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Feb. 18th 2007

dbsojo's picture

It never does get better, I guess, just less-worse. Picked up SS Friday night and had to take him grocery shopping. Not 1 hour after, she called the cell from a restricted number (of course, she can talk to SS any time she wants-if only she afforded Mic the same opportunity!. Unfortunately, Mic is a little slow to realize that this coud never just be a phone call, and that it always means BS for us. Turns out SS needs a mask for Mardi Gras, and she doesn't even know where to get supplies, so we needed to do it. Now, I don't mind doing art stuff with him (or anything else for school, really-except math-I'm no good at math), but you can't just spring this stuff last minute. So we told her we couldn't do it. Of course, I keep in touch with that Cajun part of myself enough to have already told Mic that I had wanted to make a mask with him for Mardi Gras, so it was already budgeted for. It wouldn't be a big deal at all if she were'nt always doing this stuff to us. So the rest of the weekend went without incident. Then came the drop off. We arrived at the meeting place at the time stated on the paperwork, and she's not there. When SS called she said that she was on her way, but that we were to call before we left from now on. Apparently she's my BM now too. Who does she think she is? It took everything I had not to set her straight when she got out of the car to buy junkfood from the convenience store. Yet another slap in the face from the Queen of Uncouthness. SS, a few months back, called her to tell her what time he needed to be picked up (which is why we now adhere to the paperwork), and when she came, she slapped him and made him call his father to tell him he'd gotten SS in trouble. Her reason: SS had told her what to do. And now she thinks that he can tell us what to do. Well, it's not happening. This kid will have consistancy if it kills me. He will respect both sets of parents, and he will not see us get trampled by his mother. This is just another step in her mission to alienate him from his father. Over my cold, dead body. And I won't hold my breath waiting on a thank you for saving her ass with the mask.


Nymh's picture

She does not need a phone call telling her that you'll be dropping SS off at the regularly scheduled time. If I were you I would continue to go without calling and only call if there will be extenuating circumstances like you have to be late or early. Being on time does not warrant an extra phone call.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*