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Just a random blog about nothing

Queencow's picture

Sometimes I log into ST simply to try to read other stories in hopes that my reality isn't actually normal. It has become such a norm for our lives, that I truly want to see others are the same (or worse) as me to make me feel better. An I the only one who takes comfort in that?


tryingmom's picture

Totally agree with Miss Kay 2.

I also believe that in everyone's situation I can find help in the advice given on how to work it out.

DaizyDuke's picture

I used to think that I was a horrible person for not liking skids, that something was wrong with me. It helps to see that there are MANY people who don't like their skids and apparently it is quite "normal" to not like people who treat you like crap and act the fool.

EvilAngel's picture

I felt this way too. I didn't understand how everyone else thought they were such good kids and I couldn't stand them. I feel better knowing I am not the only one.

Queencow's picture

I want to clarify I dont take comfort in anyone living this - but meerly the idea that I am not alone in my struggles, and that our situation isn't unique.

hereiam's picture

When SD was about 7, BM would tell her, "Your Dad doesn't love you, he doesn't want to see you," and on and on. She would do this while on the phone with DH, so he could hear SD cry.

I thought, "Now, that is a bitch," to make your child think that and get satisfaction out of making them cry. Come to find out, lots of bitches out there! I don't get it, not that kind of bitchiness.

bearcub25's picture

IKR. If BM lived the life she pretends to on FB, she would be an awesome Mom. Sad she only does it to make strangers think good of her. In reality, she has used the skids up to hurt DSO and he can't change a thing.

misSTEP's picture

I was exactly like you. But it was also validation to me that others were dealing with similar situations.

Queencow's picture

The opposite of Love isn't hate - its indifference, as is the opposite of can not love someone but not hate them either. Hate is a choice, and I agree an emotion as strong as love.

Snowflake's picture

I know when I first came on here I was truly looking for answers on how to deal with a very new situation of dealing with these new kids in my life and dealing with a hostile and controlling bm. The people on this website saves me a lot of heartache by helping with some great advice.

That advice included not sending bm a scathing letter about her behavior but rather to ignore the whore. It is nice to know that I was not alone in dealing with this hard situation.