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OMG the therapist forgot to hung up

Stepmom09's picture

My SS therapist left a message and forgot to hang up the phone. He was talk bad about DH. So yup we are done I knew the therapist was shady.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Absolutely report him to the state professional board for whatever his profession is (psychology, social work, etc.). That is highly unethical and unprofessional behavior! I'm a licensed therapist, and that is NOT something that's done. It's people like this that give the rest of us a bad name.

Stepmom09's picture

We will be reporting this. Especially because whoever he was talking to was going to listen in to the phone conversation if DH had answered

StepX2's picture

Don't let the therapist know you have it recorded when you first confront him. See how he tries to squirm out of this and play along at first. He may not even remember exactly what he said and he'll probably come up with some bs excuse or just outright lie.

hereiam's picture

I wouldn't even bother confronting him or letting him know, I'd just report him.

Stepmom09's picture

That is what we have heard. Something I didn't think of till recently was that person was going to listen in on the whole conversation without our knowledge.