I keep shaking my head, I'm gonna get whiplash
So clearly the vag flash didn't get her enough attention. Now she's "cutting". H didn't want to tell me. I knew it would come up eventually. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. It's a joke. She's not suicidal or depressed. She wouldn't show H the marks, so I'd guess they aren't very impressive. He told her to stop- because she gives a shit what he says, right? Or not. She has to constantly be the center of attention or there is hell to pay. So glad she's banned from my circus.
She and mommy can have matching scars.
Meanwhile... karma may be sneaking up on a bitch. BM posted pics all over facebook of an incision that goes across her throat from having her thyroid out. This is like the 3rd surgery for random things in as many months. She's been to the ER almost every other week. Just can't bring myself to feel bad for her after everything she's done.
- Runaway's blog
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None of the others I know
None of the others I know ever crowed about doing it to anyone that would listen... *shrug* But this one does...
I've known actual cutters.
I've known actual cutters. They were very different from this child. Right now it's getting her attention, when it stops, so will she (and I told that to H...he's encouraging this behavior whether he means to or not. Of course he got mad at me instead of doing something useful/productive about it and I let it go)
With all due respect, thyroid
With all due respect, thyroid surgery is not a "random thing." Doctors do not perform this operation on a whelm. And it is not done through the ER. The reasons for this surgery are serious. The surgery itself is dangerous because of the complications which can happen during the surgery.
You appear to have some honest issues with BM which need your and HD's attention. Perhpas you should give BM a break on the thyroid surgery and turn your attentions to the things which need to be addressed in your life. BM provides you enough real problems that dealing with them will keep you busy.
Good luck.
*eyebrow* I said it was
*eyebrow* I said it was Karma-related. I don't have any "issues" with her except what gets hauled into my house with her children. I don't care if she has a thyroid problem. With the things she's done I hope it hits her full force in any way it can- still won't make up for all the awful she's brought to the world.
Honestly, I don't know and I don't care how or why it's done. She's a piece of shit human being and I was sort of hoping she'd croak on the table, save us all some trouble.
I don't talk to her. I just get sick of her sympathy mongering anyone who is nearby.
It was more an afterthought really.
My exact thoughts. Exact. I
My exact thoughts. Exact. I wish she'd have a hysterectomy. Gods forbid that thing spawn any more. Who'd protect them? sheesh.
This is my sd16. She is not
This is my sd16. She is not depressed or suicidal. She got cut cutting and admitted she only did it because a girl in school did it and sd was impressed at how much attention she got. Well, she sure got our attention...now DH doesn't let her wear long sleeves so he can make sure she isn't still doing it.
That sounds about right. My
That sounds about right. My H is too taken in by her to see what it's really about. I just try not to get too involved anymore.
HA! We must have the same SD!
HA! We must have the same SD! SD14 got on some kind of social media app (again) claiming she was suicidal to boys she doesn't even know, when in fact she's not suicial. She's just a brat seekig attention!
I think she was under the
I think she was under the impression that her vag shot and subsequent porn-like endeavors would get her more attention. When that failed, she turned to this. Wonder what's next...
She may rethink that vag shot when the attention she gets comes from everyone at school having seen it. Or then again, maybe it won't. I hate to be the one, but at least cutting isn't a sure path to a grandchild... eep.