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The crazy got Crazier

use_2_b_sane's picture

Sometimes I just have to shake my head in amazement of how much of a moron “CFW” our name for bm can be. Ss6 came home from wed. Visitation and he told me that bm was unaware that you cant leave Coy fish in a shallow pond in the dead of winter. Maybe im wrong but I thought it was common knowledge that water freezes in 14 degree weather. Ss is only six and he had went with her to buy these fish in the summer time so they were his pets. She decided that it would be a good idea to hack out the frozen fish out of the pond in front of the boy; she then took them all in the house to defrost in the sink under hot water just so she could throw them away he was watching her the whole time. Why in the hell did she feel the need to do this in front of him? He is only there two weekends a month why couldn’t she have done this on a day he wasn’t there? I think she really enjoys screwing up and permanently scaring the poor child. Thanks for listening.


happygolucky's picture

I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. I thought I had the only idiot BM when it came to animals. BM got SD14 a snake one year for a present. Well the snake got out of the cage and managed to cut itself. BM duct taped the snake. Yup, you read that right she used duct tape to tape the snakes cut. The snake died, but at least SD14 learned that duct tape won't fix everything.

use_2_b_sane's picture

Happygolucky it's ok to laugh, laughter is all I've got left. And it is funny to read the stupid things they do. The duct tape is classic!!!