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Whoops... Sorry not Sorry BM

BSgoinon's picture

BM called me from a blocked number...

I may or may not have told her to shut up. I may or may not have told her that NO I don't understand what it is like to have my 13 year old kid not want to see me on their birthday because all of my kids WANT to see me. I may or may not have told her she is the most selfish person I have ever met. And I may have hung up on her.

Sorry, not sorry.


Cooooookies's picture

Sadly, moving_on is probably right but it must have felt SO GOOD to at least say SOMETHING to her!

Maxwell09's picture

Good for you. She probably was high so she won't remember it but I'm glad you had a chance to give her something for all the damage she is causing your family.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

You have been INCREDIBLY patient, bitten your tongue, and have done more for your SS than both of his parents put together. (Nothing against your DH, but with the amount of traveling he does for work he'd be up a creek without you).

Maybe BM needed to hear that from the woman who has helped, listened, encouraged, supported, and facilitated for her so many times over the years. You've definitely earned the right to speak the truth to her. I bet it felt great!

notasm3's picture

Can't believe he's a teenager. Thank goodness he has enough sense not to want a junkie too involved in his life.

Maxwell09's picture

I agree with this. BM texted me at the beginning of this week and my response to her was: "I am not your boyfriend or your friend so whatever issues you have are not my problem" She texted me back saying she was going to block me (as if I have EVER texted her in the first place :?) Whatever. I think it just falls under the Golden Uterus complex some of these BMs have that they think their voices are always supreme and must be heard and celebrated. Nope. Not here. And not when they don't deserve it.

SourGrapes's picture

I looove that she wanted your sympathy regarding the fact that her kid won't talk to her. "Oh sorry BM, I'm not quite sure how to put myself in your scumbag shoes."