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Christmas Dinner

Ninji's picture

So Christmas dinner at FIL and MIL was OK. MIL didn't talk about BM the entire time like usual. It did get awkward when SO's EXSD and EXSS came over. BM went on a camping trip with her new boy toy over Christmas. That's why we have SKids for 13 days straight. Well she left her two teenagers alone (15 and 17), since they didn't have anyone for Christmas MIL invited them to dinner. I wasn't happy about it but what can I say. BM decides to leave her kids alone for Christmas and I have to deal with the fall out.

Two things came of this that I didn't like. First, SO was alone in the kitchen talking to EXSKids and I was outside with MIL and some other family. MIL says, At least they get to spend some time with him. That really pissed me off. I told her that they have his cell, email, FB and we pick up and drop off SO's kids at BM's doorstep every weekend. They can talk to him anytime they want.

The ONLY time they ever communicate with him is around Christmas, B Days and when they need a favor. Of course, I'm the only one that doesn't have my head stuck up my ass about these kids and can see the situation.

Second, EXSD must have told SO that she needed a laptop for school. I have an old laptop that I gave SD10 when I bought a new one. She never uses it because the desktop is better for playing video games. SO asked me today if he could give it to EXSD. I told him fine as long as he makes sure none of my personal info is left on it.

He started to give me a hard time about it because he's too lazy to check the thing. I told him, look if you want to give MY laptop to YOUR EXSD then you HAVE to check it. I don't think that's a lot to ask.

I don't really like his EXSKIDS and I think it's because I hate BM. Blah....I'm NEVER going to have a holiday without that piece of crap somehow being apart of it. Even when she's on a camping trip.


Gwynnafaye's picture

Wow!! I can't imagine leaving teenagers alone at home while I go camping. To leave them alone at Christmas is beyond anything I can understand.

kathc's picture

That's horrible on so many levels. Your MIL was nice to invite BM's kids. BM is a piece of crap for just taking off and leaving her kids home alone on Christmas. Where is THEIR father? Why didn't they go to him? are being totally reasonable in expecting your DH to wipe the computer before he gives it to one of BM's kids. BUT I wouldn't trust him, really, check it yourself or have someone else check it (like one of those computer shops).