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New Year's Eve Advice - HELP!

srangel112's picture

Well BM came back to the state about a week ago. She has the 2 boys (5, 6) for the second half of the holidays. Because of her inability to get along with and control the 6 yr old, all of her visits this year have been shortened for him. Typically on a weekend visit he will go to her house midday on a Saturday and return 24 hours later. She is able to tolerate the younger one because he thinks she's the greatest and poops 24k gold! Well, the divorce is FINALLY done - hip hip hooray! Our plan was to drop off the SS5 today on the way to FH's work and then Wednesday for SS6. This would allow for a shorter visit for them both and the chances for him coming home early (i.e. ruining our NYE) would be averted. Since the divorce is now finalized, she made a stink about wanting full visits now and to approach any changes as far in advance as possible.

So FH drops off boys this morning and the first thing she asks is, "Can you pick him up on Thursday?" WTH!!!! I know she is doing this to ruin our alone time on NYE. But what really ircks me is that she demanded to have the full visits with him now and refused the arrangement we offered about dropping him off later in the week. FH and I have been wrapping our brains and not quite agreeing on what to do during these instances. I strongly feel that the son and BM should learn to be together, develop a relationship, and spend time together. We have discussed that when making date nights when the kids are with her to have a back-up babysitter in place for times when she wants to cut visits short. That I can understand. But this is different, IMO, to completely change what she wanted and DEMANDED from us. When FH called and told me what she said, I was quiet. I didn't know if I should stand up for myself and tell him my opinion, don't say anything, or text him how I felt. I didn't shy away this time from expressing my feelings - something I have done a lot. So I told him, it would be really nice if we could have a night alone together for New Years Eve...that's just my opinion. All he said was, well...ok. Then we hung up. I don't want to put him in the middle of choosing between us; however, I want boundaries established. Yes, I know that if we had our own kids together we would have to hire a sitter. I just can't let go of the fact that we offered to bring him later in the week to avoid this though. I want SS to know he can come home and be with us whenever he wants, but it's the whole boundaries thing again.

Some advice from my mom was, you knew coming into the picture that he had kids; how do you think he feels; you have to have a back-up plan and hire a sitter like normal couples with children do; enjoy these few days and nights alone with him and let that be enough...made me cry because she's right! I still can't let go of BM's demands of having him the whole time though and changing at the last minute JUST to ruin NYE for us. I'm afraid that if I don't keep my boundaries now, it'll continue to be crossed and she'll be able to do this all the time. Part of me wants to act like a child, be passive and ignore him all NYE night if SS comes home - just to be angry. But is that really healthy for us? Is it even fun for me? What else can I say to FH about this?


Pantera's picture

This happens to us all of the time. I would have a back up sitter for these instances. I would not get mad at FH on NYE. If you do, BM won. Don't let her ruin your night. I've been through this over and over again.

"Because of her inability to get along with and control the 6 yr old, all of her visits this year have been shortened for him."

WTF? Seriously? Thats no good for either of the kids. Maybe they shouldn't see her at all. Or maybe they should go to therapy. Does your FH have full custody?

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

srangel112's picture

Yes, we have full custody. The first few months this year they had supervised hourly visits on weekends. Those were cancelled because of her inconsistency! Because he is trying to get the divorce done, it was mediated to have regular, routine visits. His lawyer has advised to keep a log of changes and we can go back in two months to have it changed permanently. And yes, the kids were in therapy but seem to be doing better in the last few months and FH has not taken them. I think they should continue, but it's not up to me Smile However, once we get closer to getting married, I will want to be more active and involved in the therapy sessions. I know I need guidance on step-parenting, and I think having sessions with each child will help approach issues, too.

Constantly_guilty's picture

Definitely have a back up sitter. But also, don't allow yourself to be used. You're mother is right that you should have a plan B but she doesn't understand how it feels to have another woman controlling your life, your free time. It's painful and frustrating. My DHs ex tries this ALL the time. We have full custody and she gets every other Christmas break, spring break and six weeks during the summer. Last year, she tried to shorten her summer visitation from six to two weeks. We had a grown-ups only vacation planned that her change would have impacted. So we told her that any daycare or babysitting costs incurred by us when we were caring for SD10 during HER custodial visitation would be transferred to her. We were willing to go to court to ensure it. Finally, when she picked her up for visitation and tried to bring her home early we just said no. We are not available. If you return her during your custodial period and we are not here to receive her you are required to provide care. Leaving her without care will be abandonement and you will use your remaining visitation. She finally got the message and knocked that crap off. But it's a tough road to go down and your DH has to be willing to really push back.

LizzieA's picture

I would communicate in writing so when she does the flip flop you can say, what's up with that? I thought you wanted to go by the agreement. Don't let her jerk you around. Go by the agreement, period. Otherwise it will change weekly as the wind blows.