Cant cope with SD who may have ADD or something else
Hello all. I have been off this site for awhile. I had been getting my nerve up to file for divorce, was ready to do it and then I lost my traction. That was at the end of the summer. Now my spouse and I have been "working" on things and some things have gotten a bit better, including my spouse finally realizing that my SD has issues that need psychological/medical intervention. SD is currently going through testing now.
We are not sure if it is ADD, something emotional, depression, anxiety, cognitive or a combination of things. Here are some things about her and feel free to weigh in: SHE IS 12 by the way:
BAD HYGENE : Forgets to shower, use soap, wipe correctly, use deodorant on a regular basis. Wears dirty clothes out of the hamper or more realistically off the floor that she throws them on. She cares nothing about her appearance and oftentimes wears clothes that don't match or are inappropriate for the weather like shorts on a rainy day. She smells. Her hair is gross. Spouse finally had to take her to get it cut short which was fine to her because she kind of a tomboy. Has her period and forgets to take down her smelly sanitary napkins in the bathroom trash. Gross. Teeth are horrible and yellow.
CANT REMEMBER ANYTHING: She has only two chores. Can't remember to do either on her own. Loses school work and other things. Misses assignments. Completely disorganized. She does, however, remember how to play Minecraft and get together with her friends when they make plans.
LIES: That used to be worse but she still does it, especially when she says she is "going to clean" her room. That is sometimes a lie.
IMMATURE QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS: She will ask things like..."how does a straw work" or "do parents only get dressed up for Halloween if their children do". To have a conversation with her can be excruciating. She will tell these stories that never seem to have an ending and are disjointed. And boring. Very boring. She often tells the same story, usually about things that happened when she was little. She loves to talk about when she was little and ask my spouse questions. She rarely has anything intelligent or insightful to say. When asked direct questions along the lines of accountability she will say " I DON'T KNOW". That is her standard line now. Sometimes she just says things that are...well...there is no other way to put it....just stupid. And I hate to have to say it but it is true.
SHE ZONES OUT: Oftentimes she has this far away look. Stairs at a wall. Out of it. On one occasion I actually asked her if she was HIGH. Now she is a very young 12 year old and I know she doesn't smoke weed but she looks and acts like a stoner.
DOESN'T GET THINGS: Innuendo, metaphors,jokes. Cannot read between the lines at all.
Now what is interesting is that the school has tested her and she ranges from above average to average to below average depending on the subject. She has been given an IEP and we were told she has a visual processing disorder and suspected emotional component. That is just on a scholastic level. Now we have brought in the big guns with a big price tag: testing by a PSYCH.
I am very frustrated. I have been very frustrated since I met her. I have always been trying to get my spouse to notice what I have...that there was something not quite right. From age 7 she had issues that I noticed...things that were not age appropriate, babyish and for lack of a better word "not normal". I hate to use that but I will. Initially I thought that it was just behavioral and when they came to live with me I would set down rules and structure that my spouse never did. But it never worked. And part of the problem was my spouse who never backed me up and would actually UNDUE things that I put into place for the SD's benefit...good things...not mean or horrible teach her and help her grow. I was labeled as the problem and not the SD who in my spouse's eyes was "perfect" and completely normal. It took a toll on our marriage to say the least but I know that the issue with the SD alone is not the only problem and may likely be subordinate to the bigger problem of my spouse's disrespect and dismissal of me. Nevertheless my SD is what we have always fought about.
I am actively participating in the SD testing process, even taking off work to take her to her appointments. Yet I feel that even we do get a diagnosis I may not want to continue this relationship. I just didn't sign up for this. A disrespectful and anything but adoring spouse and now I have a step kid with serious issues? Oh hell no.
Yet I feel guilty for thinking that to save myself I have to leave both of them and especially after a diagnosis.
If there is no diagnosis it will make it so much easier to end it because I will know that the SD has been playing both of us for years. I don't have the energy for that either.
If anybody has any advice I would love your comments please!
From my own experience he is
From my own experience he is unlikely to recognise what you do such as running her to appointments etc. youll be judged for not caring as much as him. you fill in the void and make yourself miserable.
perhaps give youself a time limit such as oh i have a year, and then i will definitley decide. to stay or go.
so it is not tied in with them and guilt, and how he treats you but based on what you want.
That is a great suggestion.
That is a great suggestion. Yes. I need to be in a happier place and I have been focusing on that...doing things that I like to do...just for me. Exercise, volunteer, clean out my crazy garage, get organized. I like to be productive. At this point I have really loaded up my schedule so that I don't have to be at home very much and it is a pity because I love my home. And it is my home. Not my spouse's. IT used to be my haven. Now it is my stress zone.
Thank you Heaven. I intend to
Thank you Heaven. I intend to save myself. My spouse is now working. Has been for several months now earning a decent income as a BSN/RN. Yet I still have to pay for most things. And the inequity of the money issue is also frustrating me. I honestly don't know what my spouse does with the rest of the paycheck. We keep everything separate for good reason THANK GOD.
The problem Heaven is that I have to do some of the things because either I want a clean house or out of sheer humanity I want to help this poor girl. She didn't ask for or deserve such a shit parent but I get your point. The old saying..."don't do more for your skids than their own parents are willing to do". RIGHT?
Wow, I am really sorry your
Wow, I am really sorry your situation is so difficult. Have you brought up paying for things 50/50? I wouldn't do anymore for him until you address what he is doing with his money and why he can't split things evenly? And yes, it sounds like you should get ready for divorce, none of that sounds healthy
Anyways, My bf's 6 year old I swear has ADD just like her father & probably a lot of her fathers's mental issues; Not to mention the bad manners she's getting away with. That's probably part of it - SD hasn't been taught any better or held to age appropriate standards by the parents and it sounds like her father isn't paying attention to her (how can he not notice those things? Unless he's just ignoring them?)... Is the mother in this situation or no?
I would ask, does husband have any issues, that perhaps this is hereditary and might keep him from recognizing them as not normal behavior? Any family history or other family members that have of the mental/learning issues? (what about the mother's side?) I had to keep records on calendars of what was going on that day with BF and after a while it finally made him realize there were some patterns, reoccurring monthly, and he needed help. If there's a way you can keep a little track of some of the worse symptoms and see if there's a pattern to it, it might reveal something to the doctors. I did sleep and mood problem tracking. If I thought food or drinking might have something to do with the next day's problems I wrote it down. (Of course the 12 year old won't have drinking, it's just an example of what I'd note.) Problems with mental cognition and mood problems are more prevalent than people realize.
Oh have the teachers brought up any concerns with the SD in school and how she functions at school? Most likely they've noticed but won't say anything due to so many teachers getting in trouble for voicing concerns over such touchy issues. Perhaps talk to them?
Thanks for all your comments
Thanks for all your comments and here is the latest update: they are moving out next week. I just couldn't take it anymore.
To answer your question Evil, my spouse has another child, a son who does not live with us ( he's just starting university) who has aspergers and I think there is some sort of biological issue. Nevertheless I don't have to deal with it anymore. I get my home back and my sanity.
I would love to have my home
I would love to have my home back and sanity. This sounds like " the frozen lake" concept. Everyone else sees it but he can't ... the thin ice in the middle of the lake.
I too am dealing with a 6 year old step son with BEHAVIOR problems. He cant even dress himself. I too am ready for it all to end and end the relationship but we have a 4 month old together that i promised would never grow up in a split family. But looks like i have no choice. I am severely depressed bc of the things that have been said and done to me by the BM and from my spouse when i TRY to help. ive lost this battle and i know it. I cant anymore. I have thoughts of suicide bc of all this. I dont know how you deal with it. 5 yrs is long enough and i give up.
BigBIrd I feel sorry for your
BigBIrd I feel sorry for your situation. Having a child with your spouse makes it way more difficult, if not impossible to leave, especially if you have solid opinions about divorce. I think counseling is the only way to go. Keep praying too. I am lucky we don't have kids together. Thank God.
Hey surfchica I'm glad to
Hey surfchica I'm glad to hear your situation sounds like it has a light at the end of the tunnel. How are things going now? Your (former?) SD sounds a LOT like my SS15. I'm trying so hard to look on the bright side and fortunately my fiancée and I are on the same page about whatever he's gonna get diagnosed with (sounds a lot like autism spectrum)... it sucks so hard cause her son is nothing like her. I love everything about her and he's all the stupid, smelly, terrible opposite things and it makes me so angry and so hard to around him. I feel bad because it's probably mostly a disorder. But I feel like I'm going crazy. I want to disengage entirely but there's things that affect my living environment and I have to say something when she's not around or else it comes down on me, and it seems like he's starting to pick up on my anxiety or discomfort with him. It's so frustrating. If you have an update though it would be great to hear how it's going.
Hey XERO...and hello to
Hey XERO...and hello to everybody else....yes I do have an update.
They moved out at the end of December. I can't believe how much better I am feeling. The stress of having to deal with the daily BS and smell her is over and I am regaining my sanity. I just couldn't do it anymore...I could not be a step-mom to this kid. I do feel sorry for her and I know that at the end of the day it is mostly not her fault. I really got tired of being told off by my spouse in front of the kid, being told that I didn't like her or was "mean".
I will never recommend step parenting to anybody. It is not for the faint of heart. Maybe a different spouse and a different kid would make a difference. Probably not.
Good luck to everybody here. I really feel for your guys. This site was a life saver when I was going through the worst of it. My nightmare is over and I will never live with that kid again. THANK GOD.
Your story sounds so much
Your story sounds so much like mine it is SCARY! I am convinced my SD is on the autism spectrum, amongst other things. The DH tends to see her through the lens of love and I see her through a lens of responsibility to get her the help she needs. It is a very frustrating cycle. I'm at a loss as to what to do next because I love my husband dearly and cannot imagine divorce. Hopeful someone here has advice.
My SS is 10 and we have made
My SS is 10 and we have made an appt w his PCP to determine the first steps in getting him diagnosed because there is definitely something wrong. The main problem is anger control. When things don't go his way or he gets in trouble and gets embarrassed he will throw things and it takes him a while to calm down. He is having a lot of trouble at school because of it. He also , I hate to say this is just annoying. He is always talking, asking pointless questions , being loud etc etc. it's like he has to have attention all the time. He never can just be by himself and play. He is smart and does great in school other than the impulse control and anger. We thought it may be ADHD but his teachers think it could be ODD. Either way it's so stressful and I really hope we can get him diagnosed and I sadly hope they can give him some type of medication because if not he is going to have a terrible future and we will continue to be living with the stress. We have tried SO many things at home and counseling and it has not helped at all.