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Bed wetting

AmberP2016's picture

:sick: My SS will be 12 in March. He still wets the bed at night. Which is fine. Thats not the issue. I myself wet the bed until 9 as well as my youngest daughter. He has been to the Dr & given a clean bill of health, we stop fluids at night, encourage double voiding, he uses a plastic cover over his matresses & wears a pull-up every night. The issue is: regardless of not getting in any trouble for peeing the bed I only ask he clean up hus mess. Just strip the bed & was the wet clothes & bedding. If we could get him to do that it'd be great. Forhet the whipingit down, maybe spray some lysol. But instead he goes about doing whatever he wants to do half the time & leaves the soaked sheets & blankets on his bed then....throws the peed clothes in the bottom of their closet..just GROSS! I'm tired of ALWAYS being the bad guy. My husband is WAYY too easy on him, still babies him & says I knit-pick! I'm at my whits end & I punished him today. I found everything pee'd on & in the closet at 12noon. I told him he was not allowed outside with his friends for the rest of the day. I think his father should have to be the one handing out the punishment from now on. Put him in his room, make him clean the mess, take away his toys..whatever but he needs to step up & stop making ne the bad frustrated!

MummaTon's picture

Hi Amber
My daughter had bedwetting issues until she was 12. We ended up ordering an alarm that goes in the pull-ups and goes off during the night as soon as they start to pee. This only took a couple of nights of either her waking up at the alarm or me waking her when the alarm went off. Our doctor recommended this and also suggested that once she was woken she took the sheets off herself, put them in the laundry and then helped remake the bed. Tiring for a couple of days but it worked. If this is not an option I think you can deal with it 2 other ways, harsh but may be effective. 1. you could simply ignore the bedding. I don't think your SS will enjoy urine soaked sheets when he gets into bed the following night. If you find them in his cupboard, put them back on top of his bed. Only allow him access to one set of bedding. I would warn him first that this is what you will do the next time he doesn't clean up after himself. 2. If you think your husband needs to take responsibility take the bedding off and put it somewhere where the father has to deal with it - his car, his side of the wardrobe, his favourite chair, wherever it works for you. If he goes off about it, ask him why he thinks you should clean them and not him? If he dares to say something about it being your job, find another husband.
Hope this helps Smile