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Have you ever NOT been acknowledged by BM? (ever, at all.)

MarriedwithChild's picture

Have any of you NEVER once been even acknowledged by BM? As in, non-existent?

I just had a "flash" of reality here. After almost an entire year of taking care of her son, not even one word? How am I supposed to take that? It really pisses me off thinking about how screwed up that is being a mom myself? Wouldn't you be a little thankful that someone was buying food, driving, taking care of your child? If I was anyone else, I bet she would hand over an award.

Why all the hatred when I had zero to do with their divorce? Besides (ignore) like in public situations, how would you "act" if bm ONLY acknowledged your dh and never yourself? (as in you might as well be a ghost?)

MarriedwithChild's picture

Oh! Don't take me wrong here. She harrases alright...geez does she harrass. DH though is her target with the one minor (lmao) exception to where she emailed dh talking about his "CURRENT WIFE." Huh?

What a piece of work. It's just if the idiot (bm) wants frikkin plans for darlin ss5, she needs to address/ ask? me too? I'm not obligated here...

Yeah, I've spent plenty of $$$$ on ss5 too. pisses me off to no end.

jenjen's picture

I havent said more then "hey" with a smile and I received the same. We dont talk and I prefer it that way. She wouldn't appreciate the things I do because as DH puts it she thinks she is "SUPER MOM" and nothing anyone else does matters anyway.

The funny part is she is not really that great of a mother in my book. If you look at her kids and their behavior problems - um - no - not that great. She's not terrible, she is a complete pointy nosed cheating whore of a bitch (excuse me -lol!) but she luckily isnt the worst ever either.

But Im cool with a "hey" and that is all. I do not want more.

MarriedwithChild's picture

So, you don't feel like you should ever even be asked for your money/ time/ services? Your dh should answer for you? Naaah, not

lynneranne's picture

I would just say to remember you are not there to please her or do things for her. When you do things for any step children it should be your SO that gives you praises. I would never expect BM to say anything to me. I do things for SD because she deserves it and to help FH. He tells me thank you for the things I do all the time.

Life isn't about the days you have, its about what you do with the days you have.

MarriedwithChild's picture

Okay, not "gratitude" seeking here. I'm talking about being ASKED when the sk needs something. As in you watching the sk, etc...NOT you being offered up without asking YOU in advance.


BM: "Can I pick-up ss5 at blank on blank?" (I WILL be the one there, NOT DH.)

If somebody WANTS me for something, they better ask ME, is all.

Anon2009's picture

BM doesn't ask me for anything. She doesn't ask DH for anything either. After she lost custody, she gave up on her kids. She never acknowledged me before we got custody, either.

Snowbunny's picture

I think that BMs like this don't acknowledge SMs because then they would have to admit that they're not the perfect mom and don't do it all themselves. In our case, BM has the completely skewed mental picture of herself as this Super Mom that perfectly and unconditionally cares for her kids all on her own. If she acknowledged everything I do for SD that would mean acknowledging what she DOESN'T do, and that's just not in her repertoire. I couldn't possibly be caring for SD because she has her all the time and takes care of her every need like a good mother should, right? So if you're BM is anything like mine, I'm guessing she ignores you because she wants to continue to live in this fantasy world of herself as a Stepford mother.

jenjen's picture

That is my skids BM to a tee! She thinks she "does it on her own".... very untrue especially when it comes to anything financial, she is the most dependant person I have ever known. And when it comes to anything related to the kids school, friends, behavior - she thinks she is the be all end all of knowledge and skill. That is why her kids at 9 and 7 have behavior problems that normally would have dissipated by age 5 at the max. HA!
