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a big step for me with disengagement...

jstorie's picture

Well, I feel consumed by my sd14. I am finally willing to give up this toxic relationship. This girl is failing all of her CORE classes. and computers. highest grade 52% lowest is 22% and she has two of those. The teachers email me DAILY about detention or her not paying attention or so on so forth. I'm sick of it. Is consumes me. I have to let it all go. So I wrote the teachers this email.

"Dear Teachers,

I appreciate all your patience with SD14. I am taking a few steps away from the situation. I am to close as her step-mother and care to much about this situation to not be able to do anything. I would appreciate it if you would email Eric at or call him at 333-333-3333.


Called Dh and told him to be expecting this. He said why the hell would you do this. I said i should not care about sd14 more than you do. U want me to be in charge but i can't discipline her or even talk to her. You show you don't give a shit about what i say becuase you won't even discuss the things we talk about to her counsler. Im done. I love you but im done with being her mother. if she wanted me as a mother awesome but she doesn't. I asked her why their is pad trash all over the floor and she is a jerk to me. i can't stand it. guess what the trash is still in the floor.

So when i got home. he didn't speak to me. When i left for church and came back he still was pissed at me, but i was tired becuase i work all day then work with the babies. so i went to bed and he got mad at me for not telling him i was going to bed.

SO i still have a long ways to go. i don't really know how to avoid her if she is in the living room. or how to be civil at the dinner table or how when we take the boys to do fun things and have to take her becuase its not right. i don't know. but one step at a time right?

So not i have to figure out how to disengage without being a witch


jstorie's picture

I should of left when she came back but i felt bad cause everyone was grieve struck by the death of dh's father. so one step at a time for me hopefully ill get to the point the shit she does or doesn't do DOES NOT AFFECT ME.

3familiesIn1's picture

Disengagement doesn't mean you have to be a mean person or ignore people or hide. It just means you are indifferent. Master the art of indifference and you will be peaceful.

It takes time. Indifference to me is feeling like, to each their own. Perhaps I wouldn't have interest to do what DH does or I wouldn't stand for my child to act like SD or SS does - but to each their own. Not my kid, not my responsibility and DH is a big boy, Its not my job to run his life. Turn a blind eye, turn the other cheek and go on with your life as if you witnessed it on the street.

When I see crap that I don't agree with, I still have thoughts like - OMG I would totally do that different, or, OMG glad that isn't my child, DH must be so ashamed. Thoughts I might have if I saw the same thing outside my home, I don't deny myself the thoughts - but, I also react the same way I would if it was strangers, I don't intervene, I don't comment and I leave it alone.

Indifference. Not mine to figure out.