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I'm getting out of this HELLHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jelly2's picture

Well, I left at this time last year and my stupid self went back, but in just 30 days I will be in my own place with my BD13, away from my emotionally/financially abusive H, away from the 12yo mini-wife, and away from the other 3 skid marks(one stays away on his own Lol
I will not miss: mini-wife, the sound of her saying "daaaadddy", random skids just barging into my house unannounced, uninvited without even knocking, being financially drained because welfare-mom skid gets herself into trouble, no more f-ing BM!!!!!!!!!!! (One sucks and one is ok and one I have never met-and never will).
I wont miss the hell that is my life the week SD12 is in our house, which is 7 days on, 7 days off all year long, I will not miss her smart mouth, jealously, attitude problem, her need to out-do my BD13, her challenging me, her constantly wanting something and when she wants something she WONT SHUT UP UNTIL SHE GETS IT!
I wont miss cleaning up after H and SD, I wont miss H's shit stained underwear, I wont miss his body odor(he freakin stinks and sweats-GROSS), both dogs have better breath than him, I wont miss SD stealing my cosmetics and toiletries, I wont miss locking up my toothbrush, contacts, and whatever else I don't want contaminated. I wont miss someone turning on the water or flushing the other toilet while I'm in the shower, I wont miss my H snot rocketing in the shower...I will actually be able to take a bath. I wont miss SD being too lazy to refill the toilet paper roll. Gosh, the list of things I wont miss is endless. The only thing I WILL miss is the dog. I get to take the cat though.
There's also this: I'M TERRIFIED OF MY H. Right now we have peace, but what is REALLY happening is he thinks he is getting his way as far as the financial issues of the divorce go, but I'm just buying time and when I get out of the house, my lawyer is going to smack him upside the head. H actually expects me to wait until 18 months after the divorce is final to get my share of the home equity. 18 months for him to kill me. He might-he shot HIMSELF before, and the assault rifle is missing out of the house. H isn't even supposed to have firearms because he is a felon. I don't know how I ever got mixed up with this pos.
But, he will not know where to find me, and even if he does I am having cameras installed, and of course, I will be armed myself.


carriedear's picture

I hope you don't take offense to this comment but even though you are moving in to your own place, please contact your local domestic violence hotline. Simply so they can give you expert advice about leaving an abuser and staying safe. And Congrats on your new place! Hope your new year is wonderful and never, ever go back!!!

Jelly2's picture

Thank You! No offense taken...I plan on getting counseling. Statistically, most women have to leave their abusers 7-8 times before it sticks. This will be 3 for me but I will NEVER go back this time. I'm not even going to know how to feel without someone criticizing me every day, hiding my belongings, screaming in my face, daily insults and complaints.

Jelly2's picture

Thank You! No offense taken...I plan on getting counseling. Statistically, most women have to leave their abusers 7-8 times before it sticks. This will be 3 for me but I will NEVER go back this time. I'm not even going to know how to feel without someone criticizing me every day, hiding my belongings, screaming in my face, daily insults and complaints.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Everyone telling you to get out now is right. This man is dangerous. I was married to a man who mentally and physically abused me. I was too depressed/scared to leave. He finally beat me so badly I ended up in the hospital. Restraining Orders did not stop him. He stalked me from the moment I escaped up until he went to jail 5 years ago for trying to kill me. Please get out now!!!

furkidsforme's picture

Staying with an abuser and telling him you plan to leave in 30 days only gives him 29 days to plan how to best hurt you. You don't tell an abuser you are leaving. You just GO.

And take the dog, too.

misSTEP's picture

You need to get out now, not wait until he wises up. PLEASE PLEASE do it. It is only 30 days but you'd be 30 days safe for sure....

I know if I were in your position, I wouldn't want to do the shelter route because of the pet. Please try to get a family member or friend to take your cat for a month until you can get into your place.

Also, get a PO Box and change your address to that. Start your own bank account with the statements going to that PO Box. Make sure that there is no trail that he can follow. Start looking for another job if you feel that is necessary as well.

LuckyGirl's picture

You gave an abuser advance notice that you're leaving? You just handed him the time he needs to plan how he is going to hurt you best.

A person's most vulnerable point is their child. Many, many abusive men have used this knowledge to inflict the one pain that the woman will never heal from - they have hurt their children.

Get out now and don't look back!!!!

Jelly2's picture

His ex wife is afraid of him, too. He has 50/50 custody so he pays no child support. She could get child support since he makes twice the money he does, but she's AFRAID of him.

Jelly2's picture

Ok, first of all, thank you all for the concern. My daughter is at her dad's for now and I am still in the house for now. At least I am self employed as a photographer, so I don't have a regular workplace...I shoot at schools, churches, outdoors, etc. and I don't have my own studio for H to stalk. I told H that my daughter doesn't want to be up to her ears in boxes as I pack. I know I shouldn't be here. I'm looking for somewhere to stay.

Jelly2's picture

I GOT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did have to leave and camp out at my new place 5 days early because I COULD NOT deal with dh or SD13 for another minute. Especially Sd13!! I HATE that kid. Yeah, I said it. Now me and BD13 are happy and free, not walking on eggshells, no tension in the air. Just peace and quiet.
Dh has texted me about 40 times in the past 2 which I refuse to respond. He LOVES me, blah, blah, blah. He's crying, and on and on with his fake B.S. feelings. He doesn't love me now and he didn't love me 8 months ago when I moved back in. He just didn't want to pay me out for my share of the house and he still doesn't. TFB because I have no sympathy for him. He should have been a man and stood up to his rotten kids! I'm going on with my life and those miserable, dysfunctional, sick f*cks can move on with theirs. But I can say THIS for a fact: I WILL NEVER EVER MARRY A MAN WHO HAS MINOR CHILDREN WHO VISIT OR ADULT CHILDREN WHO CAN'T KEEP THEIR SH*T TOGETHER!

Shaman29's picture

Jelly....good on you. Be safe. Be well.

If you need support at any time, come on back and post.

Jelly2's picture

Thank you! And I will still be a steptalker-you guys are the ONLY people in the whole world that I can tell how I really feel without being judged, or at least not too judged.

Jelly2's picture

Thanks! I'm being safe...cameras on the house, a gun in my noghtstand, and dh doesn't know where I live, at least for now anyway.

Jelly2's picture

Had to get an Exparte' The judge signed the temporary one and 5 days later it was served to him, get this, AT A PHOTO SHOOT. Proof he was following me. Permanent one should be piece of cake.