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Father's Day plans

zerostepdrama's picture

So what is everyone's plans for Father's Day? Skids, bios, shared kids?

The one year (3 years ago) I planned something with the skids it was a totally mess, so I will never ever do that again. Plus I am now disengaged from the skids. (The great potato salad mess!)

Last year DH got to take out SS, his GF and YSD out. They went to McDonald's. DH and I had just came back from a country concert/camping weekend. Sad thing the skids couldnt even come up with enough money to at least treat him to McD's. So he paid for his own Father's Day lunch. :?

Since DH is involved in my BS's life, I will take BS to pick out cards for both DH and his dad. Did the same thing last year. Then I will offer to take him to breakfast/lunch/dinner, whatever he wants.

I would like to take him to eat, do something because he is good with BS and I know that BS would like to take the time to honor him.


CBCharlotte's picture

We have SS5 and SS4 (visiting them in TX). I secretly rented SO a mustang convertible for the weekend for fun. The boys LOVE race cars and I'm excited to surprise SO. Last year on Father's day. BM2 (their mom) did nothing. She gave all of the crafts they made at school to her new husband. She didn't even have them call until late at night. Now that I know that is how she handles it, I secretly bought a card and brought it to our visit last month. I had the 5 year old write "Happy Father's Day I Love You" and decorate the envelope. I also bought and wrapped a pullover SO will love from Vineyard Vines and will sneak it in my luggage from the boys.

We will probably do Father's Day dinner with SD15 and SD12 on Thursday night. They bought SO a shirt from one of his favorite british stores. I sent it home with them to wrap and present to him.

CupAjoe's picture

Just hanging out with SO and his kid's since mine will be with XH. My ex didn't help the kids do anything for me for Mother's day so I'm debating whether I have any business doing anything for him. It's my first Father's Day with an ex so I don't know what the protocols are yet. If it had been Father Day first, I would have done something for him from the kids, but he kind of set that bar.
I might make SO breakfast with his kids since he's an awesome dad and his ex won't let the kid do anything for him.

canigetabm's picture

SO had better not expect to get anything from me, after he & SD16 decided to ruin my mothers day and make it all about SD and her absent mother. My BS23 is and was so pissed he is thinking about causing a ruccus on fathers day. My BS23 asked SD why she wasn't with her mom on mothers day?.....which resulted in SD running out of the restaurant and SO chasing after her then coming back into the restaurant and yelling at all of us. He says my BS was being an asshole, my BS was just asking he has no idea about SD's piece of shit mother....and we all should cater to SD because "she doesn't have a mother", oh fuck you SO her mother is right down the street. So my BS wants to ruin whatever plans we have for SO by causing a big scene because "he doesn't have a dad".....yes SO....his dad is I guess we should cater to my son ALL DAY. Perfect plan BS...thanks for having your moms back. LOL!

Sports Fan's picture

My father passed a few years ago so no plans there. Skids won't do anything other than be present for Father's Day. I used to try to help them but it just amounted to me picking out a present/cards and them signing their name. I am disengaged at this point so I won't remind them or bring it up. At 12 and 15, they are old enough to know when the day is. Besides BM made a huge deal about swapping weekends since the new CO gave DH Father's day. By swapping, he doesn't get the extra day. Piece of work that one. DH will probably take them to the movies or dinner or something just so he does something. It won't be a good day for him but that's what you get when you have PAS'd kids.

Cover1W's picture

Oh no, I didn't even realize. One more thing to do!
And THIS is why the SDs will be with us this coming weekend as well. Super fab!
Off to the store for a GC for my dad and likely dinner reservations for all of us at a really good local Thai restaurant.


mommy0104's picture

Going to spend the day with my dad and the rest of my family..have some take out food and take it to one of our local forest preserves and have a nice picnic. My DH wants to go mow lawns (he does lawn care in the warmer months)..all he wants to do is be left alone and do his kid and wife free...does this upset me? Heck is very very it works out..he gets what he wants, being left alone and making money, while I get to spend the day with my dad Smile simple and perfect Biggrin

classyNJ's picture

DH and the SS's will be out of state for a baseball tournament. Just me and the fur babies at home! Happy Fathers Day! Smile Smile