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My Mothers Day...

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For the past 11 years, we have had SS on Mothers Day morning, long enough to go out to breakfast, then we take him to BM's for her to spend the day with him. Twice, we invited BM to breakfast with us. That was a VERY long time ago.

Well, this year the tables have turned. BM emailed DH yesterday asking if she can pick SS up at 10 am on Mothers Day. DH asked SS what he wanted to do. He said "can I just go to breakfast with her, and then come home?". So that is what DH replied. "You can get him at 9am, and have him home by 11, he wants to go to breakfast with you and then come home".

She hasn't replied yet. But this will be the first year that I get to have ALL of my kids on Mothers Day. I am so happy. I asked DH what he would do if she argued it, he said he plans on telling her that she can have a full mothers day when she decides to be a full mom again. Part time mom only gets part time Mothers Day Wink


BSgoinon's picture

Tuff, she responded and said she had made plans for her and SS for mothers day. DH replied and said "well, that's really too bad. I have already made plans for our family. You can have him for breakfast".

She didn't reply after that. Should be interesting.