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what to do?

Raggles's picture

Continue to visit and ignore SD17 or just stay away from her.
I have gone over to SO house tonight as SD15 has a swim competition and i want to support her for a chamge as SD17 always gets the attention. SD15 has cooked us all dinner and i have to sit next to SD17. I cant stand the girl. I cant even bring myself to say hello to at the moment and everything and i mean everything about her sets my teeth on edge.
pretty sure once i go home after the competition SD17 will whinge to SO that o didnt speak to her and SO will have a go at me for not being the adult and make the effort. Right this minute i dont care. Im not interested in her at all and i have tried to explain to SO how i feel but he doesnt see it.
Anyway SD8+15 made dinner a nice experience Smile just not sure of i can be bothered to put up with all thia amd i am thinking i may stay away from the house amd SD17.
Will make the relationship between SO and I difficult but I cant deal with her and i dont want to anymore.


fedupstep's picture

You will never win if your SO feels he has to defend his precious perfects. Whenever possible leave the house (or at least the room) and busy yourself. As I type this I am sitting in a library 'doing homework' so I don't have to deal with my SD16. Just do what you need to do to protect your sanity.

Raggles's picture

I dont talk to SO about SD17. When he brings her up in conv i generally mutter something non committal or change the subject. Im still mad with him for allowing her and her disgusting behaviour to come between us and for me moving out.
I get on fine with the 2 youngest skids and he saw tonight when out how well SD15 + I got on. We were friendly and polite but not best buddy but then i dont expect that. I cant get him to see how rude SD17 is.
Interestingly a mutual friend had a chat with me saying she had had a word with SD17 and SO separately about how arrogant and rude she was. Funny how he hasnt mentioned that to me!
Anyway SD17 has done herself no favours tonight as she refused to answer her mobile when SO phoned and he is furious with her, maybe he is finally seeing the light.
I left tonight with them arguing and i have come home to peace and quiet and a happy house Smile
I think i will continue to visit and ignore her for the time being.