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I wish I knew what she was thinking...

Last-Wife's picture

My New Year's Resolution was not to let BM drama effect my life anymore. I am trying to remain calm. I was so pleased how things have gone around here this week. DH really stepped up and made sure his kids were doing their chores and school work and all that. We'd agreed I was to have no contact with BM for a time. I guess it was bugging her, because she called and left a message to apologize for her behavior, and she "wants things back the way they were between us." She misses her "best friend."

Gag. She left 2 other messages which I told him about and then ignored. He sent her texts telling her not to contact me, if she needed anything regarding the kids to take care of it with him. So when I wouldn't answer her calls, she had her husband call me, thinking I would be willing to talk to him. Nope.

Anyway, through a few texts, it was arranged she would pick up SS14 and SD17 on Saturday at 10am. SS15 can't go because he has basketball. DH told her she couldn't get kids till Saturday due to a school dance tonight. Then he offered her to keep the kids till Monday since they don't have school.

So I get to SS15 ballgame tonight and DH tells me, BM has decided to pick up SS17 tonight since she has decided not to go to the dance. BM won't be getting SS14 at all for the weekend. I asked him who arranged this, and he said SS17. When I started to ask more questions, he was like, "I don't care. If she wants to get him she can, if she's just getting one that's ok too, quit bugging me.

Annoyed. Full of questions. Trying to keep calm. BM has been told that she can't just make plans with the kids wihtout DH final consent. She's always complaining she doesn't get enough time, and here she is giving up a 3 day weekend with SS14 (who happens to be her favorite). It doesn't make sense, and it messes up my weekend plans for a date night OUT with DH Saturday night.

Also annoyed because DH stayed home today with our BS8 since he didn't have school and it looks like a tornado hit the house. It was clean when I left at 6am... I am so not cleaning it...


sbplus3's picture

Sounds just like my NEW YEARS RESOLUTION...exactly.. to take a back seat & let DH deal with her and all communication, even though she went from calling me "the glue" that holds everything together to "an overzealous" step-mom.... I am so sick of it. Then messing up your plans with your DH sucks... marriage is hard enough already then these BM crazys have to mess it up. I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. I too have found it to be easier not dealing with the BM so far this year, but then I hate it when she talks to DH and they make plans etc without informing me. It sucks. I guess I am a bit of a control freak.

"To win one's joy through struggle is better than to yield to melancholy"- Andre Gide

Last-Wife's picture

Yup, I'm a control freak too- even though I'm trying to let that go... and I hate surprises. And SD17 is just as bad in this situation because she knows she's not supposed to make plans with BM without our knowledge...
"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."