Wanted to know if anybody had any thoughts/ideas on getting even with a defiant ss who makes your life a living hell. I want to do it in an inconspicuous way so that nobody will know what I've done so I can bring hell upon his life as he is doing to mine, I have done little things such as accidentally loosing favorite shirts behind the dryer. I am thinking about taking it up a notch and taking the back of his 40 inch plasma t.v. that he bought for himself and clipping wires in it and then putting it back together and then play dumb like he does when I ask him if he did something/tore something up, I could also do the same thing w/ his playstation as well, just some thoughts here I'd like to hear if anybody has any good ideas to throw my way.
This is a joke, right?
This is a joke, right?
Oh! Oh! Oh! I know!!! Move
Oh! Oh! Oh! I know!!!
Move out! That'll learn him...
Get a bowling ball - the
Get a bowling ball - the heaviest you can find - and drop it on your foot. Then drop it on your other foot. Rinse. Repeat.
I have been through hell with
I have been through hell with this kid over the last 4 years because of his defiant attitude, he has broken stuff around the house, messed my stuff up as well as other peoples in the house, ruined vacations, been ungrateful for anything anybody has done for him including others besides myself, I am tired of his crap and nothing seems to work.
Sounds like your wife needs
Sounds like your wife needs to put her foot down, or you need to get the hell outta Dodge.
not going any where, I have
not going any where, I have not done anything to warrant the crap that i get, I have been nothing but good to him and paid for him to have what he has, he is the one that continues to bite the hand that feeds, did it ever occur to you that people can only take so much, well that is where i am at I was past my breaking point 2 years ago
So because you are past your
So because you are past your breaking point you want to be told that it's okay to defile his belongings and break his things?
I really think you need to remove yourself from the situation. Nothing good is going to come from your retaliation and you can not expect people on here to cheer you on while you do it.
If you have reached your
If you have reached your breaking point, why are you still there?
Instead of playing childish games, just leave.
He's done it to mine with out
He's done it to mine with out care, not expecting anybody to cheer me on, just wanted some ideas
Take the TV away until he
Take the TV away until he learns how to behave. Or the power cord, or the remote, or just cancel the cable subscription or change the internet password and refuse to tell him what it is. Set out expectations of what you expect for him to get his privileges back.
You are the adult here, there is no need to resort to sneaky revenge tactics when you have the option to issue consequences for his actions and behaviors. If he is biting the hand that feeds him, stop giving him anything beyond the necessities until he learns that he isn't entitled to anything more. If his mother is the one that does the disciplining/parenting then insist that she steps up.
What? Ideas on things you
What? Ideas on things you could do to him and his stuff??
You could get some ideas on how to stop him or on how to protect your stuff or even to just vent about what he's done. But you won't get ideas on how to cause him pain. At least I hope you don't.
Look, I think you are in the wrong place. Lots of people here don't like their skids and come here to vent about how horrible they are but they don't condone acting out the way you are choosing to.
Why are you mad at the kid
Why are you mad at the kid instead of the parent that keeps allowing the kid to be an asshole?
You could just take the tv
You could just take the tv and explain why rather than destroying it.
Ive done little things to 'teach them a lesson' - I have stopped doing SS laundry and items left around the house I have hid to see if they would even miss it. If I get them things and they don't appreciate I have given them away to my nieces and nephews. JUST STOP DOING FOR HIM. I am... I'm done.
LOL I feel you on the revenge part tho... but i Gueeesssss we are suppose to be mature about it. That's no fun
Revenge will bite you on the
Revenge will bite you on the ass.
I am going to tell you exactly what was said to me when I place the bulk of the issues upon the shoulders of the skid.
The skid is not your problem. The parent is your problem. Your partner/wife/SO is allowing her kid to treat you like shit. Because they are not being disciplined for their actions, it's a BIG GREEN LIGHT from his mother to continue treating you this way. He knows she's not going to do a damn thing to stop it.
The biggest problem several step-parents have is staying out of stubbornness or the unwillingness to lose the game.
In the end, if you stay in a situation where you're unhappy and the person that's supposed to love you the most is allowing their kid(s) to treat you badly. You're losing the game only because you're looking at retaliation against a kid.
Please do yourself a favor, begin an exit strategy. Being married to this person is making you so miserable you feel the need to resort to immature behavior in order to gain some footing. This isn't healthy.
usually karma is good on its
usually karma is good on its own. you dont need to do a thing.
How old are you???? Are you
How old are you???? Are you the just turned 20 new wife since you must of been 18 when you married? Stop acting like a 12 year old. Grow up! Your worse than he is by far!
How old is this child ?
How old is this child ?
How old is this child ?
How old is this child ?
This doesn't sound right that
This doesn't sound right that you would get to a child's level.