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Happy Thanksgiving to all the Steptalkers! May there be pie for everyone !

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LostinSpaceandTime's picture

I hope all have a drama free ...pie filled day! I am looking forward to a day alone with my pups. DH is traveling 5 hrs away to see his parents and brothers. I opted not to go where I feel invisible and unwelcome anyway. I do not have a relationship throughout the year with these people...why pretend on a major holiday?

I have stocked the kitchen with pie and am ready to be a hermit for two days. I thought DH was driving home on Friday but he just tells me today that "they want him to stay till Saturday". First I heard of it. It pisses me off that he cannot bother to communicate with me such details. Just as well I am not would have been impossible to plan and arrange for kennel care anyway with the amount of info he shares. And darned if I was going to take the reins planning such a trip to see people I do not want to spend time with. I would have wanted to stay in a hotel and DH would have let his dad overrule that anyway like he has before.

So let DH go sleep on a sofa at his parents/brothers ( they share a house) with basement area for parents. I will enjoy the whole house to myself, eat when I want, watch some old movies...snuggle with the pups. Better than spending hours traveling...or all day cleaning up the kitchen from DH wanting to cook turkey and all the sides ...for two people.

I could have gone to my Sons house for the day...but that is several hours drive and the pups are with me. Not willing to have boarded them for two nights just to be available for the day.

On one hand it sucks that DH let his parents summons him for the holiday and that we will be apart. They made their demand in about May or June. I dreaded the whole year then finally told him I would not be going.

On the other hand...I just need the time alone without the stress of someone else's expectations on me.

But ya know...for once it would be nice if my DH could put our relationship first and tell everyone that the actual holiday is for the two of us and he will see them on another day.
I wish I cared more...most days I am just numb to it all and indifferent. It makes me mad at him though when he can't tell me what his plans are more than the day of or day before something.

So all have a great Thanksgiving. Whatever the day may bring. I may end up in a pie induced is all good!