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My HA HA for the day :)

VENUS452's picture

So the other day I get a text from BM’s husband saying “Do you have plans this Weekend? We have a meeting and I was wondering if you could watch MONSTER (that’s BM and his baby – she’s a 1.5 y/o nightmare!) We can always skip the meeting but we could really use your help.”

Hummmmm….let me think……no thanks!

Now I should explain…DH, myself, BM, her hubby, BM’s oldest dad and his wife are all very civil with one each other. We all keep it peaceful for the sake of the kids involved. But unlike the other SM I am not friends, nor do I pretend to be friends with BM. I am always kind, but never have any kind of interaction with her outside of SS’s activities (THANKS TO ALL OF YOU Smile – you taught me that I do not need to be her friend just to be peaceful – but based on what I’m saying below, I still have much to learn).

I have watched MONSTER before (before she was a monster anyways). So it’s not out of the ordinary for them to ask, and before she became a nightmare I didn’t mind watching her. But ever since she turned one, she’s horrible to have over. She bites…if you tell her no she’ll slap you…in the face if she’s close enough and she just doesn’t listen…and I don’t care to deal with that anymore, she’s not my child OR DH’s.

So it’s not the fact that they asked that I find it annoying/amusing. It was his response when I said no. We have plans that entire weekend. So I told him I couldn’t and explained we had tickets to a hockey game and plans with my parents and then offered to ask our sitter if she was available to help them out. His response was…..

“We don’t really have the money to get a sitter that’s why we asked you [[RUDE – clearly I need to start charging]], but I looked up the rules for the tickets and she’s young enough to sit on your lap and not need a ticket, so you could take her with you.”

SAY WHAT!!!! First of all implying that I’m essentially “cheap help” not the best way to get me to change my mind. Second of all, NO! I told him that I didn’t want the responsibility of watching a small child at a very busy arena….but he kept trying to convince me/guilt me into it (but she really likes you – we really shouldn’t miss this meeting, etc). DH finally got annoyed and called BM and told her the final answer was no and that her hubby needed to stop texting and that we won’t be watching MONSTER for them anymore if this is how things are going to go when we say no. of course that pissed of BM but whatever!

Usually when these little tiff’s happen, BM tells SS about it and he confronts us or is mad depending on the situation. The typical little games she plays. So when I got home from work yesterday SS came up to me and said (now he’s 7, but he talks like he’s 40 – cracks me up) --Venus, I need to speak to about something, let’s go in the living room and have a seat. My mom told me that you refused to watch MONSTER because you don’t like her. Now I realize that’s not true and my mom was just saying that because she was mad. I wanted to tell you what I said to my mom about this situation so that you're not caught off guard if she says something to you. I told her that MONSTER is not your responsibility and that it’s not fair to get mad at you for not wanting to take care of her. I also suggested that next time she offer to pay you because good help doesn’t come for free-- LOL!!! I just love him, he is his father’s child!

hereiam's picture

Kid is 7? He is something, and he is so, so right.

we won’t be watching MONSTER for them anymore if this is how things are going to go when we say no.

There would be no IF, I would not babysit for them anymore.

lintini's picture

Wow, I can't believe the father went as far as looking up that you could take her to the game for free and she could just sit on your lap. That is so rude!!

Cadence's picture

So you learned that you didn't need to be friends to keep the peace. Good for you.

Here's your next lesson: "No" is a complete sentence.

BM and her hubby are boundary pushers. They do not allow you (and probably others) to have boundaries with them. Think of someone in your life whom you love and respect and who loves and respects you. If they asked you to babysit and you said you couldn't, they'd accept that answer and thank you for considering it. You wouldn't feel like you had to justify why you had to say no, because they accept what you have to say.

Contrast that with BM and BM's DH. You gave them extra information because they are pushy people and you felt like you would have to justify why you couldn't babysit their kid. You knew that they'd demand an explanation so you proactively offered one, thinking they'd accept it. So, instead of just saying "No" or "No, we have plans." you added in the information about where you were going or what you were doing. You thought this would take the pressure off of you, because it was clear you did have plans. But the opposite happened, right? Instead of saying "Okay, thanks for considering it", they took the extra information that you offered them and used it to argue as to why your saying "no" wasn't valid. "Oh, she can sit on your lap. We looked it up."

It is crucially important that you offer boundary busters no additional information. It won't help. It will only extend the conflict.

From now on, "No" is a complete sentence. If you have to be a little bit of a people pleaser, you can add on "No, I'm not available. Sorry." You never ever say more than that to them. If they ask why, you do not give them extra information. You reinforce the boundary by saying "I said no. I don't have to justify myself to you. And, frankly, it's extremely rude for you to expect that I need to explain myself. You asked for a favor, I'm not available, end of story."

Amcc13's picture

Can I say your partner and his son are the best ever? A husband who stands up for you and an ss who is fair !!!
It's a dream !!!
Obv your partner has good genes !

You did the right thing. They asked you said no and you also offered alternative. Well done. Let them bring her to the meeting and have her sit on there knee.
If you do babysit her again, charge them then throw her out the back garden and leave the feral child to the wild