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SD kindness

cclark0824's picture

I left home almost a week ago for sometime off. Me and my BH are having some issuer with MY son-sons. Long story short... Tonight I get a text from SD11 saying how much she misses me and wants me to come home... I inform BH of text and he says " She must be upset about having to do her own dishes..." Talk about a kick right to the gut.. Am I the only one in the world that would be hurt by a statement like this? Just feeling like I am going crazy.


MommyNotMommy's picture

Confused. What's a BH? Who is your son-sons? As it stands this sort of sounds like a joke and if your SD said she misses you, maybe she does? She didn't say she's upset about the dishes, right?

cclark0824's picture

Bio Husband has two bio kids one daughter 11 one sone 16 sorry for confusion. I have two bio son's one is 17 the other is 20. Again sorry for confusion... Typing through tears. My husband told me that my 17 year old son has been so mean for the last eight years that he my husband, needs to go to counseling in order to live with him. So I took some time and went to my sisters. In the mean time his daughter text me and said how much she missed me and wished I would just come home. When I told this to my husband he said. She must be upset that she has to do her own dishes. Simply because I am the only one in our home that ever does the dishes. So I take it as that is the only thing there is to miss about me. Feeling like I am worthless because I am not there to do the dishes thanks to my husband.

cclark0824's picture

I know she does miss me just like I miss her, but he just has to say mean and hurtful things and I don't understand why.....

Indigo's picture

She misses you. Don't let someone belittle a child's feelings.

You know why he said something hurtful. It's the same reason that drove you away from the house right now. Third time may not be the charm.

I'm sorry that you're hurting right now.

ltman's picture

Why are the females of the house responsible for the dishes? Could dh be right about your son?

cclark0824's picture

My kids have not been easy to live with that is true and I am not scared to admit that, but he doesn't try with them. He will not allow my bs17 to park his truck in the drive way because he was the stupid kid that bought a truck that has to be plugged in. He told me to make my son buy his own extension cable to plug this truck in. Its just been a long hard road and I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should tell him to get on this site so he can vent his feelings with his step kids...