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Here we go again BM is an idiot

dawnmblack's picture

It is a shame that any uneducated, lazy person can become a parent. My SD was at our house for the weekend and she was really sick. She went home 2 hours earlier than usually because she wanted her mom and her own bed (she's eight). BM took her to the hospital last night and just called to yell at my boyfriend. It seems SD has an ear infection and sinus infection. She is blaming my BF for not cleaning the girls ears. I have never cleaned inside my kids ears because that is dangerous. My kids have never gotten ear infections or sinus infections and have no ear problems. Anyway, even though she's the primary caregiver and she chain smokes inside her house, it is BF's fault that SD has an ear infection because he didn't jam a qtip in her ears. OMG, I feel like I should call her and yell but I'm trying to exercise some restraint.

loonybonusmom's picture

One of our biggest frustrations is the same as yours, but calling this bm will only give you a bigger headache. My youngest ss lives with his bm and grandparents and all three adults chainsmoke in the house with him. As a result he has constantly been sick with the same symptoms even to the point that our family doctor has perscribed inhalers to him since the age of two. Not because he has asma like bf, but because "the inhalers will help alleviate the symptoms of being exposed to the cigarette smoke" go figure. For us ss was continually on medications since birth to deal with infections and where does it get you? For me ss has no immune system..stripped from antibiotics I believe. I have records showing new perscriptions for the kid bi weekly from 6mths to 2yrs! I thanked the spirits the day the poor kid started school full time which has restricted bm from emerg visits for the common cold. Does your bm realize that ear infections do not require medications? and that cleaning the ears does not cause this?

tertwos's picture

My husband, got blamed for numerous ear infections, and was accused of not administering the medicines when they were prescribed for SD. But nobody mentioned the fact that the parent both chain smoke around the kids like that dh lives in my house (smoke free) the kids are not exposed to 2nd smoke in this home or our least 40% of the time they have clean air.....just makes me selfish people can be about their habits and how it affects their children.....

Little Jo's picture

I'm sorry I can't think of what it is. Something about when a person mirrors their own insecurities onto someone else. BM knows damb well she is the primary care giver, but she can't scream at her-self.

Of course there are other names as well, like.....
The innocent bitch syndrome.
I'll take any reason to scream at 'him' syndrome.

Hang in there. Jo

Daddysgirl's picture

When my 3 year old ss told me the other day that "you and Daddy have to smoke outside, because it makes me cough". When his BM is the ONLY one stupid enough to put him in that kind of danger... even HE knows that it is bad for him.... BTW our house is 100% smoke free, neither of us have EVER smoked... but after filling his continuos perscription of albuterol- DH finally had a discussion with her about smoking around him, just for her to LIE and say she doesn't smoke around him... as we drive up to pick him up and see him standing right inside the house with the front door open and she smokes on the other side of the threshold.... yea, that helps... because smoke does not BLOW anywhere... it comes out of her mouth and disappears??!!! She must have that extra special MAJICAL smoke. URGGGG...