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SS comes in at 1am

Cheyenne's picture

I'll just briefly give a background. Ss25 moved in 2.5 months ago because he broke up with his girlfriend.
He has not slept here for 15 nights but just keeps popping in every few days for a hour to get some of his stuff. He is trying to work it out with his ex but "they are not together"

Last night I got up at 1 am to let the dog out and someone is at our front door shuffling around. I got scared but it was SS coming in. So he hasn't been here since last Wednesday but then just comes in in the middle of the night. I am totally sick of it. And he actually slept here. In the morning he tells DH that he is going to be working away and is going that morning. Just go already and take your stuff and give the key back. The only good thing is he will be gone by the end of next week.


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I would be freaked out if someone showed up at my house unexpectedly at 1 A.M. Luckily, the end of next week will be here before you know it.