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O/T The great thing

oneoffour's picture

This is off topic but the next time someone complains about Facebook and how people stalk others and your stepdaughter posts a stupid remark... remember this true story...

On FB I belong to a group of people from my home country. I think there are about $200+ of us. Today one of our members lost her son by his own hand. She has to fly back and tend to family stuff with money she doesn't have.

Someone who has never met her face to face organised a Gofundme and in just over 2 hrs we raised the money for her to fly back to bury her youngest son. I would never have known about her tragedy if not for Facebook. She gets to go home to do the worst thing in the world thanks to Facebook.

My kids post their own amount of stupid stuff. My stepson is repeating song lyrics on FB this week. But in just over 2 hrs a grieving mother has a plane ticket home.
