Seeing it for what it truly is...
i am so tired of seeing sm's being put into a "sub human" category in life. It is bigotry. We are all SO MUCH more than being a sm. Sm is only a role with many built in complications we play. There is so much more to our make up as a person. SM is not who we is a role we play...unfortunately...society has defined that role as being "inferior". The only way you can be "inferior" is to have something to constantly compare yourself against. and comparing yourself is a trap also. We are an original. Designed by the creator Himself...not to be compared to ANYONE else. Their negatively programmed response has absolutely nothing to do with our identity at all. It is just their non-objective,... highly dysfunctional... pas'd... groomed by their brokeness, and driven by teachers of hate and negativity...bastardizing everything we do... that results in a delusional way of thinking that they were marinated in...forming a warped opinion right out of the gate about us....DO NOT RECEIVE IT. THERE IS NOT TRUTH IN IT....
When I realized, this is not MY is THEIR un-resolved baggage from their broken family...I no longer had to convince anyone of anything BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ON TRIAL HERE...We do not have to allow them to make us the scapegoat...their unhappiness stems from the fact that their family is broken...period...but that does not give them a license to attack or blame, or abuse the sm....they need to take responsibility for themselves and stop blaming their lives on everyone else....
I play the role of a sm. It is only a SMALL portion of the makeup of who I am and what I do....I intend on keeping it that way...It does not have to overshadow everything in our needs to be put in it's proper place...The entire point is...I choose how significant I want this influence to be in my life. And if it is a constant negative...It is not going to rate very high with me because I can't stand negativity and the complex trauma that is it's companion to be around me or my now family....
I choose to pursue my purpose and surround myself with quality people in my personal as well as my professional life...Constantly being barraged with complex trauma,,is not a quality life...being at the end of the receiving line of love in a not quality...getting ZERO on your return of investment emotionally and mentally is not quality...Being treated with not quality...being rejected and constantly lied not quality...having to defend yourself and waste precious energy in negative not honesty as a base for a not quality...if they drank the cuckoo pop that has been served to them regarding the value of a person based on the title of sm...and they do not afford the relationship with you to stand on it's own merit because of who you are and who they are as a person...and what you BOTH contribute...then a relationship with them is going to be contaminated with delusion at best.....
Why do that to yourself?...why allow yourself to be so minimized by people like this? Why allow someone like that to speak into your identity at all?...that is not their right...there is not justification on earth that affords them, (or anyone else for that matter) that role..only your creator has a say in that matter...that is His role. We give away too much of our personal selves to be consumed by damaged people...and some of them think it's an "All you eat buffet"...they constantly return to get another helping, and their appetites are never satisfied...
The only one that can put a stop to this delusional life us...We need to stand up for ourselves, and when we are weak or afraid...we need to stand up for each other...When we see a fellow stepparent being consumed by this abusive way of thinking...we need to remind each other of how precious and special as individual we all are...and call this type of treatment as it is...TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE...
.It is time we move to the front of the damn bus, and take the seat of authority we have been given...and stop letting these people rob us of the position, and the authority that is rightfully ours...
I know this was long, but....I hope this leaves you more empowered than ever before...peace
Thank you for reminder. I
Thank you for reminder.
I appreciate it.
I rarely think of SD but
I rarely think of SD but sometimes the strangest thing can bring back one of the many memories of her hatefulness. This morning, there was a program on TV about a photographer who travels the world, capturing the beauty in photos. SD was an avid photographer, very talented in it, which I am not. She was also snobbishly elitist about it, treating me like an inferior, childlike dolt who would never fathom the level of her class and intelligence.
Despite her demonstrations of superiority, I always knew we had the same IQ. Ordinarily, one would look upon SD's misconception of herself and just shrug. But there were times when she became aware that I knew something she didn't. She became violent, would slam doors in my face, yell at me, place me farther into non-existence.
This recollection only reinforced my decision that I did the right thing in taking her out of my life.
You bring up society's view of a SM, and how far off it is from what is a typical SM. Society has always had a scapegoat. If this were the middle ages, if it hadn't been for the heretic, being a SM would probably be justification for being burned at the stake. But this is what many of us have experienced for just being there - in the way. Today we may not be physically torched but emotionally we are. It gets tiresome.
How did you take your SD out
How did you take your SD out of your life? What did you do to give you that peace?
4 1/2 years ago SD had a
4 1/2 years ago SD had a meltdown in front of DH. Why? Because I finally asked her and her husband to speak up instead of having mumbled, sideline conversations while I was in the same room with them. SD became verbally ballistic with me while DH ran out the door. This was after they decided on their own to make cookies in my kitchen as Christmas gifts for their friends without asking if it was OK with me. I rated one cookie. That was the final straw for me after 20 years of trying to be nice and putting up with her nasty behavior. Maybe there is a certain saturation level - a point of no return. This was it.
I went to a therapist who told me to make a plus and minus list with the possible intent of divorcing DH. When DH found out what I was doing he finally wanted to 'talk', something he had never offered to do before. The therapist helped me to set boundaries. The most important one was that SD was not to enter my home until he informed her, in my presence, that she was to respect me as his wife. He's never done this but has never complained either - it's up to him. He can visit her just about any time he wants but I have absolutely no desire to be around her. The more time that passes without a resolution, the less I want one. I am resolved in the fact that I no longer have to put up with her abuse or beg her to like me.
I have taken her out of my life by not acknowledging that she exists. This means no discussion about her between DH and myself. I think of her rarely. She is just not part of my life. I appreciate friends and relatives who love me and am busy with other things to really allow her into my thoughts. I DO come to this site every day though. Reading the posts only reinforces that I did the right thing.
I think I agree with what you
I think I agree with what you are saying. But because I married a man with children later in life I do not claim the role of SM at all. I have no delusions of a "blended" family.
My birth family has always been very inclusive - taking in friends of relatives;etc so it's not like I have any thoughts of "not my blood." But I learned at an early age to ignore and avoid people who brought nothing good to my life.
My husbands son was grown, formed and on his own before I met him. His pathetic life is 100% due to his choices. I have zero responsibility for his life.
I totally agree with your
I totally agree with your thoughts and that's how I survive and handle things internally as well... But one question regarding your SS, did you ever live with your SS? I'm unfortunately having to live FT with mine ( SS 16) and it's making me so unhappy.
No I never lived with SS. DH
No I never lived with SS. DH evicted him (violence) about a year before I met him. DH moved in with me. I would not have accepted an adult skid in my home even before I knew of his issues.
SS has never been rude or obnoxious to me. It's how he treats others that disgusts me. He beats up women and old people when he goes off on an alcoholic rage.
Standing ovation Peace! You
Standing ovation Peace!
You couldn't have written this at a more importune moment in my life.
SM? What's that? That is not
SM? What's that?
That is not even on my list of descriptions of what I am. Never has been. My husband's 24 year old daughter was five when we got together; she had, and still has, a living mother. I was not needed, nor expected, to "step" in and do anything except be my husband's wife. That, I do quite well.
I understand that I am not
I understand that I am not important to my SDs. I understand that I am "less than" family, that my marriage is not really acknowledged by them or of any significance to them. I get that they will never come to me for advice, for friendship, for help. I've moved on from trying to fit in with them and from being hurt that they don't respect me.
My marriage is important to DH and it is important to me. I mean a great deal to many people, including my mother, my children, some of DH's relatives, my peers and my friends. I have a full life, a wonderful family, awesome friends and a great career.
I don't need verification from a couple of self-absorbed women who I wouldn't give the time of day to otherwise. They have baggage. They have emotional issues relating to their parent's divorce. Unfortunately, they were raised by an unbalanced woman and they haven't managed to rise above their upbringing. They are not all bad, they are just not the kind of people I would associate with if they weren't my husband's children.
I am civil for my husband's sake. I will never disrespect them like they have disrespected me. They are very childish at times, when they don't get their way. Otherwise, they are tolerable. But again, their issues are not mine.
Duplicate Post
Duplicate Post
Perfectly worded and only a
Perfectly worded and only a step parent can truly understand.
This should be a letter to
This should be a letter to "Dear Abby" or another similar columnist. It's such an issue in todays society with the high divorce rate. Step mom's are everywhere and most of them disparaged in some way. Fairy tales and popular culture have all turned sm's into wicked evil figures.
As soon as I married DH over 3 years ago I was slapped with that label. All of a sudden I was the cause for all the ills in ss30's life and I was labeled a "gold digger" and trophy wife since I was younger than DH. No mention that BM's affairs broke up their marriage and that BM took DH to the cleaners and strapped him with an unreal timeline for alimony. Nope, it was all my fault that DH was in financial dire straights AND that ss30 was jobless and often couchless. I struggled with this for the first 2 years of our marriage, even contemplated becoming part of the 70% divorce rate for remarriage because this wasn't what I'd signed up for. Luckily I found a good counselor that told me almost exactly what you said and I began the process of setting good boundaries. The fits that were thrown by DH and ss30 just about ended our relationship but it was well worth it.
I no longer accept the title of SM, I'm just DH's wife. His grown sons are his, they're not my anything. THey've made that very clear and I"m ok with it.
Where do DH grand child fit
Where do DH grand child fit in, SD makes me invisible to her child of 4 and never gave me a grandma name till she was 1-1/2 and she moved close and has withheld child from us both for 10 months now. DH says you cant blame the grandbaby and I don't but i have no relationship with her and no bonds. and now that our daughter is pregnant the SD is saying I am treating DD unborn baby better than her child, I am not sure how that is possible all I have done so far was announce the pregnancy.
SD child is 50/50 W/B says the N word, cusses and slap the crap out of DH across the face and when DH popped her behind SD got mad at him, she lets her child hit other kids and if they hit SD child back she says she will beat the crap out of them.
This girl thinks she and her child is entitled. SMH
Eventually mommy won't be
Eventually mommy won't be around and this toxic little pelvic refuse kid will get her ass beat but good by a kid whose parents have raised them to be confident and to defend themselves. And it can;t happen soon enoough IMHO. SD will then run into a parent who will set her straight about how much of a nightmare her genetically polluted progeny is and SD will crawl under her rock carrying her nasty spawn with her.
As for DH, yes.... the kid can be blamed because even though the kis is raised by a POS mother the kid is making the choices to be rude and violent. At some point the problems we all inherrit from our parents become our problems to solve. DH would be doing his GKid a favor by continuing to smack her hand when she gets violent and pop her lips when she drops inappropriate language.
Grrrrrr! DH and SD are just toxic dipshits as far as parenting is concerned.
I’ll just say that I’m a
I’ll just say that I’m a person who has always loved babies and critters. There is nothing that grabs my heart and takes hold of it quicker than a baby or a puppy. However, I just don’t feel that much for my own SGKs. I just can’t.
Years ago, after a horrible, let’s piss on SM in public type incident, that seemed to come out of nowhere, I struggled with having my heart stomped on by SKs, and even my own DH played a role in it, to a degree. A few years later, I made the decision, after working through a lot of it on this site, to disengage from my adult SKs on a certain level. I let my DH know too.
A couple of years ago, both of my SKs wound up with children of their own, step-grandbabies for me. I struggled with this quite a bit for over a year. Initially, I couldn’t wait to see ‘em, bought ‘em gifts, supported my DH with the grandkids. Yes, I did go a little overboard, but I also tried to be aware of where my heart or feelings were going with all of this. I wondered, “Would this work out?,” “Would this somehow bring us all closer,” “How can I not love these kids to pieces—after all, I love all babies!,” etc.
Well, over two years and three grandbabies later, I now find myself still not wanting to really attend many family events (I still attend on occasion, if I feel OK with it). It didn’t take much for the tide to turn with the SGKs, so to speak. For instance, DH and I went to SD’s, and she tried to get me to babysit while she and DH and her husband all went out. Next, DH and I met SS and his wife and kids at a local shopping mall, and I observed SS’s wife (whom I thought was more on-the-level), give me the evil-eye when I tried to play peek-a-boo with the kids in one of the stores. Sure, I may have been a little loud, but shit!, who needs it.
Didn’t take much for those feelings of being used and judged to come rushing back. And, I know kids will be inclined to believe 90% of whatever BM believes. So, even at an early age, they’ll be believing I’m pretty much little more than G-pa’s ho. No, the adult SKs won’t actually come out and say that, I don’t think, but they will imply it over and over, non-verbally and verbally with their kids. So, as much as I love babies, I have no desire to continue to be used and judged by generations of family members from my DH’s side. I’m done.
How about Bonus Mom
As a title? I mean potentially we can be a great blessing n resource to these kids. Afterall, most of our SKs are messed up because their parent/s messed them up.
On the bright side we can be so much for these kids if they would heal from their sick family dynamic.
But the dynamics are so ingrained in them
I appreciate your post...thank you for the encouragement!!