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it's that time again

lizajane's picture

Thank goodness DH has to work tomorrow, and skid will not be here until tomorrow evening. He will sleep here, spend a few hours Sunday, then be gone again. Our first year together, I had this kid all the time due to DH's work schedule. Since then I set boundaries that no one dares attempt to cross. He is not mine! I did not give birth to that, so it is not my problem. Can't stand to have him around, and the nervousness and anxiety has started. I can't stand the sight of him. He's a rude, smartass, hateful punk. In the short while he is here, he will inform his dad of everything BM says he needs to go buy for him. None of which he will get. This woman hates me. I had nothing to do with the demise of their marriage. She brought that all on herself after two stints in rehab, a DWI, and a six year affair. I came along two years after he left her. We both have good incomes, and we live a comfortable life. She lives off CS, and refuses to get a job. This woman lives with another man, yet every time skid visits he tells DH how much BM still loves him, and she really wants him back. DH has reprimanded him, and told him to stop this nonsense. Skid is just as nuts as his mother.


furkidsforme's picture

At least your DH nips it in the bud, and doesn't go all namby-pamby with the "we used to love each other very very much" spiel.