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Trying led to a failure

young_stepmomma25's picture

So I went against myself today and let his daughter get to me. I just let her do something normally her father wouldn't do & I got shitted on to say the least. My last post I had told her she could spend a night out and to come home by 12 In the afternoon. Sounds a bit reasonable, right? So hours pass and around 2 in the afternoon she comes home. Her father asks her why she came in at that time if I told her 12 & she flat out lied and told her father I said something else. In which I didn't. She just lied like it was nothing & I WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE! I said wow I told you come home at 12 and she shouts out "You're lying! I know what you said! You always lie and my dad always believe YOU" This itch was nuts! I just shook my head and told my husband, while you're away , I'm not to be minding your children or help you "parent them" since according to your daughter "I'm lying all the time" He didn't even respond back. So I'm asking, would I be wrong to leave just because of his daughter? I'm seriously contemplating it.

oneoffour's picture

She only did this to DEFLECT the attention away from her and onto you. A common technique that teens use.

Obviously he believes you because she said as much. And my argument would have been "Hang on, why would I tell you it was OK to come home at 2pm? Your Dad always says 12pm and I do what he says."

And definitely no more watching the kids for him.