time for happiness on STalk!!!
HAPPY subject - share one thing, just a little thing, that your dh does that means the world to you. i'm not talking about major occasions, but some small gesture your dh does that makes you melt.
dh sleeps w/ a fan pointing at him. i hate feeling air blowing on me when i'm trying to sleep, but his body blocks most of it. when he gets up before i do, he leaves the fan on to drown out the kids' noise (doesnt work, but it's thoughtful). BUT the one little thing he does that makes me melt? he stacks a few pillows in his 'spot' to block me from the wind. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
happy loving thoughts - share please!!!
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He carries my briefcase to my
He carries my briefcase to my vehicle in the mornings and de bugs my path to vehicle. lol. (He makes sure there are no spider webs that I might walk through.) Yes I have a bug issue.
Every morning he makes sure
Every morning he makes sure to give me a good bye kiss and tell me he loves me before he leaves for work. Even if I am half asleep he will make sure to give me a kiss.
aw! us too - we've promised
aw! us too - we've promised eachother from the very beginning we're not to part ways w/o a kiss and an "i love you". you never know, sadly it's possible that may be the last time you ever see eachother.
even if we're pissed as hell at eachother, we still say it and mean it before leaving the house.
He brings me coffee in bed
He brings me coffee in bed every morning - and has for the past 10 years! :):)
^.^ awww!
I'm the type of person that
I'm the type of person that saying "I'm sorry" is not always enough. You need to show me you're sorry if you've really hurt me. If dh knows he has done something that's hurt me, he will shower me with affection by doing things for me without me asking that he knows I like but he doesn't necessarily like doing.
He always makes the coffee
He always makes the coffee before I get up. He takes DD to school so I can sleep later. Random flowers. Whenever he goes to the store, he always gets me a treat from wine to jordan almonds. And he always kisses me goodbye and good night. I'm a spoiled woman. (I pamper him very well too I promise!)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm lately this is
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm lately this is hard to think about. Basically all dh does bow is complain about how I don't do anything quite right. However, when he offers to take the kids for a little while so I can get a break after day of staying at home with them, this means a lot to me. It shows he sees that I work hard all day. It would definitely be nice if he complimented more and did small things for me, but I guess that's not who I married.
DH always kisses me before he
DH always kisses me before he leaves for work and when he walks in the door.
He wakes up immediately if I wake up in the middle of the night and stays awake until I get back in bed.
He brings me coffee in bed
He brings me coffee in bed quietly like a ninja in stealth mode, every single work day morning.
He brings me my coffee into
He brings me my coffee into the bathroom, while I'm in the shower, every morning.

He chats will me all day long via email
Those are the biggest daily reminders that he loves me that makes me happy!
He'll send me sweet little
He'll send me sweet little things via email sometimes, links to a song he's listening to or something he saw that made him think of me. If it's a song, he'll usually play it for me when I get home. And he often tells me how important I am to him and how much he loves and appreciates me.
Last night he did that in the middle of a comedy show we were watching...he's very sweet.
I have never ever heard my SO
I have never ever heard my SO fart.
We've been together over 5 years. I'm sure he's heard me, I tend to toot in my sleep.
My DH will stop at the store
My DH will stop at the store on the way home from work and buy me a chocolate bar if I'm having a rough day. He lets me sleep in until 9 on Fridays while he takes care of the boys.