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sticking to it is the hard part.

jstorie's picture

So my husband finally had a job interview today nothing fancy just a job at Sonic but after 3 months of him not working...I really don't give a damn. I need him to work. Im a full time student and work part time becuase hes laid off. but with all the shit the sd had put me through I know this is going to open a new can of worms.

So sd15 is living with gma. I WILL NOT ALLOW HER TO COME BACK... becuase of the child abuse bs.

but dh is having to pick her up from school and babysit her because gma works till 9pm and sd can't be trusted at all by herself. so if dh gets a job... who do they expect to pick this child up and watch her? they think im gonna do it but im not. but at the same time he needs to work i have two other children plus myself....

Im really not expecting anyone to comment I think I am just writing this for myself. I am strong. I can do this. Shes not my monkey...this is not my circus.


jstorie's picture

Yeah in our state you can work at 15 but you have to have something from the school saying shes passing classes. and she is failing 5/out of 6...

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Then sign her up for community service somewhere while her "sitters" work, }:)