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Step Wars: The Atilla Strikes Back

Fading's picture

So I don't work Thursdays, so I was off yesterday. My back was still spasming and causing pain but it WAS getting better (notice the WAS). Then DH brought Atilla over... We told her to try to not climb on me because I had an 'owie'. She said 'Ok. I'm sorry you have an owie Fading." Well her nice calm attitude didn't last long. She was playing in her room and swinging around a My Little Pony plastic house and I told her to stop or she will have it taken away and get time out. Atilla no likey Fading's answer, so what does the little warrior do? Smacks me in the back with it when I turned around. So much for fast recovery. She got a 8 minute time out and 5 toys taken away. She had to pick 5 of her toys to put into a box (and they HAD to be ones she still plays with) and she will have to earn them back (i.e. cleaning her room, being extra good, helping with some of the smaller chores). I got even more severe pain in my back than I had before, so I will be spending my weekend resting and trying to get this knot out. I am so mad at this child, she hit me with it and then SMILED when I collapsed in pain, I'm not exaggerating, she actually SMILED. But of course, when DH walks in she's all tears. I'm just mad. I don't want to look at her again for a while.


Snowflake's picture

Wow... I am speechless. This child sounds like the child out of the movie the bad seed. My therapist told me its okay to say outloud that my stepson who is two just irritates the hell out of me. He is a handful. He whines, He pouts, he has kicked my infant daughter, He tries to intentionally pinch her. I feel like I have to sleep with one eye open.

I wouldn't have anything to do with that little (pardon my french here) brat for a while. I would disengage for a while, mainly because she can physically hurt you if you don't. Let her dad do everything for her. From make her meals, clean her room. EVERYTHING for little princess. You just tell her to get the hell away from her. If she even looks at you, just give her the I dont even want to look at you look, and look away.