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Stepson Sent Wedding Invites to Everyone but Me

AVR1962's picture

Thought I posted this, or at least tried, so I hope this is duplicated and I just can't see it.

To make a long story short, my 33 year old stepson is getting married and sent my husband and our daughter (18 and still living at home) each their own personal invitation to his wedding. This past weekend stepson contacted his dad by email and let him know that he would like him (husband) to come to the wedding and would be tickled if his half sister could attend too but that "in the best interest of everyone attending he felt it was best that i did not come."

SS's bio mom walked out on him and his brother and left my husband to raise the boys when they were 2 & 4. I met husband 3 years later. I raised the boys. They were very angry, hateful boys and they could not accept me in the position they wanted their mom in. Husband and I have been married 23 years.

Part of the discard with me and the boys is that they molested and abused my two older daughters, that came out, inlaws were told and when that happened I became their target as they could not come clean with their own actions.I wanted to get everything out on the table and give everyone the chance to talk and say their "Im sorries, let's forgive and move on" but the boys resisted and instead called us liars. It tuned every ugly and I have not had a relationship with the boys in many years because of it.

I knew SS was getting married and I had not planned to attend but the way SS chose to handle this situation has really ruffled my feathers.

Your words of wisdom are appreciated.

hereiam's picture

I think the real words of wisdom need to come from your husband, as in, "I will not be attending."

AVR1962's picture

I would like to see my husband take a stand with his son as I feel if he does not this will only encourage the boys to continue their hurtful actions towards me.

Overit1960's picture

EXACTLY my thought. What a hateful awful thing to do. But not surprising.

If my husband went to a wedding under those circumstances, he would be served with divorce papers upon returning. Ultimate humiliation.

AVR1962's picture

OverIt1960, the very thought of divorce is on my mind. I don't know how much more I can take. I need peace in my life and there is nothing peaceful about this step family situation.

smomofone's picture

Well given what they have done, it is not surprising you are not invited. BUT, DH should be sticking up for you.

SO would most likely say, if my wife is not invited then I am not invited. Period.

AVR1962's picture

My husband has had a hard time accepting that the boys actually molested and sexually abused my daughters. In the case of the younger boy and younger girl he knew the boy was lying and the boys never has admitted to anything but apologized for anything he did even though he had no memory, get that! The two oldest were the more long lasting and more difficult situation and husband believes that this started as mutual interest that ended up with my daughter no longer being interested and then tried to stop it. Which, perhaps might be the case, but there has been no resolve and part of this in my opinion lies on my husband's shoulders. He has never taken the initiative to resolve anything, stand up to anything and as you can imagine I have received little/to no support from him.

We didn't have any cross words last night. Our 18 years old wanted to watch a movie and we had been waiting on him. I went in the bedroom to see if he was interested, this is like 8:30, and he is in his pjs ready for bed, says he is not interested and then went to bed and shut the door, nothing said. This morn he was out the door at 7 a.m., a half hour before he normally leaves.

Overit1960's picture

Seriously... and you stayed with this man?? This man who allowed his son to get away with hurting your daughters under your own roof? Ok, well then nothing would surprise me here.

AVR1962's picture

Yes, at the time I found out the situation had stopped 9 years previous to this. Our only child was 9 years old at the time. I thought many times of leaving but didn't as I wanted my daughter to grow up with an intact family, something my other children did not have.

AVR1962's picture

I am really trying to focus. Your ideas are wonderful, thanks! I might have to plan a special trip for myself. I wonder if a cruise with friends is too much, lol! I ahve always wanted to see Alaska!!

AVR1962's picture

Oh yeah, inlaws know. At the time this came out I was questioning my daughters as I wanted to be sure of what happened and I spent a great deal of time talking to them separately and I got much of the same story from each girl and neither knew what had happened to the other. The boys wanted to play games with them and it is eerie to realize how similar the games each boy played with the girls to get what they wanted which lead me to believe that the boys were acting out what was done to them both possibly.

I also wanted to make sure that if any cousins had been involved that this was out and initially I wanted to bring it forward with hopes of resolve. One sister-in-law put the blame on my daughters and accused me of favoring and not seeing the full picture. Word spread to the cousins which was actually good in the sense that everyone had the chance to come forward. I was never told of any of the cousins being touched but the cousins and my sister-in-law were outraged that I had also told my father-in-law. Reason for telling father-in-law was because 2 years past after the oldest boy went into hiding and husband did not attempt to find his son. Thru some digging on my part I found where he worked, husband still refused to contact him. At that point I wanted justice for my daughters. We'd all be accused of lying and I knew my daughters were not lying. I had been dodging all family gatherings and father-in-law wanted to know why, husband lied to him. I told father-in-law the truth and this upset the family. They said that I involved them and none of them wanted to know.

It was my father-in-law who spoke to the boys. the oldest boy admitted, said that he knew what he was doing was wrong but could not stop himself. He then told family that my daughter started everything and that was all the family needed to hear and it has been support for the boys and shunning for my daughters and I. The younger boys never admitted to anything.

AVR1962's picture

My husband last night was talking like he had plans to attend. I do not want to tell my 18 year old how to live her life or stop her from what she wants to seek but I will be pretty distraught if they decide to attend.

bearcub25's picture

I hope and pray my SS doesn't invite me to the wedding. My DSO would go, he is just that way. I wouldn't go even if I was invited bc I'm just that way.

I would have already planned my day with my grandkids, having fun, going on a road trip, enjoying my life and family.

AllySkoo's picture

*sigh* I don't know. I think this is too complex for me to really form an opinion with the info at hand. I can certainly get behind you going to a spa instead of the wedding. As to what your DH should do...

It seem like your issue is not that you weren't invited, but more the way SS explicitly told your DH not to bring you. Yes? What was your DH's reaction? What did you WANT his reaction to be?

AVR1962's picture

I was told back around Christmas that SS was engaged and planning a wedding and which month it was planned for. I decided at that point I would not attend. I knew I would not be welcome. This boy at 9-10 craved he hated me in his dresser, screamed that he hated me, told his mom that he hated me which she gladly recited back to me, he told my daughter (when he was 15) that he wanted me dead and felt he could kill me in my sleep. As a 25 year old he asked to meet with husband and then launched into how wrong I had done him and popped off with all these accusations of things I have said and done. SS also wanted to know why his dad stayed with me and not his mom. he told his dad that he should have protected him from me. Husband told his son that he had no idea where he was getting his information but that he knew I had not done or said the things he was claiming. SS and I have not seen or spoken in something like 9+ years, a mutual stand. So there was no way I was going. I just did not like how forward SS was about my exclusion and husband didn't like it either. Husband was surprised he was even invited.

bearcub25's picture

I don't understand why people think the parents of the kids shouldn't attend functions, no matter how shitty the kid is, it's still their kid and their family.

Guess I'm weird that way. I hate the SS' but I would never feel like DSO was disrespecting me by going to his kids functions....just like I go to my kids stuff alone all the time (sometimes he attends and he likes my kids).

AVR1962's picture

How old were the kids when you married your husband? I think sometimes that makes a difference. I also think that if you have a supportive husband that too can make the difference but when you are fighting for everything and not getting anything in return it makes it hard to feel comfortable with the situation.

AVR1962's picture

My oldest daughter was molested and abused by the older boy. the younger daughter (now 29) was molested by the younger boy. Neither girl knew about the abuse of the other at the time it happened, that all came out later thru questioning them both separately. The thing that I found during questioning my daughters if both boys lured the girls with the same sort of Which lead me to believe that one or both of the boys had been sexually molested or abused themselves before we met them. My oldest said she just thought the oldest boy was making up games.

No, I did not want an invitation to my SS's wedding. Before I had found out about the abuse, while SS was still in the home his angry towards me was obvious.....yelled he hated me, carved he hated me in his dresser. I tried to be understanding, I knew this could not be easy and I knew he was hurt by his mom leaving, he really wanted to be with her, he loved her dearly. I tried to tell him I was not there to replace her. I was the one who had primary responsibility to care for the children, I worked from our home and worked around the kids' schedules.

At 15, SS told my oldest daughter he wanted me dead and he thought he could kill me in my sleep. I did not learn of this until the molestation came out and by then the kids were all adults and on their own. At 25, SS asked to meet with his dad, told his dad I said and did things that I never said or did. Told his dad that he should have been there to protect them (the boys) from me. SS asked why husband stayed with ,me and not his mom. Husband and bio mom were married 4 years. Husband married her because she was pg but learned quickly that he really didn't love her and he ended the marriage. When younger boy got married we were not told initially, there was no invite for anyone, my daughters also were not invited. Husband's dad called and informed us. husband then contacted his son. Younger boy told his dad that if I attended his older brother (the one getting married now) would not attend the wedding. he also told husband that we had not been invited because bio mom would not allow us in her house. We later found out that they were not married in bio mom's house but in a church instead and that the reception was at the house.

I was not planning on attending but I do not like how SS went about all this and what he said to his dad. I am not surprised but it does bring up alot of hurt.

Betrayd's picture

Agreed. I wouldn't give two shits what they did with their lives, and if DH wasn't on board he could GTFO too!

AVR1962's picture

Forever and Ever, this is exactly spot on. After learning what happened with the kids I started doing alot of reading and I learned a great deal about abuse in families and you would be amazed how many skeletons lie in closets. I had also already know of sexual abuse that had happened in husband's of husband's sisters had been molested by an uncle and one of our counselors wanted to explore counseling one-on-one as he suspected husband may have also been sexually abused but husband refused counseling and claims he has no memory of abuse. I even asked husband if he abused his sons as I do feel the boys had been abused and they were acting out what had been done to them but there has never been any answers and no resolve.

AVR1962's picture

The boys were 5 & 7 when husband and I met. My daughters were 3 & 8. The touching started started only months after we met, I saw the boy was interested in my daughter and I thought I had put an end to it. I told my daughter that there was to be no touching, I told her that it was possible that the boy may one day be her brother. At first he just touched her legs and I was not comfortable with even that. I did address this with my husband (bf then) but I am not sure he addressed it with his son. When I followed up with it, as I had asked him to talk to his son, he had not. So I made it know to both kids that they could not be touching each other and I thought it was all good.

I did see the oldest boy's huge interest and curiosity for what adults do. Sometimes I would hear something outside our bedroom door so I would look and it was the older boy listening at the door. SS told me that his bio mom and step dad would fight and then he would listen to them behind double glass doors that lead to their bedroom. Of course the time the boys spent with their mother was little, however, I do not know what they were exposed to.

My oldest daughter told me that the sexual part of this started when the kids were 9 & 10. She tried to get it to stop and finally had a male friend threaten to beat up SS if he didn't stop, the kids were 14 & 15 by this time. It would be another 9 years before I was ever told.

AVR1962's picture

Yes, the oldest boy must have been 8 when I first caught him listening at the door. Why would any 8 year old think to listen at the door? What had he been exposed to already? His dad was single and had not dated in 3 years so it wasn't like he had women in and out of the house. the boys were exposed to something. I don't see how an 8 year old would have the interest/be so curious or even know what was going on.

These was actually sex that started when the kids were 9 & 10, something I did not know was even capable for a male at that age but thru reading I found out it is.My daughter told me she tried many times to get SS to stop and he would not. She told me that she would ignore him and tell him to go away and he might that night but he would be back the next night and he kept it up and kept it up til she finally would give in. This went on for quite some time. She claims the male friend guessed what was going on and he then threatened SS. She said she didn't come to me becasue she was scared. She did not want the family to be split and she felt that is what would happen.

The inlaws and my husband believe as you do, that my daughter might not, or is not, as innocent as she claims.

AVR1962's picture

It's hard for me to understand why she would still want contact. I find it rather sickening actually.

AVR1962's picture

Tog, at the point that i found out about the abuse husband and I had been married for 13 years, talk about unlucky 13! The boys' mom had not been a real motherly role for them, they only saw her a few weeks a year and she didn't call on any regular basis. I took full responsibility of the boys and treated and loved them as my own. My husband was busy with his career and I became the primary care giver. We met when the boys were 5 & 7. The boys called me mom and to the outside world it was not obvious we were a step family. I did feel the boys were my own, I called them my sons, not my SSs. So when this initially came out I did want the kids to get together, i wanted everyone to talk, say their sorries and move forward. When this came out though everyone reactions to it is what created a different picture. With help of a counselor I was able to let go of the boys who I had raised as my own and I was able to view my role as more of that like a foster parent.

It was the lies and the accusations that followed that lead to our complete split which was mutually based. I have not encouraged my daughters to keep a relationship with their Step brothers. I have fully supported my daughters. The oldest daughter does have contact with both boys, the younger daughter (29) does not and neither does our 18 year old daughter.

constantly_irritated's picture

You can't control DH, but maybe you can speak for your daughter and just say you and her are not going. I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. One of the previous posters said that blood always wins out and that's usually the case. Take the spa day suggestion and take your daughter to the spa, she's safer there anyway.

AVR1962's picture

I hear ya! When I learned of this I so wanted (in my mind) to take both boys out and string them up in a tree by their private parts and just let them dangle there. last night when husband told me all this I told him I was not surprised, I told him I had not planned to attend anyway. I just did not like how SS went about the invitation and i have really found it upsetting that husband's family have supported these boys. My daughter and I did nothing to deserve what we have received from the boys or my husband's family. Last night I told my husband that I was doing everything I could not to try to find SS's girlfriend on a media site and tell her the truth of what has happened, as I know he has lied to her and she is clueless of his past. That's why I am here, I don't have any other place to turn for support. I am not deranged, as one of the other replies indicated. I am a person just like everyone else. This has been my sad life. I have thought many times of leaving my husband but then that splits up the our daughter that we share as our family and I have not wanted that for her.

AVR1962's picture

Ruby55, what could the authorities have done with it being one word against the other 9 years after it all stopped?

Ruby55's picture

There is no statute of limitations on this.....Catholic Church ring any bells?? I

AVR1962's picture

I have followed the Dugger story. Were the police brought into the picture and were charges pressed? I didn't hear that part.

AVR1962's picture

I don't think you can send a person to prison in this situation. Most molesters/abusers only get a slap on the hand and really because of the support he has received from husband's family I don't think he even got that.

AVR1962's picture

Catlettuce, the abuse started when the oldest two were 9 & 10 which was around the time that husband and I married. We had dated over 3 years before we married and anything I saw that I did not like was addressed. Touching had been addressed, we spoke about how to treat siblings, etc. I did see that the oldest boy was fascinated by my daughter. he had been an outsider, didn't get along well with other kids, was made fun of and picked on. My daughter was very outgoing and always had friends so what i saw develop was SS looking to my daughter as a friend, almost to the point of depending on her for his relationships with people. As young kids her friends became his friends.

The abuse stopped when the kids were 14 & 15. I found out 9 years after the abuse stopped. All the kids were adults and on their own when this came out. Due to my role in the boys' lives being the primary care giver my initial thoughts were to get this out in the open, talk about it and move on. I was not expecting anyone to forgive. My naive mind felt we could all talk as a family but I quickly learned that was not the case and that's when it got real ugly. I have not had a relationship with either boy in many years and I do not have a relationship with my inlaws. My oldest does have contact with both boys, she is the one who received more of the abuse and I have not understood why she would continue any kind of relationship with either of them. However, i have learned thru my own counseling that these situations get very twisted and more than one counselor feels my oldest daughter is confused. My middle daughter and my yojungest daughter do not have a relationship with the boys. I dread the day my youngest (18) decides to contact her half brothers. She has already told me she knows what all has happend but she wants to know her brothers. My daughters have been thru years of counselor and so have I.

AVR1962's picture

That's my thoughts Dtzyblnd. I realized yesterday that I have not updated my Will in many years and the boys are still in my Will. I think it is time to change that!

AVR1962's picture

Tog, anything I saw I addressed, I am not in denial of anything. It seems family wants to shove this under the rug like it didn't exist. My sister aid, "This happened when they were kids, so what? Let it go, let them deal with it." My oldest daughter told me at one point that I had been too hard on the oldest boy, I nearly lost it, I could not believe my ears.

Please tell me what red flags you feel I missed. I had my eyes open. This boy would get up 1:00-3:00 in the morning and sneak into my daughter's bedroom. How was I supposed to catch that?

There was no sexual abuse on my side of the family, thank goodness and I think that is why I do not understand why so many think this is not a big issue on my husband's side. I realize it is an old issue not but it's something that has left scars, not just on me but on my daughters and now as it has turned out, with the rest of the family too.

The boys were troubled and I saw that very quickly, my family saw it also and warned me about getting involved. Besides the tantrums, full body fits oldest boy would have, he was also aggressive and would just haul off and punch his brother. One time I had to pull him off my oldest daughter....he had her on the floor and his fist drawn back to punch her in the face. When he found out his bio mom was pg with her 4th child he took the family photo of her with his brother in the pic and he scribbled out everyone but him and his mom. I encouraged my husband to have a school counselor meet with SS and husband actually cried, said he felt like a failure. He did allow for SS to have counseling and counselor felt he was struggling with the divorce.

We are military so we have moved a bit, most we ever stayed in one place when the kids were small was 4 years so long term treatment didn't happen.

Oldest boy also was a thief, something that his dad also would not address and I ended up addressing. He started a fire in the house when he was 15 and it was then that I made an appt for counseling for him. Bio parents said if twas normal boy behavior and all was innocent. I saw nothing innocent about this boy's actions and neither did the counselor. She helped my husband place steps to trying to make all the stealing right, for SS to be accountable. Of course SS blamed it on me, said that I was punishing him. She also told SS, husband and I that if he starts another fire that we were to call the police. So I feel like I did all I could do at every turn to deal with each situation as it came along. I met resistance from my husband mostly but also from husband's family.

AVR1962's picture

I don't have respect or love left for my husband. You are a therapist? Could you direct me to a link or material that deatials the character of the abuser as you have mentioned?

AllySkoo's picture

"I don't have respect or love left for my husband. "

Wait, what? At the risk of sounding obtuse... why are you still married to him then? You "together" bio is 18, yes? The "child" is no longer a valid reason to stay, since she's no longer a child.

AVR1962's picture

Been in counseling trying to work thru all this. After so much has happened in the step family plus the normal issues of marriage it takes a toll. My marriage has been severely damages. My husband is the type, like many you read about here, that does not take a firm stand as a father. He has not been firm with his kids, not even as small children. They were quite out of control and he just wanted them to be boys and have fun but that fun come with a price to many. He and I would talk and rarely did he follow thru with anything he promised. He wasn't, and has not been, nearly as concerned about disappointing me and has allowed far too much disrespect from the boys to myself. Bio mom has been the same. All of that erodes the marriage and now I am at a point of feeling empty and hopeless. I am not sure I love my husband anymore. I have lost much of my respect for him. A lot to think thru yet.

Daddy's wife's picture

What do you think about shame? A lot of victims wont talk because they feel as if they are partly to blame for allowing it. Isnt this very common that a lot of girls wont talk?

Merry's picture

I'm kind of in this camp. But with this horrible, HORRIBLE situation to be upset over a wedding invitation? OP says she has no love or respect left for her husband, and clearly wants nothing to do with the boys, so why the hissy over the exclusion? That doesn't make sense to me. I think we're WAY beyond hurt feelings.

Terrible things happened, but the wedding invitation isn't one of them.

AVR1962's picture

I questioned them both intensely. Yes, with my BPD daughter it has been a rough rough road and not everything out of her mouth has been trust worthy and so that is one of the reasons why I did question so much and the reason I questioned them separately. I too would not even want to be in the same room as anyone would molested me or forced me to have sex with them against my will and this part of it does not make sense. I do not know if my two older daughters (the ones molested) received invitations. It was my youngest, SS's half sister that still live at home, that received the invite.

I do know that my middle daughter who was molested by the younger boy is absolutely fully trustworthy and my husband knows that too. He and I are also very aware that the boys who molested her is not someone you can trust his word so in our minds there is no question that what happened to the girl girl did happen just as she told me. The younger boys never confessed to anything but apologized for anything he could not remember. Because the situation with the younger two had not gone sexual and did not last for years, daughter was able to put an end to his games quickly, that particular situation got swept aside pretty readily which was unfortunate as I know that really hurt my daughter.

Since this has arisen once again with the invitation situation I did send my oldest daughter (with BPD) a email asking her if this situation started out mutually and I am currently waiting to hear back.

I have had many many thoughts run thru my head in the last 24+ hours. I have asked myself if it will make a difference in how I feel towards my SS if I find out that is was a mutual in the beginning, and it will not. I understand his hurts as a small child. I realize he was dealing with abandonment issues and when he was yelling how much he hated me I knew that he frustration was not about me but about how much he wanted his mom, I got that then and I get that now. I am compassionate. I did feel for what the boys had been thru. It did not make the situation any easier for me, I was constantly dealing with his anger and resistance. And it wasn't just me, other family member on my husband's side of the family had problems with this boys' behavior....husband's one sister gave husband a book about discipline.....husband's best friend told husband (before I was ever in the picture) that the boy had problems but husband ignored all the advise from everyone. Husband's sister even told me that the oldest boy would yell at his mom when they were still married and the mom would yell back at him, she said it was like watch two children fighting. So I unknowingly walked into a bad situation, feeling compassion for two boys and a single man, and my compassion and strength may have got me thru it all but it didn't change in inevitable, and that's ugly this situation was and how much damage it did to me ultimately. My oldest will reply, she has come a long way in therapy and and do believe she will be honest with me, even if it is to say that it was mutual but that will not make a difference in how I feel for my SS. He admitted to knowing what he was doing was wrong and said he could not stop himself. I think my daughter has guilt for admitting to me what happened after being sworn to silence and promising her SB she wouldn't tell. It sounds twisted but I think she wanted to make sure he was okay. It's not just about this incident, it's about everything else I have been thru with the boys, their bio mom and my inlaws support for the boys and exclusion for myself and my girls.

I just have to figure out how I find I find peace by leaving my husband and closing this chapter of my life for good knowing I never have to deal with any of them? That's a real hard decision and for someone looking in that choice might not seem so difficult to make but it is not easy to throw away a relationship with the man you have been with for 26 years. I have contacted my counselor to see if I can get in for an appt.

AVR1962's picture

I so want to try to find this girl on one of the media sites and contact her. She has no clue what she is in for. I know SS has not come clean with her and has filled her head with lies about me. I know that if I were in her shoes with 2 children I would want to know my soon-to-be husband's ugly past and I told this to my husband last night. He just said nothing, walked away, went to bed early, closed the door to the room, and this morning left without breakfast. I know he has alot on his mind but it is typical that he also will do nothing too.

Daddy's wife's picture

I don't agree here. These boys were children when they did this, which is not the same as being a child molestor. Children are curious and they happened to have an opportunity. Dont get me wrong, im not trying to say it was ok this happened. But you cant say they are still rapists or child molestors.
So ruining their future wouldnt be wise imho ofcourse.

AVR1962's picture

Daddy's Wife, if I were marrying a man who had sex with his step sister I would want to have that knowledge but in this case I have decided it is not going to be me who says anything about it. I sure feel for this girl and I do not even know her.

furkidsforme's picture

Well, what exactly is the "abuse"???

Are we talking kids playing doctor and one party decided the game got old, or forced sex acts? There is a huge difference.

But the OP's continual statements of how it started off as mutual, etc etc lead me to believe we aren't talking rape here. And the fact that she would "forgive them" if they would just say they are sorry.

I could see a man holding rage for the step mom who accused him of being a molester when she interrupted a mutual game of Doctor, Spin the Bottle, or Truth or Dare; and then labeled him a predator to the entire family while holding her own daughter as the innocent victim.

It just seems "too much" for this to be so black and white.

AVR1962's picture

I did not make continual statements that this started off as mutual. My inlaws and my husband believe it started off as mutual. My oldest daughter has not made that claim. This certainly was more than spin the bottle. When it came out and the oldest boy admitted he told his grandfather and aunt that he knew what he was doing was wrong but could not stop himself. He then told family that my daughter started this which my daughter denied and was infuriated by.

I think my SS has a great deal of shame and cannot come to terms with that shame and cannot face me because of what he did. he also cannot let anyone close to him, like his girlfriend, know of his past and I could be a threat to him in letting her know the truth.

AVR1962's picture

There was no police report. We found out 9 years after the abuse stopped. My daughter is one year older than SS.

AVR1962's picture

I don't know if this woman has been told anything but it is my guess that her head has been filled with terrible things about me and SS has not mentioned to her that he was having sex with my daughter.

AVR1962's picture

NoDoormat, I have pretty much come to the conclusions you have mentioned here. I was very upset last night while talking to husband about this and he is equally confused. He doesn't like how his sons have treated me even though he doesn't stand up to it and never has. His sons, neither one, contact him and have not in years. Not even an email for his birthday, Father's day or Christmas, nothing. Many times he will send off an email to see how they are doing and he said half the time he gets no response. So even his relationship with his sons is strained at best. In order for husband to go to this wedding he will have to travel across the ocean and pay more than $1000 just for the plane ticket, we live in Germany. I didn't even go back to my grandparents' funerals because of the cost and length of time it takes to travel stateside. last night I asked my husband why he would honor his son by attending his wedding after all he has done to him and to me and to the family? His response, "good point."

AVR1962's picture

I wanted to see if my oldest daughter could give some clarification as to whether she now feels the situation between her and her SB started mutually so i sent an email asking. I am rather disappointed by the response. She said that she spent 10 years since this came out dealing with the situation which has caused her a great deal of emotional hardship and she no longer wants to be involved in any more conversations concerning the incident, she basically did not answer my question.

To add, this daughter is 34, has a Bachelor's in psychology.

AVR1962's picture

NoDoormat, I am going to my counselor today so he can help me sort this out. Yesterday felt like a punch in the gut after I read my daughter's response.

AVR1962's picture

So I met with my counselor yesterday and told him what was going on. He told me that no matter what is decided about attending the wedding it has to be a decision that husband and I agree to and are both comfortable with. he told me that we need to be the ones to set the foundation for the future and if me being left out of family gatherings is fine with me and that is agreeable to husband then that is what we should do. He then asked me what I wanted. I told him I am tired of all the hurt, the discord, the rumors, the disconnect, the blaming. I told him I have had it, I want peace in my life and right now the only way I know how to get peace is to walk away completely, to never look back and never be involved with this family again. He then asked me if I would be willing to sit with stepson and my daughter with husband by my side and let everyone talk this out? I told him I would be willing to do this. He asked me if I knew why SS was running from me and does not want to be in my presence. I told him it was shame and he said it is exactly right. He would have to face himself in order to face me and he cannot do that.

I have given it a great deal of thought since meeting with the counselor and I think there's only one of two paths to take for the road ahead, all of which I will discuss with husband. 1-Husband tells his son that he will only attend the wedding with me and that we want for the family to sit and talk about the incident so we can all move ahead as family (please realize I raised these boys from small); if sons refuses to have my presence at the wedding and does not want to talk, then husband must decide not to be a part of it. Or 2- I file for divorce and seek my own life ahead of me, one without this sort of trauma.

That is my purposal, one that I will present to husband. One thing that has been very hard for husband is that he might agree to certain things but he doesn't always carry thru on promises. When his younger son married several years ago I also felt like I do now. Initially neither of us had been invited but once husband spoke with his son and asked questions there was an invitation for both of us. He wanted however, to know if I was coming. I think what it was is the oldest boy had probably told him that he would not attend the ceremony if I came. I chose not to go and I let the boy know I would not be attending. I really didn't want husband to go but he did. I realized I made a choice not to attend after receiving the invite but I knew my presence would make certain people uncomfortable and I did not want to ruin anyone's special day. I told this to my counselor and he asked me whose problem is this. It is the boys' issue and a problem created with bio mom in the mix. She has been very insistent that I should have no part of functions yet her boyfriends and her children from her second marriage are the boys' family even though the boys lived with us and rarely saw the boys. He told me that I need not blame myself for ruinining their day, the issue it not about me, it is about them.

sandye21's picture

AVR, I sincerely hope this works for you. It appears the counselor thinks there should be more involvement in the situation and more support for you from your DH - and you do too. You should have never been excluded from the Younger SS's wedding simply because older SS didn't want you there. Your DH should have stepped in at that point and set older SS straight, informed him that you both are a team. Your DH should be taking the lead here and facilitate communication between you and older SS before the wedding. But why do you even want to be at the wedding of older SS if he treats you so badly? I have no desire to be around my SD. DH can go to any special event she has, just as long as it is not on a holiday, birthday or anniversary. Like you, I was willing to divorce DH rather than continue being a doormat. Lucky for both of us he decided to work on the marriage.

AVR1962's picture

Sandye21, I do not want to attend the wedding. I really don't want to be a part of my SSs' lives anymore and have not for years but I do want my husband to stand up to his sons and I do not want him or our daughter being separated from me to go do things with husband's sons. I think the boys are avoiding me because like the counselor said, if they look at me they have to be accountable for their actions and they cannot do that. Their remedy for not being accountable on the boys' part is to point fingers and make me look bad and I I am very tired of all the accusations and lies. I am also very tired of all the support these boys receive yet their actions have been so terrible. I personally feel it is time for these boys to come clean, face the truth or wE go forever our separate ways.

sandye21's picture

I DO understand, AVR. You are torn and hurt. You sacrificed a lot of time, energy and love on those men throughout their young lives. You would think with all you did for them that they would be intelligent to see this. I think it is a case of 'transference' that many adoptive and step parents experience. I had an adoptive daughter that had been abandoned at 3 years old by her birth mother. She often voiced her hopes that her birth Mother was coming back, even placing the birth mother in a 'princess' role.

I raised this girl to adulthood, supported her and loved her but when she became an adult I was the bad guy. She DID contact me when she was older, asking for money but when I didn't give it to her she started identifying her step mother as her 'Mother', even though she didn't meet the woman until she was grown. It is a hard pill to swallow, she has not contacted me in decades, but insists on continuing a relationship with my family. I asked my Sisters to stop communications to show their respect for me but they refused. I finally had to let it go.

You are torn in two - your husband should really be able to see his kids. Maybe your DD considers them her brothers. But the fact remains, you are being used as a scapegoat just as I was by my adopted daughters and SD. And no one seems willing to have your back. Whether or not you see the SSs again is not the point. You need to be validated by DH and DD. They need to say "It wasn't AVR and you have no right or cause to treat her badly" - to both the SSs and to you.

AVR1962's picture

Sandye21, I can see you know where I am coming from. Yes, I do want my husband and daughter to acknowledge how the boys have treated me and tell me that I deserve better. I am really thankful my family (sister and parents) does not have contact with SSs, that would be a real blow to witness any kind of support. Why do people not get it? How can they support these monsters knowing what they have done?

As far as your situation, I hope this will help you to realize you are far from alone. I have a good friend that fosters children. She adopted a whole family, 2 girls and 1 boys. The mom was a drug addict and was letting men use her young daughters for drug money. The kids had been taken away at a young age. The oldest had some serious behavior issues which my friend did everything she could for her. As a teenager she (the adopted daughter) started prostituting for rides which isn't surprising given her past. The girl wanted her mom, the woman that allowed the abuse of her own daughter. As an adult she went off to find her bio mom. Crushed my friend.

AVR1962's picture

Catmom4, I am not sure what I will do. We have a pending move and my doc is suggesting surgery for me, all coming up in the next couple months. I don't know how my husband was even planning to attend. We live in Germany and this wedding will be in the US.

brattongirl's picture


I read here a lot, but never post.

I have found in my time with my husband that I have worried far too much about his reaction to discussions/proposals akin to what you describe. I would simply tell him that you do not want him to go. I'll bet he will agree and not go.

This happened to me last month. Was SD's college graduation and she only invited him; I was not welcome, as I am not family (blah, blah, blah). I told him I was not comfortable with him allowing this behavior from her, and asked him not to go. He said OK. Later, two days before graduation, she changed her mind and I was suddenly "allowed" to attend. I told him no way; next time she will have to handle this properly from the first. He agreed and we didn't go. Call me a bitch, but I am tired of it (and my DH clearly is too). You might be surprised.

AVR1962's picture

Brattongirl, good for your husband to support you by not going. When my younger SS got married he did not invite either his dad or I, we were not even told he was getting married. We were informed by husband's father. Husband contacted his son and he claimed that his mother would not allow us in her house, they were having the ceremony in her town which I found a bit crazy as they would have had to travel great distance to make that possible and her family would not have been able to attend. SS insisted on knowing if I was attending....I was pretty sure that his brother (the one now getting married) had planned to duck out if I came. He had expressed to one of his cousin that if we were invited he would not attend the wedding so the cousin told family it was just for the immediate family, funny how immediate family included SS! I decided not to go in the end, husband and I fought over him going but he went anyway. I really do not want the same outcome this time.

AVR1962's picture

Cat, I am have all kinds of thoughts run thru my head....everything from anger to hurt to frustration. My emotions have run the gamment on this, it's incredible! There is part of me that just is so fed up with none of this stuff with SS going away and that is the apart of me that wants to walk out and leave it all behind but then I would have to deal with our bio daughter being torn by a divorce and that is something I have never wanted for our child. Asking about this to my oldest daughter was the first in many many years so it is not like I have continually questioned. I feel really let down by oldest daughter. I have supported her fully and stood up to my husband's family when they suggested that she was not as innocent as she claimed. I took her word for it and have been at her back the whole time so I feel torn even with thee situation with daughter. I understand that she has her own shame and that now it might be even harder for her to admit because I have gone to great lengths to support her and I know she doesn't want to hurt me but this all has come as a real disappointment and should have/could have been resolved long ago if the kids would have been forth coming with the truth.

Yesterday I finally reached some conclusions......I have to focus on me and what I want, what is best for me....something my counselor has been telling me for some time now. Also, husband and I have have to agree on the way forward for us. The rest I am going to have to let go of.

I sure could not have done this all without the support of this groups. Thank you all for all the insight, support, the loving comments, and those who have tried to help me sort all this mess out. Stay strong ladies. I wish you all the best in your own situations!!

AVR1962's picture

Cat, today husband and I took a walk and we talked that we cannot let the kids come between us. I do have to have nothing more with the boys and I do not want our daughter to go to this wedding. I hope we are heading in the right direction.

AVR1962's picture

Yep, I contacted an attorney last week to change my Will and by golly, they will have nothing of mine....not even my money!

AVR1962's picture

Went for a walk yesterday with a friend who has spent over 20 years in Social work. I told her what had happened with the wedding invitation. This friend is the sweetest, kindest natured person you would ever meet, she is so positive and up-beat. I have never seen her so adamant on any subject as she was when we were walking. She let me know that these situations were more common than most people realize and most situations like this never come out and those that do don't come out til the kids are adults like in our situation. She told me that for SS to have admitted to anything was not common, these situations mostly become a he said/ she said so I was fortunate in that sense. She told me that she felt the oldest boy has alot of power and this power might still be controlling my daughter and that might be why she still has contact with him and appears to be protecting him. In her opinion husband has only one choice and it is to do as my counselor suggested. Her take was that SS was divide and conquer and he has to realize he cannot divide our family and he will not rule.

still learning's picture

AVR, I'm glad you are in counseling. What an insane mess you've dealt with for decades. I won't judge but just tell you that they'll dole out whatever you'll put up with. Molestation, alienation, defamation and the list goes on. Why you have continued to stay is beyond me. This is one of the worst stories I've heard on here. I hope you can free yourself.

AVR1962's picture

I have been feeling very firm on my feelings towards this situation lately as I have had time to sort things thru. I do realize this has been a terrible situation and it has been very hard to deal with. One of things my counselors have told me if that the way I have tried to deal with each situation was target on however those around me disagree.

Yesterday I had the walk with my lady friend who is a Social worker and she really gave me alot of encouragement to stand for what I believe in, said there was no other answer and my husband should not be thinking any other way. I related all the information to my husband last night. We went to dinner tonight and we tarted talking about it all. I know him and as much as he might agree with me initially he has always gone and done his own thing....meaning we can agree how any situation should be handled and then he will do what he wants without coming to me and saying he disagrees with this or that and this is how he sees it and this is what he wants to do. Tonight, because of years past of this happening time and time again and he always favors to please his sons and foreseeing this happening again I set a very firm boundary with him. I told him that if he did not follow thru as my counselor and my friend suggested the marriage is over and I let him know that i was tired of him agreeing and then doing whatever he wanted to do regardless of what we agreed to. He got very angry and when he gets angry he shuts up and his mind starts working. he become vindictive and he becomes the victim, time and time again. I saw it happening so I asked him if he had anything to say and he said that he realizes now why he shuts down, it is because of me belittling him. I did not belittle him. Setting boundaries and saying i will no longer accept certain behavior is not belittling. Basically he is now faulting me. I told him the only way forward for us is for him to take a stand with his sons, that I am tired of living like this. He tells me he is between a rock and ahrad place. What is so hard about this? His sons have totally disrespected me and he has allowed it. Now they are trying to separate me form my daughter as well as my husband and while he too sees that as unacceptable he wants to, in his words be "diplomatic." Diplomatic? I told him that he is other one that needs to sit in the counselor's chair and if he find s a solution that is diplomatic to let me know.

sandye21's picture

AVR, It is interesting how DH turned everything around so there you are again - the 'heavy' in all of this - it's all your fault! My DH used the old 'in the middle' BS, refusing to take responsibility for his part by refocusing blame on me, shutting down and refusing to speak to me when challenged with a valid concern. Like you, I was lucky enough to get validated by an outside source. It got to the point where I didn't really care whether I got a divorce or not - I knew in my heart I would never again allow my DH to disrespect me like that anymore.

If your DH is trying to be 'diplomatic, why is it ay your emotional expense? Why is he not trying to be 'diplomatic' with you? He is practicing a double standard not because he wants to be 'diplomatic' but because he fears his kids rejection far more than fears your hurt and anger. Maybe it hasn't occurred to him that you have taken another road - mutual respect. He needs to reassess the way he demonstrates how he values people.

It was actually kind of funny: For years my DH refused to go to counseling but when he knew that my next step was going to be divorce he even offered to go.

Please do not back down now. You are worth it.

AVR1962's picture

Sandey21, oh I am not backing down now, I have been to too much counseling to not understand what is happening and this will not happen and us stayed married. My husband has refused counseling in the past but by golly we need to get at a few points or forget this BS, this is ridiculous.

What you said here is absolutely target on: If your DH is trying to be 'diplomatic, why is it ay your emotional expense? Why is he not trying to be 'diplomatic' with you? He is practicing a double standard not because he wants to be 'diplomatic' but because he fears his kids rejection far more than fears your hurt and anger. Maybe it hasn't occurred to him that you have taken another road - mutual respect. He needs to reassess the way he demonstrates how he values people.

Thank you!

Indigo's picture

No wisdom from me. Congrats on changing your will. Congrats to your DH for supporting you. And, thank you for sharing your unfolding exploration of this topic through talks with counselor, friends etc. Essentially, we can follow along on your journey. Sometimes on STalk, an OP will post a vent/issue, there will be a flurry of posts, then radio silence perhaps followed by an "all better" comment. Good luck. Stay positive.

sandye21's picture

I agree, Indigo. AVR has shared her journey and shown us that we must stand firm when stating boundaries - especially if the situation has been going on for a long time. For years some of us remained silent, sometimes questioning our judgment and sanity instead of reaching out to friends and professionals for guidance and validation. That seems to be the turning point for many of us - when we are told, "No, you are not crazy, the situation you are in is crazy." AVR, you wrote that your DH said he was not going to the wedding. Was this done willingly?

AVR1962's picture

I did not give all the details as I was not sure who was still following here but there is much more to what I posted. Husband and I have an 18 year old together, this is the one that was also invited to the wedding. I did not know if husband had opened his invitation yet so I checked, he had, I looked up the girl on FB and saw my daughter (our 18 year old) was friends with her which I thought was odd. When she woke up I asked her about it. She told me that she didn't think that I or her dad would like it but she had requested her half brother's finance as friends to inform her of her brother's past. I asked her if she was aware what this could lead outcasted from the family, her brother angry at her and not speaking to her, denial from the GF and that the family situation could get very out of hand. She said she was fully aware but felt it was the right thing to do. I gave her my support. Totally spun my head though. My husband are very careful not to discuss things infront of our daughter, we do not expect her to agree with either of us, we have not wanted siding. She sent the email that morning after she and I talked.

The girl responded and it was this very lengthy hateful response accusing me of writing the email. Realize I have not met this person, I have had no contact with SS in over 10 years. he does not contact his half sister, he does not visit, he does not contact his dad even on special occasions. She called me narcissistic, a sociopath, told me I allowed the abuse and that it was my daughter that was the abuser, she told me I was a terrible mom and went on and on with very hateful jabs towards me. My daughter told her dad and I about the reply and we both read it. Right after he read what his sons's fiance wrote he contacted his son and told him he would not be attending the wedding.

Husband then asked our daughter why she got involved. She told her dad that she knew he would not do anything, she knew I couldn't because of how SSs and inlaws feel for me and she felt someone needed to say something. I do not like that my daughter felt compelled to get in the middle of this but yet good has come out of it. I think my husband had to look at the reality of this situation and how he had to be the one to step up, at least that is what I hope.

His son has contacted him since...asked him (husband) if he could not see that he was the victim and my daughter the abuser. (After he admitted to his grandfather? I am a little confused!) Husband told his son that he did not see him or my daughter as the victim and my husband has felt this but not said anything. he told his son that they were both old enough to know better and at no point did either of them stop it or come to us. Husband told SS that he felt they were both at fault and both blaming the other. He told his son that he and my daughter have no idea what damage all of this has caused our whole family and all because neither of them can take responsibility for their own actions.

FINALLY....this should have happened 10 years ago!!! But I will try not to think that way.

sandye21's picture

Glad to hear there is some resolution to all of this. It is truly sad that you have had to suffer because of someone else's misbehavior - and that all of the anger was focused on you, who had absolutely nothing to do with it in the first place.

It seems as though our DH's have to be almost 'shamed' into action doesn't it? When my SD went ballistic on me, screaming, making all sorts of vague accusations, my DH ran out the door because he said he didn't want to be in the middle. Instead of remaining silent as in the past, I reached out to friends and family. Even his own family commented about how badly SD treated me. My friends also agreed. I showed DH what they had written. He finally had to face the reality that he had tried to ignore for so many years. It has made a big difference. It appears this is happening in your case too.

ldvilen's picture

AVR1962, I am so glad you are moving on. Reading between the lines, it really does sound like both you and your husband are manging this very difficult situation the best you can. Hubby may have been a little late in the game, but that is not all that unusual. I always find it rather fascinating how some adult skids feel they magically really know their father (and step-mother). Many of them haven't been around much for years, and granted, at some points dad may have been absent too. But, now that all concerned are adults, anyone can pick up and connect. Yet, somehow the adult skids will think that they know the true reality about dad--dad is a victim/wimp, and SM has been snowing him for years. It doesn't even pop in some of these adult skids' minds that their father and his wife (SM) may have a perfectly good marriage, enjoy themselves, and actually have fun together, with the normal bumps in between that go with any marriage. I think this how a lot of SMs wind up sitting in the back row at their ADULT skids weddings (or, not even being invited) rather than sitting with their spouse, as any other couple would/should. You're not dad's wife; you're the skids nemesis. Revenge time. I just find the whole thing immature that an adult old enough to get married would think that way.

AVR1962's picture

Idvilen, when the separate wedding invitations arrived for each my husband our bio daughter my thought was, "Does my SS really think our daughter doesn't love me and he thinks as he thinks about me? My daughter and I get a long very well and I think in many ways she thinks alot like me so I don't think she will find her half brother (who has had nothing to do with her in 10 year) will have some magical power over her.

It is like SS is thinking his thoughts are logical and he should be supported. I really think that he thinks that his dad has been manipulated by me but that's not the case at all. Wed have our hardship and much of that hardship id what husband won't stand up to and deal with considering their very hateful and disrespectful children. We get little, if any, recognition in return.

AVR1962's picture

Of the functions that my husband and I were invited to attend with BM, it was actually BM that was having the fits in our case. We attended a dinner after a ceremony and BM broke down in tears because her son wasn't sitting with her so SS moved to sit by his mom. Another time we went to a graduation, she was also invited and attended. She did nothing but gave me the evil eye. One time she came in to the house we were in temporarily and she saw a bug on the floor and went into total hysteria asking her husband or one of the boys to pick up the bug. I picked it up, no words said. SS told me when it was thunder and lightening she would wake him up and have him stay by her because she was scared, this was when he was little. She was the type to make demands of her children and she expected them to carry thru. She has a very stern way of presenting herself. When the younger boy got married he claims he didn't invite us because of his mom. I kind of felt he was hiding behind that but maybe not.

SS has not had much connection to his dad or his half sister in 10 years so I don't think either on the priority list in his life.

AVR1962's picture

Yesterday I met with my counselor and it was a very good and insightful session. I told him what had happened with husband telling his son that he would only attend the wedding with me by his side and that he expected his son to respect me like he will give his new wife respect but that he will not allow him (his son) to divide the family. This was a first for my husband, normally he does his own things, wants to make his children happy and I am the one that ends up unsupported so this actually felt good for a change. Something I wished would have happened 24 years ago when husband told his boys we were getting married and they pitched a fit.

I told my counselor I just want to breathe now. I told him that even though husband and I normally do not talk about his sons and I have not spoke about the situation among the kids with my daughters in years, receiving the separate invitations and the request from SS for me not to attend was like a bandage had been ripped off and the hurt was right there. So he asked me what was under the bandage. Wow, what a GREAT question! What was under that bandage was not solely the hurt of this situation between the kids but my own guilt for not being able to see and stop this. I was aware of my own guilt, I beat myself up for years because of this. Even though I am no longer beating myself up now I still do wish I could have seen this and had been able to stop it. But also, it is the hurt from the lack of support I have received over the years from my husband. He wanted to not deal with anything with his sons. He wanted the fun but he didn't want to be the hammer. It was easier for him to ignore things that needed to be addressed but in the end of it whatever I did address would make the feelings from me to the boys and vs versa even harder. It also caused feelings from me to my husband harder.

It is amazing what we endure. Amazing how others looking in make judgement and place blame where it should not be placed. I guess I will be working on these wounds with my counselor.

christag's picture

My Dh missed weddings, gradations and births of his grandkids because I wasn't invited for many years. The first few times it happened, he was okay with it. Then all three of his kids were estranged for multiple years, leading completely separate lives. He wasn't even told about his daughter's engagement. He eventually snapped and gave in. He wanted to walk his daughter down the isle and at least attend one of his kids' weddings. So he went without me and made excuses that it was at a time when i couldn't go. He also went without me when one of his grandkids was born very premature. Once he started going to visit without me, it got easier for him and it became a regular thing. He didn't even bother planning trips with me, or even telling me when one of his sons' was in the area on business. Everything with his kids became a separate, secret thing that I wasn't a part of.