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Thank you ladies!!

MamaTracy's picture

For all the stories ya'll post and all the advice ya'll give..I am new to all this stepmom stuff and let me tell you it has been a rollercoaster ride for course it doesn't help that his ex fits into ya'll's "crazy ex-b" catagory..but between all the reading i have been doing with any book on the subject and this board i have come a long ways..and the one thing i learned that sticks the most is "put your marriage first"..when i mentioned that to my BF he completely agreed on it too..the only thing i could ever thank the ex for would be for her leaving such a good man to to all you "newbies" out there..hang tuff..cuz it is hard but in the end..when you lay down at nite with that sweet man of yours..or when you get those hugs and kisses from those sweet children of's all worth just smile like there is no tomorrow when you are around the ex and show her how wonderful your life is and what she left to you..and always remember to come back to this board..if not to vent then to know that there are those of us out there that are dealing with a lot too and it's nice to be able to know that you have all our hands on your shoulder..take care ladies and God Bless!!!