such a concerned mother but she needs to look at own parenting as well.
So... again... what is a
So... again... what is a reasonable response?
A few people have given this same advice. "Don't open door"
So, that's a good start right? She can't control if you don't give her access.
After that, DH reminds her that if she wants to see the kids during his custody time, to contact him.. period.
If she shows up repeatedly (which there is no evidence she has done this or plans to do this as those 3 instances don't really represent a pattern) and refuses to leave, well then, maybe she does need to have an escort off the property. But, I consider that a last ditch nuclear option. I wouldn't pull that trigger unless all other more reasonable avenues were exhausted.
So, see, you do have control. Control over whether that door is opened. Kids should be informed that if they need anything while in their dad's custody that he is the one they call for those things. Consequences when they do otherwise. Mom shows up with the nuggets?? watch em go down the disposal.
Try to keep in mind, since your husband was such a pushover and didn't care one way or another before you were in the picture, it may take a little time to "train" BM to not just show up. In the past she took control because your husband didn't... if he is now, it eventually should simmer into a more even system.
"The argument with your DH...
"The argument with your DH... not sure what caused it, but it seems like some of the time he has been a bit passive aggressive with her.. so I guess if he shut down communicating, she may have felt that was the only way to reach him"
So, she can just keep showing up because she's frustrated that she can't get his attention? NOPE!!
these three incidents are exactly what Medusa tried to pull. I cannot tell you the number of times she called the Sheriff's Department because she was "afraid for the skids' safety" (TM) BARF.
No, just no. No need for this, or any other BM, frankly, to randomly show up at a house that isn't hers.
I simply would not open the
I simply would not open the front door and she will not be able to walk around to the back door...
Oh I do leave my keys in the front door, thus neither BM or Aergia can use any key to unlock the door, yeah I don't trust SO telling me they do not have a key anymore.... They can sit out side till he arrives, I give a tick...
SO did call me once saying Aergia needs to get into the house to collect things, I said.. and she can wait, if I was not here early she had to wait till you get home, thus she can wait.... till you get home
Yes the skids will not have
Yes the skids will not have keys to my home ever either they can wait until DH or I get home. I just am not comfortable with it.
Just hide from her. Tell the
Just hide from her. Tell the kids you're playing a game. That's what my mom used to do when solicitors or my uncle showed up unannounced lol.
I have called the police on
I have called the police on BM. The last time she picked up SD10 for visitation (she no longer has visitation for many reasons), she came to the door unannounced at 3 a.m. My DH answered the door and told her that she needed to leave. He told her he would meet her down the road in a few hours, once SD was awake and dressed. She got mad and told him she would just sit at the end of our driveway. When he told her he wanted her to leave our property, she started screaming and banging on the front of my house, so I called the police.
They came out and told her that she needed to leave until an appropriate time. They also told her that she shouldn't be picking up SD at our house. If she didn't want us to come to her house, then she needed to respect the same rules and if she didn't like it, she could meet us at the police station (which was another 10 miles away from our house and out of her way). She already drove over 12 hours to pick her up so she didn't like that.
Yeah 3 am it's time to call
Yeah 3 am it's time to call the cops.
If I was in your situations
If I was in your situations with that BM..... I would've had 24 hour strong security around my house, with land mines on the lawn, human killer dogs, lazers.... you name it
If BM didn't live over 1,000
If BM didn't live over 1,000 miles away, I would probably need all of that. Luckily, the distance keeps away her and her even crazier relatives.
Sic the dogs on her
Sic the dogs on her }:)
I don't have a problem with
I don't have a problem with BM coming over for whatever as long as she coordinates it with DH.
She has been given permission
She has been given permission to come get the kids for their sessions at therapy. Calling the police to escort off if she's twenty minutes early would be a b*tch move. Did Dad tell her she must call each day to remind whoever (babysitter?) she is on the way?
Police, IMO, should not be used as cheap tricks to be pulled out without true reason. If she shows up on a none therapy day with Chicken Nuggets in her hand at 10:30am and beats on your door. I'd not answer. If she leaves bag on step, I'd pitch it in trash. I'd then have Dad text her and remind her she is not to be doing this and is not to come again unless it is one of the pre-arranged sessions. If she comes again the next day , is standing on the porch, you aren't answering door and yet she stands there refusing to leave? Fine, have at it. Call the regular police dept. (not 9-1-1) and ask for an officer to be sent out and a report be made for trespassing or whatever other offenses can be given.
If the woman just pulls up and starts walking towards the front door, pretty extreme to pick up and ask for police escort off. Unless it happens more than a couple times. You are correct to think the boys will think you're a crazy lady to see their Mom out the window and you run to have BM hauled away. There is nothing wrong , however, in reminding the boys they are not to call their mother and ask her to come and bring them anything. Remind them that the babysitter and the boys are the only persons with adult permission to be there while Dad and you are working and that Mom coming could be against the law. Yeah, scare the stinkers, because there hangs "oh no, we got Mommy arrested" LOL.
Like I said DH said that she
Like I said DH said that she can come to bring the kids things from her house or to pick them up for appointments as long as she coordinates it with him as they are his or her kids and they do need to be taken care of. My point of this post was just to get other people's feedback.
Our BM has been cautioned, in
Our BM has been cautioned, in writing, by our attorney to stay off our property. We have a posted no trespassing sign and exterior video cameras. If she puts a foot on our property, it will be reported to the police through the non-emergency number.
In my CO, it is articulated that my XH is not allowed on my property without my permission. If he showed up, I would call the non-emergency number and file a report.
I do not need to be harassed by a disgruntled X in my own home, and I suppose I'm fortunate that my state has very strong trespassing laws that make sure I don't have to be.
Bring it on! I wish that
Bring it on! I wish that loser would cross my door step, she's be leaving in a body bag!
BM would never show up at our
BM would never show up at our home.
But I will call the cops of SS31 ever shows up at my door again. He's almost 40 years younger than I am, a foot taller, and has a long history of violence and anger issues.
He's been banned from our home permanently. So if he shows up I will call 911 in a nanosecond. If he desperately needed to see DH he could call from his car from the street.
We are now in a small suburb with its own police force and little crime. The police are very responsive to any calls. I would not expect them to arrest him - just to escort him off the property.
Typically, 'Ho drops off the
Typically, 'Ho drops off the skids and DH returns them, so 'Ho doesn't have to struggle to extricate her fat rolls from the car until she gets back to the 'Ho House.
If BioHo ever knocked on our door, DH would not answer. Not even if both of our cars were in the driveway. In fact, DH taped newspaper over the windows in the front door because 'Ho kept trying to look inside the house.
As much as I'd love to see 'Ho hauled off in handcuffs (kicking and screaming), it would give Evil Aniki much more satisfaction to knock her snaggle teeth down her throat... Yeah, I'm going to Hell. }:)
Questions. 1. Does dh have
1. Does dh have the children full time OR is he eow non custodial parent.
2. Does the current court order address BM coming to your house, entering your house or anything about her having access to your house?
3. Tell me about how YOU think the children would be effected if their Mom was arrested for any crime just not one that is committed at your house. What would you tell them if, lets say she was arrested for Welfare fraud. Would your explanation be the same OR different.
4. Do your neighbors just pop in your house unannounced. If that OK with you? IF not why not.
5. Do you know where to buy a NO Trespassing Sign?
6. Do you know what a crew is?
Your DH screwed up by
Your DH screwed up by blurring the line. He can't "let" her come over whenever she wants BUT throws it out there to notify him at first. It's all or none. She's either allowed over or she's not. BM is only allowed in our driveway to pick up SS and drop him back off. If she shows up unexpectedly I would probably text her asking her why she's at my house and if it's for something as stupid as fast food I would tell her she had five seconds to get out of my driveway before I call the cops for trespassing. All these little extra dropping stuff off and running things to the kids is her way of bouncing around your "boundaries" and it's unnecessary.
We had the issue of the SK's
We had the issue of the SK's getting texts from the BM as she was nearing our house... they would run to the front door to wait for her, then invite the vampire in. One time I had no clue until I heard a voice down the UPSTAIRS hallway from my bedroom... she had walked up to their room with them.
OMG, not only was I livid but so was DH when I told him (he was at work at the time). He told the kids AND BM in no uncertain terms that she does NOT need to come over without his or my knowledge well beforehand (well.... I didn't want her there AT ALL). DH had his kids every Sat-Sun, sometimes Fri-Sun. BM lived 5 minutes away. the ONLY reason she was behaving in such a manner was to "pee on trees" and play the property game.
tankh21 where did you
tankh21 where did you go?
Please answer the questions I asked you.
So speaking of all of this
So speaking of all of this drama BM texted my DH yesterday telling him that she needed to bring some stuff by for the kids. Ok that is fine she is learning. So DH stated that she could come when he gets home from work she said that she wasn't driving to his place around that time due to traffic that he needed to come by and get their stuff at her house. Now she wants to play games because DH gave her a time to come by and now she wants him to drive to her house because she didn't like the time that he gave her yeah right!!! LOL So DH told her that she could come by the house between 2 pm and 5 pm today or that it would have to be later in the evening she could take her pick however he is not driving to her house because OSS forgot his computer. DH is trying to teach the kids that he is not at their beckoned call like BM is so he told them if you forget something at BM's house she can bring it to you or you need to remember it next time.
This is true! Ignorance is
This is true! Ignorance is bliss... and honestly unless the result of their agreement impacts OP, she doesn't need to know about it.
If he asks her to drop something off to BM.. she can say no too.
Heavenlike nails it
Heavenlike nails it here.
This was a total "nothing" issue. Kids forget things, people coordinate drop off times. None of it was crafted to inconvenience your household or control you.
The only thing controlling you is your inability to "butt out" and let your husband deal with his ex.
It is pretty clear by the way you phrase things with "we" all the time that it is actually your own ideas on how kids should be raised that are being pushed.. he probably didn't care before you got there.. until you taught him right?
We don't want the kids eating fast food
We want the kids to be responsible
I bet before you were in the picture it was chicken nugget central and when the kids forgot stuff it was dealt with without fuss.
Don't get me wrong, nothing with encouraging healthy eating habits and trying to instill some responsibility in kids (age appropriate).. but it seems that you have made it a personal power struggle with someone. The ironic thing is that the person you are fighting doesn't even know the struggle exists.
If it is only the kid's
If it is only the kid's computer, why not Dad tell her she can bring it when she picks kids up for their therapy sessions? No one making extra trips. No one having to ask 'permission'. Simply bring it and hand it to kid on whatever day she is already scheduled and allowed to be in your drive or curbside.
Waiting also teaches (hopefully) the child to try harder to remember these types of items or have to wait until the adults do have open access.
Your Dh and BM seem to like making their own chaos. There is no need for all the non-stop commotion and stressing out.
Dad seems to think it's a power trip to have the kids this month with Mom having to plead for permission. Mom seems to think asking is totally ok since Dad says 'let me know first the what and when'.
Time to tell these two to knock off the crap. They might like playing games but this is your home and you don't deserve all the constant drama they self create.
When it starts to affect DH
When it starts to affect DH and I's schedule about unimportant things like a freaking new laptop or money for a video game yes I am going to butt in. I don't have time to be waiting on someone or rearranging my schedule for something that is not a necessity. If it was a doctor's appointment or something of necessity then yes but we have a lot of stuff to after work for the next week so yes I will butt in because I need DH to help me.
Have you tried the
Have you tried the following....
BM says she's coming over to drop of something skid needs.... you are at home, why can't skid simply run out and get what BM is handing over? It's not like you are running out Hon, let the skid do it, and well if you are not at home, she can simply wait.
I've been thinking about all off this since yesterday and I really do not see a problem, BM used to drop off things for Aergia, or collect her without prior notice, I said nothing.... Aergia once dared screaming from her room, go out and get my school bag from my mum, I said nothing and ignored her flat.. I'm not her maid lol.... BM lost it totally cause her daughter ignored her text messages and she drove off with the bag again, Aergia complained to SO that I did not collect it, I smiled and said, Oh I was outside busy, I did not hear anything
When Aergia insisted SO goes and collect something from BM, I would simply say - Hon can you first sort this and that out please - house repairs, leaking taps, toilets...
Funny how quickly Aergia learned to take responsibility for her own things and how BM stopped driving up and down and how SO told Aergia... NO
Who asked you to rearrange
Who asked you to rearrange your schedule? Your DH should be the one to deal with this and he should know what his own schedule is for the week.
You appear to be just making up reasons why this "might" become inconvenient to you. If you truly have things that need to be done, there is no problem with you telling your DH that . You know, Tuesday won't work because we have to go do XYZ. Obviously, your DH either doesn't know you had other plans for his time or doesn't see this as inconveniencing your household.
The bottom line is that I have a feeling that absolutely no solution would have been acceptable to you. You want the kid to "suffer" for having forgotten his laptop. You want to "show" the BM that you call the shots. The bottom line is your DH obviously sees some importance in his kid getting this stuff... so instead of railing against and about BM... take him to task.
It doesn't seem to you that
It doesn't seem to you that BM wants DH to drive over her house to get "stuff" for the kids because she doesn't want to drive to our house at 5 pm because of traffic well BM is about herself and doesn't care what DH has going on because she told him that he will have to come to her house to get the stuff. It is just rude and appalling to ask someone if they can drop something off at your house and then when they give you the answer that they don't like to "TELL" them that they have to make arrangements themselves to drive over to your house. DH and I have to go to a couple of places tonight and get some stuff done so he doesn't have time to be worrying about non essential things. I don't want the kid to suffer I just feel that our lives don't stop because of BM and her bringing stuff over to her kids. DH calls the shots not me and he is the one that told her I wasn't even in the conversation.
Yup. You should just keep
Yup. You should just keep doing what you're doing. Stay at high alert and be ever so watchful for her next plot to trick and control you and win!
Seems to be working for you...
I know you are being
I know you are being sarcastic I guess what everyone is saying is that I need to learn to relax and that I am too involved.
Yes. It all sorta comes off
Yes. It all sorta comes off as paranoid. Picking apart & over analyzing every single tiny interaction looking for some offense, that may not even exist. And getting all giddy when DH does stupid crap... he's playing games with both of you & being very passive aggressive with her... to piss her off & make her look bad. I know you say he's not... he most definitely is.
Umm... I thought that the
Umm... I thought that the final decision was that she would come over at a different time? Why did your husband suggest times that you already had plans?
And, if you weren't "in the conversation"... how do you know that she "told" him vs "suggested"? How do you know he didn't "TELL" her something? Oh wait, he did tell her that her first offer wasn't workable.
Honey, this was a normal interaction. No subterfuge.. nada.
The bottom line is that having kids and an EX in the picture mean that sometimes you may not be in 100% control of every minute of your day. Things will come up. Stuff will need to be coordinated. Things don't always go according to plan and sometimes people forget things (especially ayoung kid that by your own posts has issues).
You are so wrapped up in control and teaching people lessons that you don't see how controlling YOU are being.
Your DH was fine with her dropping off stuff at a particular time. If you had other things planned... either he calls back and tells her that he didn't realize he had to go with you to your ingrown toenail treatment.. so the time he thought would work wouldn't.. or you go to your ingrown toenail treatment alone.. or you do it another night. It doesn't have to be as difficult and angst ridden as you are making this.
She never texted back or
She never texted back or called him to let him know what she was doing after he sent her that text that she could come over between 2 pm and 5 pm today. He showed me the conversation when I got home from work last night because we talked about that he should give her straight answers instead of telling her to just refer to the CO so that it minimizes the drama. I just made that suggestion to him about what some posters gave me advice on and he said well yeah that does make sense.
As a finer point on
As a finer point on communication, he should have also told her to let him know when during that time (approximately) she plans on coming by so that he can make sure someone will be at home.
Then, if she doesn't let him know what time (or reasonable range) is going to work for her... she runs the risk of no one being home when she drops by.
Again though, I think you will be happier if you let him figure out how to deal with his EX. That includes ensuring he isn't writing checks that his tail isn't able to cash (like obligating himself to a time when you both have other plans.. or having you go out of your way in some material sense for her). That also involves him not commiserating with you over all his interactions with her. All it does is wind you up...but maybe he likes that?
Hon - stop stressing about
Hon - stop stressing about it, it's got nothing to do with you..
if BM rings Dh and say he must stop buy to collect this or that for kids, well he's an adult and he can decide to obey her or tell her to eff off... or simply ignore her call....
see nothing to do with you, your DH should man up and tell BM to eff off....
Thank you Acra
Thank you Acra
LOL thank you for correcting
LOL thank you for correcting my grammar. I am usually pretty good about that.
*falls on ground from
*falls on ground from swooning over Fruity's love for all things grammar!*
Fruity, you living doll!!
Fruity, you living doll!! That is one of my BIGGEST grammar peeves! xoxo
BM showed up unannounced one
BM showed up unannounced one time several months ago. SO and I were sleeping. SO was due to pick up the kid at 2pm.
She showed up at something like 10am - to drop off the kid. We didn't know who was at the door.... we stumble out of bed and SO comes down in his pj pants and opens the door while I'm coming down the steps in a robe... immediately BM goes off on SO about how she's been trying to call him and text him for the last couple hours, what the hell was wrong with him... etc etc.... on and on and on... how bullshit we were sleeping, we just wanted to relax......I heard SO ask her if there was an emergency.... nope... there was no emergency, but kid wanted dad and had been crying for him all morning, that's all...... I simply came down the rest of the steps, down the hall, into the laundry room...and SLAMMED the door. Then I went into the bathroom which is in the laundry room, and SLAMMED that door too.
A few seconds later, the front door slammed.
I was LIVID.
She blew up his phone between 8ish to when she showed up.... several missed calls and texts... his phone was not in the room - so we didn't know she'd been trying to call/text at the time.
I was quiet for a long time that morning. A long long time. After a few hours, I told SO never again. Because if she did, I would be the one to open the door, and it would not be pretty. She hasn't shown up unannounced since - I think either she realized she was wayyy overstepping the boundaries... because of my reaction.... lol.... but she DID keep blowing up his phone for a long time. Not so much anymore.
OP One way to stop all this
One way to stop all this "bm has to drop xyz off" is SUPPLY your home with everything the children need.
Good grief. Surely any reasonable person can figure this out. You still did not answer any questions I posed to you this past Tuesday at approx. 4pm.
Here they are again.
1. Does dh have the children full time OR is he eow non custodial parent.
2. Does the current court order address BM coming to your house, entering your house or anything about her having access to your house?
Tell me about how YOU think the children would be effected if their Mom was arrested for any crime just not one that is committed at your house. What would you tell them if, lets say she was arrested for Welfare fraud. Would your explanation be the same OR different.
4. Do your neighbors just pop in your house unannounced. If that OK with you? IF not why not.
5. Do you know where to buy a NO Trespassing Sign?
6. Do you know what a crew is?
LMAO. You think DH should
LMAO. You think DH should supply the skids with new computers and technical gadgets, junk and fast food because that is all they want. Hell no. DH supplies them with basic things that they need. As I have explained in plenty of my other posts that DH isn't going to spoil them with those type of unnecessary things just because BM does. She is not bringing over basic things to our house. Yesterday she brought OSS a new laptop and some money for a video game which is fine she can spoil them with her own money all she wants to but it was really unnecessary for her to come over during a week day when DH has stuff going on. The answers to your questions:
1. DH has 50/50 custody but, BM doesn't let him know crap unless it benefits her. Which is DH's fault as well. He has the skids EOW and is the NCP.
2. CO doesn't say anything about BM coming to our house or anything like that.
3. I think the skids would be devastated if they saw BM get arrested.
4. Do not talk to the neighbors so no they do not just pop by. Actually no one pops by my house unannounced except for BM. My family and friends know better unless it's an emergency and every time BM popped by it was not an emergency.
5. Of course I know were to buy a no trespassing sign but what good would that do again I would be the bad guy if the called the cops on BM.
6. I have no idea what a crew is.
If DH has not instructed BM
If DH has not instructed BM on showing up at your home... he needs to. If he has... he should apply increasing consequences when she violates his rules.
Call the cops. Her behavior is the issue and if that upsets the kids... so be it.