Senior Photos
I'm just looking for a little advice on how to handle senior photos. I am a photographer/graphic designer, but I do not have a professional business. I don't have a great relationship with my skids (12 & 17), however I am not spending $800+ on senior photos when I can just do them myself. BM has been the worst since day 1. She has treated me like absolute garbage (via the kids and texts/emails to DH etc..), although I haven't had a conversation with her in 6 years. PAS the kids, then blaming DH when they don't want to come over. Barely works (she has a nursing degree), but quick to take his $1600/month CS, then tell him what a crappy dad he is. Her and DH have no useful communication at all. DH ignores her, unless pertinent, and she calls/texts him constantly over stupid little things even though he continues to ignore her. Like doing her taxes, etc...
So.....what I'm wondering is how should I handle the photos? I am tempted to just do our own thing and have DH say screw you, find your own photographer. OR treat her like a normal client, but only give her the option of purchasing files. I do NOT want to deal with printing things for her. I know that no matter what we do, it will cause problems- which she always throws the kids in the middle of.
Any suggestions???
Unlike DH, I am not good at taking the high road by the way.
She won't reach out, but
She won't reach out, but after I take SS17's pics, (obviously she'll know he had a session) she will ask DH when she gets to see them. She has done this before. I just laughed then. But senior pics are different. I think you're right- I should go with my gut and not include her.
DH pays CS. Let BM find her
DH pays CS. Let BM find her own photographer. I know you would probably be doing them all a great favor if you could do this for them but. "No good deed goes unpunished". Just keep repeating that to yourself and it might keep you from volunteering your services lol.
This is absolutely an "ignore
This is absolutely an "ignore the whore" moment. Do what you want with the pictures. Ignore anything from BM. I would not share anything with a high conflict ahole.