I am not sure what to do or how to proceed. My daughter had a basketball game three hours away, my husband and I decided to spend the night, get a hotel room, and then she would play in the morning. We had other friends that were going, it was going to be fun. BM is gone on vacation still so SD16 and SD15 have to go to a friends house.
I come back home to some odd things arranged in the house, thought nothing of it, then found out Sunday SD16 had a party Friday night while we were gone. She broke a door, put a hole in it, text her dad a picture and told him she threw a brush at it, he believed her (a kids head was slammed in it). He asked her who was over she said just a couple of girls, come to find out, there was a lot of people. They were drinking. I am beyond furious still, he is not mad. He said there is nothing he can do, he yells at her, she will never come back. We have his kids EOW, I have full custody of mine, 15 girl.
I feel like he never validates how I feel, I am blow off again! Our bedroom is in the basement, this is my sanctuary per say, where I go to get away from their drama. We build a room down there, as well as we have exercise equipment, storage, etc. They were down there as well. I am not sure if anyone was in my room or not, slept in my bed or not. People slept in my daughter's bed and SD15's bed, and my husband is not mad at all.
I told him this is the final straw, I am done. They never have consequences and he will not give them consequences because he is afraid to lose them. We have been together for over seven years, married 3.
SD16 randomly drives to our
SD16 randomly drives to our house to "get something". It is annoying to me, he lets it slide. He never talked to either of the parents the kids were supposed to be with. Being SD16 drives and has a car, i am worried when it isn't our week and we leave somewhere, she will tell her mom she is spending the night somewhere and party at our house again being she had no severe consequences. He asked her why she didn't tell him, her reply, I knew you wouldn't allow me to have a party so I didn't ask.......I was furious!
Um. Because his girls weren't
Um. Because his girls weren't with him...so it wasn't his job to supervise them. It was on BMs time, not their visitation time.
Ah, OK. I misunderstood the
Ah, OK. I misunderstood the post. I assumed it meant that BM went out of town and sent her kids to a friend's house for the weekend. That makes sense, then.
I told him he is not going
I told him he is not going again with me, he has his kids, he stays home! Their mom has been gone for two weeks, so we have had them over our allotted time to accommodate her travels. She came back Sunday and how they are with her thank God!
I am going to say he didn't ask the parents the kids were with. My huge issue too is we have guns with ammunition in the house, we live very far back off the road. It could have been very very bad. It all really upsets me, I am crying still over it.
Is there no way to leave a
Is there no way to leave a window unlocked that is pass the camera?
I don't suppose it will do
I don't suppose it will do you any good - but you might try explaining his liability if something goes wrong at the next party. Drunk teens and weapons are not a good combination. You would be named in the lawsuit as well if you also own the home.
I agree.
I agree.
I explained that to him, the
I explained that to him, the responsibility of being the parent and he said I was over reacting, a goodie goodie because I never ever did anything like that as a child. I am extremely hurt by his reactions.
So, what do you mean by, "I
So, what do you mean by, "I am done"?
I am considering moving out.
I am considering moving out. He never takes my thoughts into consideration anymore or act like my concerns are important.
OH boy..... Looks like you
OH boy.....
Looks like you and dh will NOT be going out of town without the Party Hostess (stepdaughter) in tow again.
Thank GOD no one had a car accident with dui charges. You and DH would be liable.
So sorry about this.
I am probably going to leave,
I am probably going to leave, move out. I am trying to find the strength to move forward without this option, I haven't talked to him since Sunday afternoon. He disregarded all my concerns and my BIGGEST issue is having a party, I am 110% against it, never did it when I was their age, I am totally against it. My sister and brother had one, I left to my grandma's, I was not going to be a part of it. I thought it was irresponsible and disrepectful towards my parents, someone could die and my parents would be at fault. I have told him many of times parties like this are a huge no no for me and he says that I am a goodie goodie, no one was like that when they were my age, etc. My feelings were crushed, again. He never takes me seriously anymore. I am pretty sure he will never change, he will allow his kids to walk all over him and now it affects me as well. Our parenting is not the same at all. It was when they were little, it is not anymore and the BM yells at him all the time over things he does with the kids. I am told it will get better as they grow and move out, but I cannot see how it would, they will always be a part of his life. I cannot stop crying, it has been off an on since Sunday morning. To me this is a huge huge concern, to him it is not.
I can tell you right now if
I can tell you right now if that was my stepkids-I would searching social media-taking names/screenshots (because you know those shitheads were snapping pix and posting them)
Taking all this info to the police perhaps?! bringing charges against the teens.
Getting their parents involved.
Because I remember my teenage aunts having parties when my grandparents went away....and my dad would be called to make repairs..my grandmother never had a clue until one girl did a header down the basement CEMENT steps and cracked her head open all over the floor.
They had no choice but to call the ambulance-hospital...parents were called...huge shit storm.
My grandmother raised all sorts of holy hell on her children ALONG with the friends.
This was mid 90s.....these kids were honor students/drama club types-never expected these types to be doing drugs and drinking.
If DH was on the same side as
If DH was on the same side as you, I would I solve it by installing door locks with security codes. You change them before you go away so NO ONE can access your house when you are not there.
If my partner was such a disagreeable dork, I'd be outta there. Life is too short to put up with that crap.
Your concerns are completely
Your concerns are completely valid and, more importantly, you have a right to protect your property, your assets, your financial future...and limit your liability.
The posters who mention that you would be named in any lawsuit should something go wrong or one of the friends get injured is 100% correct. Especially if the parents can prove there's a pattern and that there has been negligence on your part. Are you willing to lose everything for a spoiled, disobedient, brat of a skid? I'm certainly not.
Change the locks, get a security system, and protect yourself. You are well within your rights to do so.
I would invest in one of
I would invest in one of those electronic locks. When you are home... her code works. When you go out of town.. you change to a different code that she does not have.
I don't see a problem with her, in general, having access to the home while they aren't out of town unless there have been problems with theft or other abuses (like this party lol).
I would also notify neighbors when you won't be there and ask someone to call you if they see people there. Then, he calls BM to let her know about it and she can go lasso the girl.
razz - I did not read all the
razz - I did not read all the comments, but DH is right, there's nothing you or he can do about it now, It happened, it's done.... What matters is how you are going to handle the future...
1. Change all the locks, SD can't come and go as she pleases and more.
2. Next time you have to go away, SD can't stay in your house...
From now on SD can only visit if you and DH are at home, she does not get a key anymore, install alarms and do not give her the code, if she decides to break in one day she will be caught. You simply file charges, ignore DH... he had the opportunity to teach her, and punish her, he let it slide, now you take control.
Thank you for all the
Thank you for all the replies, it really means a lot, getting a broader perspective. I am beside myself, I find it so disrespectful & hurtful, I am very hurt by her actions.
**Update** Well, SD15 and
Well, SD15 and SD16 came back to our house Wednesday night. I haven't seen them since I found out from my husband the party SD16 had. Wednesday night my daughter, 15, had sports game until late so we decided to have the discussion regarding the party last night. At 6:30pm, the three girls were in the living room, so we went in and husband said we were going to have a talk about the liabilities of having a party (everyone was aware that this was going to occur, he texted everyone earlier to tell them about it, it wasn’t a surprise). SD16, who had the party, was doing homework, husband told her to stop and listen, she said no, it was important to do the homework, he said this is important. I said, this discussion is about you therefore we will wait for your full attention! She said, ya I get that already!
He explained the liability of having the kids drinking, driving, etc. he told her about the guns and how some person could easily take one and he could spend the rest of her life in jail, someone could die, etc. She said she already told everyone we had guns and not to touch them. I was like WHAT!!!!!!!
She continued to backtalk the whole time, I tried to remain calm. I told them we are chaning all the locks and only husband and I will have a key, there will no longer be any coming and going freely, you have lost that privilege. She said, this is not your house (referring to me) this is my house! Husband actually stuck up for me once and said to her, No this is her house, she pays the bills and takes care of it. I said, if you want to have a voice, start paying rent and expenses then you can have a choice, until then, you listen to us! She called me a bitch and started yelling. Husband didn’t do anything.
She said, you guys were kids once, you did stuff like that too. I said NO I did not, I never ever thought of having a party at my parents house, never, it is totally irresponsible and you expect us to trust you again! She told her dad she was packing her stuff and leaving, never coming back, going to live with her mom (her mom lives about 8-10 miles away). SD16 went into her bedroom, called me a bitch again and told her dad she hated me and has not liked me for a long time. (She and I have never gotten along, I am not sure if it is jealousy over her dad being I am younger or what, but she has always been very snubby with me so I rarely talk to her or interact with her, less drama all around).
SD16 called her mom on the phone bawling, telling her she is leaving to go home, she doesn’t want to be here anymore, she hates it here and then she says “I love you mom”. Husband says, quit the crap already!
SD16 and SD15 left. I went downstairs to talk to husband and he was fine with it. He said he use to be strict and is not so much anymore. They need to realize they have consequences that is all there is to it. I said are you sad that she left? And he said she needs to cool down and my daughter has done the same in thing in the past when she was alternating houses, she would fight with me and go to her dad’s. Now I have her full time, we fight and she has to go to her room. It told him the mother will be calling and yelling at him, and he said he knows, he isn’t going to answer the phone.
I am relieved to get my feelings out and that husband stood up for me, I was very shocked. I think we have a long road ahead still. I feel I did the right thing and stood my ground.
*****I forgot to add, she stated over and over again how responsible she was, the party got out of hand and she told everyone to leave...Husband said, you were irresponsible for having the party in the first place, what you did does not make up for it! You told me you were going to be somewhere, you lied to me!****
razz - this is good news, a
razz - this is good news, a DH who backs his wife up... dang lady I hope you have that man a good long sexy kiss...
or even a BJ.... or wait that can wait till the locks are actually changed and the skids does not have keys to enter when you or DH are not there...
DH should play hard ball now, if SD wants to come back after a week - he can simply state, NO... you can come back after you apologized to Razz for being rude and calling her names, and to make it clear, you will not have a key to our house any more.... you will have to inform Razz when you want to come over..
her calling you a bitch - }:) next time reply - yes I know I am a bitch do you know you are a spoiled brat?