I'm depressed
I am. I know it and have been in denial about it for months. I am now at my parents house and even though I feel somewhat "free" there is that anchor weighing me down. I don't want to go back while she is there. I can get out of seeing her tomorrow and drive back to the house on Tuesday, but I don't know what to do for next week when she stays overnight on the weekday. I don't know what to do on future weekends. If I drive 3 hours away to my parents every other weekend they will get suspicious, and my DH will be wondering what is wrong.
I just cannot deal with the PAS and SD situation. I cannot get over the things SD has said or done this past year and a half. I need to focus more on DD, but I am still unable to mentally. I have lost interest in so many things.
I see a counselor, she is amazing and that helps a lot. She has asked me if I'm depressed, and told me I am showing signs of depression. I have lied and said no. I don't want to admit it to her, I don't want to admit it to DH. I have told him over and over the issues take a toll on me. He just tells me not to think about it, he pushes it all out of his head whenever he is upset. My DH very much compartmentalizes things, while my mind is like a computer browser that keeps running and won't close.
I don't want to deal with reality. I don't know why this is so hard for me. I wish I didn't take on SDs issues as my own and constantly worry; I wish I were an evil stepmom who didn't care. I want to zone out and ignore all the SD issues. I want the issues to NOT be my issues.
- Toastergirl's blog
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YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THE DEPRESSION THING. I'm right there with you. Last year January 2014 I was pregnant.5 weeks into my pregnancy I had a tubal and was able to save my tube. I had been so happy because we been trying for 2 years. I was going to name her Lilly at first then the sd and her mom got a new dog and named their dog lilly so then I decided to name the baby Milly. After I lost that baby the Sd says that baby didn't even exist. BITCH! yes I called her that! I get pregnant again in July with three positive tests and a positive blood test at dr office then come to find out it had turned out to be a chemical pregnancy like a early miscarriage. I have put on weight.The brat and her half sister that I allowed to come over, was mean to me. I cant stand my Sd sister her Piece of shit BM had by another man before she met my husband. They started getting that other girl call my husband Daddy..Not just a simple Daddy but DAAAADDDDYYY...like fake! That other girl comes over and stresses me out and coaches my SD11 to be a complete bitch. Yes I am depressed from all the good things I have tried to do and be the best step mom by staying out of the BM and DH parenting but the BM wants my DH back so bad that she has gone through any lengths. The bitch BM even asked my DH to adopt that older one, while we were married. She tries to pull fast ones all the time. THat older one cant stand me or my DH. He tries to be a role model in his daughters half sisters life and she talks and makes fun of his skin tone, says he looks like that cartoon charater on king of the hill. She calls him PEDRO and that is not his name. She only comes over when we are doing something fun. Yes this is all my husbands fault for letting this shit to continue but he wont do anything about it. I'm depressed too. Mainly because since I married him I have lost my since of security and self reliance. Yes, he talked me into up and quitting a job I was with for 5 1/2 years, I felt secure at the time with his decision but boy I was wrong. So you are not alone. Sorry if I vented on your post. I was just trying to stress you were not alone.
No vent away! I am so sorry
No vent away! I am so sorry for your losses
that is horrible to have suffered, and even more horrible your SD said those things.
I'm so sorry
The first step is admitting
The first step is admitting it to yourself, which you have done; the second is to admit it to your therapist. Depression is something really serious, so don't be ashamed to ask for help. Please help yourself, before you reach a state where you can neither help yourself nor anyone else, including DD. You are not alone.
Here is my first hand
Here is my first hand experience on how to deal with depression:
Exercise - I know it sucks and I know it is the last thing you want to do right now. But try - even a 10 minute walk. Studies have shown it can help as much as drugs.
Drugs - Your depression sounds situational - drugs can help on a temporary basis. They can help you feel better in the short term so you will do the things you need to do so you will feel better in the long term.
Meditation - of any sort. Mindfulness is big right now and I have found it helpful. It will give you the ability to turn the browser off. Not so you ignore the issues, but so you control them and when you think about them - they don't control you.
I totally get the worrying and the caring about your SD - even if she is horrible. I don't have much advice for that because I have yet to find a way to shut it clear down. I so admire the women here who can truly disengage.
Hang in there. This is fixable and you have the strength to do it.
See, the exercise is what I
See, the exercise is what I NEEd to be doing but don't.
Before I got pregnant, I was in great shape. I ran at least three miles a day. Would lift, eat healthy, etc. then I got pregnant so I cut back on exercise (dumb move), and after I had the baby SDs PAS got worse so I took to food for comfort.
I KNOW getting back in shape would help me tremendously. Unfortunately, I'm in a weird funk where I have no will to do so. I think by just walking for ten to fifteen minutes around the block would be a good start,
I hate exercise even when I
I hate exercise even when I am feeling good, so I understand. Start small, like you said - 10 minutes around the block. The other positive from walking outside is you get fresh air and sunshine. For most people, sun helps their mood. (I am the opposite, I hate the sun. I also dislike talking to people while I walk. So the dog and I do a lot of walking at night...)
A note of caution Wellbutrin. It helped my depression, but it also made me very, very cranky. I know drugs effect people differently, but just something to keep in mind if you go that route.
Toaster girl, ask your
Toaster girl, ask your therapist about "situational" depression. I had it when my first kid went to college.
It's when you wouldn't be depressed if it weren't for the problem in your life. If it's that, you have some decisions to make. We all deserve to be happy. For me, I learned how to live my life without my son living with me. 
My dad became depressed when
My dad became depressed when my brother left for college too. He was a stay at home dad, so it was a huge adjustment for him. That must be very very hard
Thank you, this was very
Thank you, this was very comforting
Thank you all for your kind
Thank you all for your kind words and advice. I never expected so much support from this site. I have an appointment Thursday, so I need to be honest and find a way to help myself.