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Sorry for being a blog hog...

EvilAngel's picture

But I just saw this and I HAD to share. I would be outside in my garden but the damn weather here is so deceiving! It looks gorgeous out but it is COLD!

ANYWAY...I check the parent portal religiously. However I am not going to say anything to DH about it anymore. He's got all the information he needs to get on there. Thunderfoot was over the moon with herself yesterday because she got ONE fucking A and it pulled her grade from a F to a low C. She was EXTREMELY proud of herself. Well turns out the "quiz" that she got the A on was just homework. She took the actual quiz today and guessed it ladies...another F!!! So now her grade is back down to a middle of the road D. I can't help but smile. And NO I don't want her to fail but this just proves me right yet again. No A! I mean how the hell can you NOT get an A on turning homework in? She was so worried about being sure that everyone knew she got an A on her "quiz" (lying ass) that she must have forgotten to study last night!