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"Yeah My Kid's an Axe Murderer and Grade School Dropout but YOUR Kid ONLY got a 2399 on His S.A.T."

thinkthrice's picture

And other apples to oranges comparisons (otherwise known as Ye Olde Double Standard)

This past weekend, Chef tried to compare 26 year old bioson's move out from his old girlfriend's house (almost four years ago) and shift from full time contract work up north to moving in with us for a couple of months before he went into the Air Force


HIS son's barely passing High School, heavy pot smoking, working part time on a food truck after he had the "summer off" and moving in with his highly permissive uncle.

Apparently BOTH were "lost" and "finding their way. . ." :barf:



step off already's picture

My dh pulled something similar this weekend.

I have a (nother) cell phone for ss14. Dh asked if he could give it to him. I asked him to wait and asked him what he needs to do to earn it. This turned into a full on "your kid/ my kid" fight.

I merely asked because I bought him a track phone in the summer. Which his mom took from him. The. When he got it back, he didn't have the charger. It's sitting in my dresser. Useless and in need of a refill.

I wasn't out of line asking dh what the requirements were for Ss to earn it but dh became defensive. Truth be told, dh had already told Ss about the phone and was feeling like a jerk for not being able to give it to him. His ideas on ways he could "earn" it as a list of chores he's already responsible for (walk and feed dog, take out garbage). Big deal.

Then he turned it into the big "my kid does everything, yours do nothing". To which I responded that his kid loves with us full time so he does have more chores. (And you saw the big list list of chores. Whoopty doo). Secondly I tespinded that his son is the oldest and should have more chores.