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visitation and transportation

bailey31's picture

Would love to get some feedback from other families that have to fly to another city for visitation. My husband has been flying with his son back and forth to my SS's hometown. The mom brings my SS to us and then my husband flys his son home. SS is getting older -almost 10 and we would like to start using a chaperone on the plane that the airlines provide. We are spending about 2,ooo in airfare per year on top of CS. If BM does not agree and this goes to court, I'm wondering what will likely happen. Does anyone have any experience with this type of situation?

rosa1's picture

Its up to you, you will have to pay for the extra charge the airline will know the cost. and at that age you can do it even younger, I think at 14 they can fly with out a chaperone. It will also be cheaper than buying another ticket. My ex had to do this and when his son was 10 when we moved out of state, my ex paid the extra charge so he did not have to fly. If she chooses not do go that rout thats on her, but you can. The judge won't care either way, they can't micro manage everything.

I say just do it.... she really can't do a thing about it but bitch.

bailey31's picture

thanks. she is actually threatening to take us to court over it. My instinct is that My husband has the right to use a chaperone if he wants to, but she is saying no way. Instead he has to be on a total of 4 flights to take his child home ( there is no direct flight to her home county and she refuses to use an airport with direct flights that is an hour from her house). So my husband does two flights there and two flights back in one day. This increases the chance that he could miss a connecting flight and have to get a hotel. I have tried to talk with her and reason with her about this, but her feeling is that she doesn't have to make my husband's life easier. She has said that she will take us to court and that DH would have to fly to that state for a court date(where the two origially lived and now neither one lives) and that we would be charged for court and legal fees. I don't think that she is correct, but need some advise before calling her bluff.

rosa1's picture

I would call your attorney, but I know if you call the airline they will tell you that children do it all the time. If you could get the child on a direct flight, I am very sure that no judge would stop you from doing that. I think that when we did it the cost was around 100 and there was no direct flight and he was on the plane for about 6 hours. I do believe it is your choice, but I don't know what state you live it, but even then I dout she can do anything about it. Best advice call the attorney and the airline. Or just do it. She will only look like a fool in court if she goes that rout, and really I think she is using it as a control tactic. Your SS would be in good hands, especially now with all the security and all.

Good luck, let me know what the attorney says or what happens.