Summer is over
Hi everyone. It has been a few months since I wrote my last blog here. I felt like I was always defending myself and I needed a break.
It was summer vacation and SS was supposed to be with us. But after a few weeks he was asking to go back to his mother’s home because his friends were there. And he was especially bored because my own kids went to their father’s state for the summer. SS made friends here too but they were away on trips also. DH was hesitant but SS was driving us crazy so they agreed to a 7 day swap like before. BM wanted the full CS because of the change but DH didn’t bother fighting with her about it.
DH took SS camping, hiking and several other local trips all of summer. And SS was more than happy about that. He was not ignoring me so much either. But the moment my kids returned he became nasty again. He was being so combative with DS that I made DH tell SS that he was to ignore DS just like he ignores me. I am not going to let DS be bullied in his own home.
The therapy sessions have been quite useless. DH and SS went 12 times and SS refuses to engage or compromise. It just feels like a waste of money.
We have been trying to work on SS respecting me with no success. He doesn’t have to like me as he used to. All I am asking is for him to respect me as an adult living in the house. But he still ignores me completely. I’m not going to lie and say ‘m ok with it because it hurts my feelings to be treated like that.
From my perspective, it seems like SS can only ever be happy if my kids are out of the picture. That is not fair in my personal opinion.
As for the dog, she has grown a lot. However, the dog remains a big source of conflict with SS. Every single time he is here there are fights about playing with the dog. He had a lot of alone time with the dog while my children away. And when they came back he was being possessive and it caused a lot of fights.
School starts next week and it’s back to the old visitations schedule. SS went back to BM’s house yesterday and he tried to smuggle the dog back to his house. I am not sure how he thought he could hide a dog in a car for an hour drive. He got caught of course. DH said SS spent the whole ride back saying how unfair it was. I guess we are back at square one.
DH is still being a guilty parent like some of you said. I have slowly learned over the summer to separate him as my husband from him as father. I cannot change how he parents but at least he is a fantastic husband to me.
No. That must be someone else
No. That must be someone else sorry.
I imagine SS enjoy his time
I imagine SS enjoy his time with his father. It's nice too that he got time to have the dog be 'his'. I'm surprised you still have the dog ... it's caused a lot of basically unnecessary conflict in the household.
Dad, SM and SM's son and
Dad, SM and SM's son and daughter moved an hour away. They got the dog (that OP'S SS had always wanted) for their new home after they moved. SS went from 50/50 to weekends and summer.
This is the SS who was negotiating with his father. Heck of a little negotiator this kid was being last OP posted late this last winter.
yea..negotiating... And I
And I last posted in March.
Hey Lucy. The months that my
Hey Lucy. The months that my kids were gone were actually really calm with SS. The moment they came back it was like a switch flipped. I need to disengage like before. But it's hard with all the stress at home.
Thanks for the heads up about River. I only know of Tommar though (unfortunately).
More for the rest of you!
More for the rest of you!
Nope. I wish something was
I wish something was up, if you know what I mean. }:)
Ugh, some of you ladies are a bad influence.
(Aniki comes to mind, lol)
Lucy was Trump?? Oops, then
Lucy was Trump?? Oops, then I PM'd the wrong person. Sorry!
I am MollyBrown and
I am MollyBrown and MollyBrown only. It's ridiculous that you keep bringing up my name. I posted here until I get divorced in 2008. Is it so hard for you to believe I am a real person? Stop mentioning me.
Sounds to me like the boy
Sounds to me like the boy needs a heavy dose of "Tough Sh!t" and I mean that in a "too bad, get over it; life is never fair" kind of way. He doesn't like your kids-owell, they're there to stay so your DH needs to tell him he needs to make peace with it. The dog isn't only "his," well he should be grateful the others will have to help feed, water and walk it. You say counseling isn't going well because he is still refusing to actively engage in these sessions-what does the therapist think of this open display of child defiance? Maybe dad should request the therapist have one-to-one sessions with the boy for the first half and then bring your DH in for the rest of the session. Have you been to a session? I would think since your relationship with him is the primary problem, you need to go in there and start rattling off all the craptastic things he does to the therapist. In all likelihood the boy will react, he will start talking then and even if it's just to defend himself to the counselor against you, it's still a start from not talking at all. And there might be a chance the counselor can give you insight on the boy's perception or tell you which of these situations is to be catagorized as "stepkid problem" versus "usual teen behavior" problems.
The therapist things it's
The therapist things it's best if both DH and SS are together at all times. She says one-on-one wouldnt help. But doing them together is not helping either. She has not asked for me to join. And honestly, I do not want to get involved with the therapist. It would just give SS more reasons to hate me
Not all therapists are
Not all therapists are created equal. DH would definitely benefit from 1/1 therapy where he isn't being constantly guilted by SS. DH needs to learn how to be a parent vs. guilty dad/friend.
As for you, going to a therapist of your own choosing (not SS's) who will be supportive of YOU may be very beneficial. Make some calls and shop around. DH, SS and I had a terrible dynamic when Dh and I first got married. I of course was quickly put into the role of wicked SM. DH refused to go to therapy w/me because he didn't think he had a problem but therapy helped me set boundaries and step out of THEIR dynamic.
Our insurance don't cover
Our insurance don't cover therapy so unfortunately we can't do separate therapy sessions without making cuts in other places. I think I am ok without therapy. Of course, my feelings are hurt and I feel stressed. But I don't know how seeing a therapist would help me with that significantly.
I have disengaged myself from SS and his attitude towards. But a part of me still feels sad because it wasn't always this way.
I agree DH would benefit from one on one therapy. But a\ he has a lot of financial obligations like saving for college and CS that means he cab't really afford it.
Maybe he could switch therapists. The current one was well reviewed and highly recommended and we don't know if we can find one better.
I wonder if totally excluding
I wonder if totally excluding SS would be childish and uncaring, however - I think there are calls for some boundaries of what and where he is included. Maybe see if he is willing to help with jobs you do for him, before refusing the jobs totally...
Words I may take on board myself ...!
Hi Sally! I sent you a
Hi Sally! I sent you a message too
BM won't get a dog. And I do not think DH should ask her too either. He created this mess. He needs to figure it out.
I said earlier but therapist thinks one-on-one won't help at all because SS is not engaging. If DH is there, at least some dialog goes on.
I am pretty much ignoring SS. But the house just feels like it is filled with tension. I hate that feeling
The only words SS will hear
The only words SS will hear from you is ask your Dad..."
^Totally agree with this. If he wants to ignore you and be disrespectful then dad can be the one to attend to ALL of his needs. As for the dog I would go old school re-home it since the kids are fighting over it and it's causing contention. Obviously it's not the dogs fault that there are child/ren in the home that don't have enough maturity to have a "family" pet. Life lesson: Everyone suffers when someone decides to be an a$$hole.
In a way I am lucky because
In a way I am lucky because he already ignores me. But it still hurts to be treated like a ghost.
I can't rehome the dog :(. We all really bonded with her. And my kids always play fair with her. SS however, doesn't want them to even interact with the dog when he is here. I don't think that is fair. Or am I way off base?
You mean you won't re home
You mean you won't re home the dog. Maybe a better option would be to keep her and re home DH and SS }:)
That is a tempting idea
removed because it was
removed because it was repeated.
I like the way you separate
I like the way you separate him as a father from him as a parents. They are very wise words. I will remember that for me and my SO. Bro you mind me asking how long you have been married? X
Thanks MsMad. We are married
Thanks MsMad.
We are married for a little more than 2 years now. But we dated for a while before that.
Thanks for replying
Thanks for replying